Start the era of black technology

Chapter 914 Interstellar Battleship Battle [Second More]

United States, Black Palace, the scene of the press conference.

The first boss finished a three-minute silence with everyone. A man in a military uniform immediately came to the first boss and handed a folder to the first boss.

The first gangster's face changed, and he waved his hand, and the soldier bowed and left.

The first boss took the folder and turned back. After discussing with the senior government and the leaders of the two parties for almost a minute, he returned to the podium again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have two news to announce"

"Apocalypse group's interstellar spacecraft destroyed our Mars space station!" The first boss announced this with a serious face.

The reporters at the scene were once again confounded, and all the people watching the live broadcast were also dumbfounded. Is this going to start a fight?

"There is another news, Eagle Country, E Country, TC, and the three countries have entered nuclear war preparations." The top leader announced another news.

This time, everyone was no longer dumbfounded, but the shocked souls flew away.

What is the situation? The Eagle, E, and TC have all entered nuclear war preparations. What are they going to do? Is the world about to enter a nuclear war?

Many national leaders who watched the live broadcast are also stupid, especially the European national leaders.

This is not a trivial matter, a bad one, when a global nuclear war starts, mankind will enter the countdown to extinction.

"I have just communicated with the senior government and Congress, and now I declare"

"The U.S. nation has entered a state of emergency, the military has entered a state of nuclear war preparations, and the country has entered a stage of comprehensive nuclear war preparations." The top leader directly announced the news.

The whole scene is in chaos. It is no joke that the four nuclear powers are fully prepared and ready for combat. If one of the parties fires a nuclear bomb with a shake of their hands, mankind will perish.

"Ladies and gentlemen, be quiet, be quiet,..." the first boss said directly, even after a few quiet talks, the reporters could stabilize.

"This battle is in our predictions, and even the reactions of various countries are in our expectations"

"The U.S. country has the absolute strength to reshape the order of the earth and let mankind out of the nuclear shadow," the No. 1 leader said directly, and everyone was taken aback.

Many people are puzzled, including many national leaders watching the live broadcast.

Everyone is thinking about a question, what gives the confidence of the No. 1 American leader.

"Look up, everyone," the first boss pointed to the sky after he finished speaking.

Everyone looked up, and soon they saw an interstellar battleship, and when everyone was shocked, countless fighters flew out of the interstellar battleship.

Densely flying in the air.

The first boss waved his hand to the air, and the densely packed fighters began to fly back to the interstellar battleship.

"Gentlemen and ladies, including the leaders of various countries watching the live broadcast"

"This is our interstellar warship in the United States. Our five interstellar warships have entered the stage of combat readiness, and have enough strength to set things out of chaos and reshape the order of the earth."

"The senior executives of the Apocalypse Group watching the live broadcast, I know that your Apocalypse Group has also built an interstellar battleship. Come on, let me see the strength of your Apocalypse Group."

"I want you to understand what a superpower is!"

"I declare war on you!"

"The U.S. will win!" After the first boss said, he turned and left with a group of high-level officials.

The reporters at the scene can no longer care about asking questions, all of them are going crazy, and they must go home immediately and take the children to the shelter.

The nuclear war is about to begin.

Half an hour later, the Prime Minister of the Eagle State issued a tough statement that the US order was not accepted by the Eagle State and expelled the US ambassador to the Eagle State.

The Eagle Nation declares war on the United States!

Everyone saw this statement made by Eagle Country on the Internet and they were dumbfounded.

Is the Eagle Country crazy? It has declared war on the United States.

Not only the leaders of other countries, but the people of Eagle Nation are also in a state of mental breakdown at this moment, and many people are starting to go crazy.

The senior officials of the Eagle Country are not crazy, but are extremely shrewd.

Although there is a secret agreement with Xu Ping An, I don't know when Xu Ping will fulfill the promise, or when the promise of a planet can be fulfilled.

Declaring war directly now is tantamount to driving Xu Ping An to a corner. If this promise is not fulfilled, the reputation of the entire Tianqi Group, including Xu Ping, will be ruined.

Although it has declared war, the United States will not deal with Eagle Nation in the first place, and will only consider the issue of Eagle Nation after the victory or defeat with the Tianqi Group.

This is a big bet.

The leaders of the European Union, TC, E country, and many countries are already watching satellite images.

On Corey Denver Island, four huge interstellar warships launched, one to the Middle East, one to Europe, one to Asia, and one to the United States.

Soon, an interstellar warship flew to the U.S. military base near Mauritius. This is an air base where more than 100 U.S. aircraft of various types are stationed.

When the interstellar warship was approaching, the fighter jets had already taken off and greeted the interstellar warship directly.

Air-to-air missiles flew toward the Tianqi Group star warship.

