Start the era of black technology

Chapter 915 It is necessary to keep a qualified enemy! [Third more, ask for a reward! Subscribe!

In the South Pacific, seven interstellar warships in the air started a war.

Countless drones and flying saucers are flying in the air, and all kinds of missiles are overwhelming with clear traces of ballistics.

From time to time, beams of light flashed, and laser weapons were attacking again and again.

In just ten minutes, the number of UAVs lost in the United States reached more than two hundred.

"Boom......" A loud voice came out.

A huge mushroom cloud appeared,

An interstellar warship in the United States was blown up!

A huge shock wave appeared, which caused great damage to the drones on the battlefield, and the very drones were completely destroyed by the shock wave.

At the same time, three flying saucers of the Tianqi Group were swept into the water by the shock wave.

This image was captured by satellites, and leaders of all countries were shocked that such a powerful interstellar warship in the United States was blown up.

This is the picture they said they saw, on the sea, fighting is also going on.

In the Indian Ocean, a huge wave suddenly rose into the sky, which was caused by the explosion of nuclear submarines and nuclear bombs on the seabed.

After the monstrous wave fell, a huge ripple was directly formed, and it began to rippling in all directions.

The seasides of many countries have begun to see the backflow of seawater and suddenly retracted.

Just when many people couldn't figure it out, huge waves began to appear, rushing directly towards the shore.

"Didididi..." The harsh tsunami siren began to sound.

Under the sea, more than 400 single-person attack submarines of the Tianqi Group are engaged in a battle with a complete nuclear submarine formation in the United States.

It is not only the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean, but also fighting under the sea.

Is it right? There is a huge wave soaring directly from the sea without warning.

The United States has also built a lot of small single-person attack submarines. This time the global war started, the number of small single-person attack submarines used by both sides was as high as 20,000.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength!

Both sides know this truth, now is a desperate time, how much power can be used.

Retaining strength can only be a dead end.

The Italian side began to indulge the Apocalypse Arms Company last year. All weapons produced by the Apocalypse Arms Company can leave Italy without going through customs.

Make up a formality afterwards.

This incident is very secretive, and the outside world does not know it.

This is a transaction of 100 billion euros, which shows that Xu Ping'an is willing.

On this day, tsunami warnings sounded in many countries, and the coastlines of many countries were hit by huge waves, causing countless losses.

The scene of the battle over the South Pacific.

"Swish" a silver light appeared, directly penetrating an interstellar battleship of the Apocalypse Group.

With a "boom...", a huge mushroom cloud appeared again.

"Oh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" The biggest U.S. boss and other bosses started cheering at the shelter.

The U.S. even has a killer, which surprised many people, including Xu Ping'an, who watched the scene through the fantasy warship in outer space.

"Start the Discovery spacecraft and get rid of this flying saucer" Xu Pingan said immediately, and the Protoss began to do it.

On the bottom of the South Pacific Ocean, a huge model of interstellar warship suddenly began to move, and it set off directly in a forty-five-degree diagonal line and flew toward the sea level.

Behind him was a deep vacuum, the speed was too fast for the sea to close.

When the Discovery spacecraft flew out of the sea level, another huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky, and another star warship of the Apocalypse Group was penetrated by a flying saucer.

Just when the Eagle Nation was stupid, Havin yelled, "Look, Apocalypse Group has one more interstellar warship."

The big guys immediately watched attentively.

I saw this interstellar battleship with the Apocalypse Group logo flying into the air, but did not fly towards the battlefield, just when everyone was lost.

"Swish" a light appeared, directly setting the U.S. flying saucer in midair.

Seeing this picture, everyone was stupefied, including the number one leader of the United States and the leaders of various countries.

At first I thought that the Apocalypse Group would win, and then the U.S. trump card appeared, and immediately killed the two star warships of the Apocalypse Group.

When I thought that the U.S. Congress won, another star warship of the Apocalypse Group appeared and directly anchored the U.S. UFO that had just made great achievements.

Under the gaze of countless satellites in outer space, the flying saucer anchored by the star battleship of the Apocalypse Group began to slowly disintegrate.

Every time it was wrong, it was disintegrated, and the huge flying saucer began to disappear bit by bit.

What kind of weapon is this, and why is it so terrifying.

The leaders of various countries who saw this scene were collectively petrified.

Soon, the U.S. secret weapon, flying saucer, disappeared from the eyes of everyone.

Everyone in the Mi Army’s interstellar battleship was stupid, how could this be? It was a real extraterrestrial civilization flying saucer, that’s all.

No one accepts this result.

Inside the high-rise underground refuge in the United States

"Impossible, impossible"

"This is definitely not an interstellar warship built by the Apocalypse Group, this is a complete interstellar warship with extraterrestrial civilization," a man in a general's costume stood up and said.

Everyone’s face is black, and everyone thinks of a place, Columbia Apocalypse Botanical Garden.

Back then, Xu Pingan really got an extraterrestrial civilization warship.

"Asshole, Xu Ping'an hides too deeply, we were fooled" the first boss said with an annoyed look.

Now the No. 1 boss has figured it out. Xu Ping'an plays this way to get the US to attack him first, so that he can occupy the commanding heights of moral public opinion.

Departing from the earth to Mars is a trap, a bait to catch the big fish in the United States.

Xu Pingan used this as an excuse to clean up the country with integrity.

The entire huge room was silent, and they were all idiots. Those present were all the elites among the elites. How could I not understand this when I heard the first big brother.

"All nuclear bombs are on standby," the first boss said with a crazy face.

The others were all shocked, and the general next to him looked at the first boss with shocked expressions.

"Didn't you hear my order, all nuclear bombs are on standby?" The first boss turned his head and shouted at the general.

"Yes", the general saluted and immediately carried a black box to the first boss and opened the box.

"Big brother, press the yellow button, and all nuclear bomb bases will enter a first-level ready state" the general said while watching the first boss.

The expression on his face showed that he didn't want the first big guy to press the button.

The first big guy turned his head and looked at the other big guys, and many people looked like that.

"Gentlemen, we have no retreat, so plan for the worst. When necessary, we can only take the earth to bury him," the first boss said with a firm expression.

outside world.

The South Pacific goes to battle.

After the flying saucer was destroyed by the Star Warship of the Apocalypse Group, the Star Warship did not fly to the battlefield, but hovered in the air.

Soon, beams of light began to fly out of the interstellar battleship.

"Boom", "