At the same time, the interstellar warship also began to attack, but instead of using missiles, but a bunch of energy beams, while attacking, six flying saucers popped directly below.

The six flying saucers directly greeted the fighter plane.


"Boom boom boom ..." explosion sounded in the air.

Through satellite images, leaders of all countries can see clearly that there is a huge flame and smoke in the sky.

Soon, the flames and smoke dissipated,

Everyone was shocked!

The Star Warship of the Apocalypse Group was undamaged, but dozens of U.S. fighter planes were falling in black smoke.

What the hell is this!

The missile attack turned out to be invalid on the Star Warship of the Apocalypse Group!

"Si Si Si Si" all the leaders who saw this picture began to breathe in a daze.

The air battle is still going on. The flying saucers of the Tianqi Group are too fast and the fighters can’t keep up. The flying saucers are blurred on the screen, which shows that it is difficult for satellites to capture the images of the flying saucers.

In just one or two minutes, the air battle was over, and the Apocalypse Group's interstellar battleship won with the help of the flying saucer.


Immediately afterwards, the flying saucers began to attack the ground base. After a series of explosions, the military base of the Mi Army was completely razed to the ground.

The flying saucer slowly flew to the bottom of the interstellar spaceship, and soon the interstellar warship continued to fly towards Europe.

"Oh! Ooh! Ooh!" The high level of Eagle Country cheered when they saw this picture in the refuge.

Right bet!

The Star Warship of the Apocalypse Group is really powerful, and the air power of the United States is ineffective against the Star Warship of the Apocalypse Group.

Seeing this picture, many national leaders are Mongolian.

What is the strength of the Star Warship of the Apocalypse Group? Why are those missiles useless to the Star Warship? Everyone is dull and does not understand the reason.

TC, in the refuge, the big guys were also dumbfounded, shocked by the Star Warship of the Apocalypse Group.

"I know, I know, this is an invisible shield, and Tianqi Group has broken through the four forces," a mechanics expert stood up and said with shock.

In the confusion of the big guys, this one began to spit out the stars and began to explain what the four forces are unified. After some explanation, the big guys were even more shocked.

"Xu Ping'an hides so deeply!" A big man said this sentence with a sullen face and solemn tone.

The other bigwigs also nodded. Now everyone understands why Xu Ping'an dared not fear the United States. With this weapon in hand, it is really fearless!

"The Eagle Country dares to declare war on the United States. It should be known about the strength of the Tianqi Group and what our relevant departments are doing."

"Smack" a big man slapped his deputy on the sofa and said.

No one said anything.

Soon, the U.S. military bases in Europe were completely razed to the ground, and the interstellar warship began to hover over the Eagle Nation, and at the same time contacted the Eagle Nation high-level officials.

The senior officials of the Eagle Country are more at ease.

Immediately afterwards, the US military bases in the Middle East were no exception. They were all razed to the ground by the interstellar warships. The interstellar warships turned around and flew directly towards the South Pacific.

Suppression, the US military bases also did not avoid being razed to the ground.

The US military base, including Australia, was also completely flattened and razed to the ground. The Australian side did not react at all, and it is strictly forbidden for troops to fire on the Star Warship of the Tianqi Group.

The United States is in Country H, and Japan’s military bases have not avoided being razed to the ground.

However, these two military bases resisted a bit and sent fighter planes to attack Balai Island, all of which were intercepted by the laser defense system.

After cleaning up the military bases in the U.S. and Asia, the interstellar spacecraft turned around and flew towards the South Pacific. This is the main battlefield.

An interstellar warship of the Apocalypse Group has already started a war with the interstellar warship of the United States.

The entire battlefield is full of flames and smoke.

Numerous missiles began to attack the interstellar warships of the Apocalypse Group. The sound fusion in the interstellar warship was operating at full capacity, providing sufficient energy for the magnetic shield.

The star warships of the Apocalypse Group had already begun to falter under the siege. The four star warships were besieging, and the energy consumption was too fast.

What's more, there are laser weapon attacks.

The Star Warship has been damaged.

At this moment, an interstellar battleship came to support it, sharing a lot of firepower, and the battlefield in the air became even more popular.

At every moment, American fighter planes were shot down and plunged into the sea.

This interstellar battleship scene deeply shocked all national leaders who watched through satellites.

The Apocalypse Group and the United States are really terrifying.

In the United States, the No. 1 boss and the big bosses were watching the video in the refuge, everyone frowned, and the scene before them was not what they expected.

"Start the flying saucer attack" the first boss immediately ordered.

A soldier next to him immediately stood up and called aside to convey the order of the first boss.

An inconspicuous small hill in Nevada suddenly began to sway, and it split from the middle within a short time.

With a "swish", a silver light flashed by.

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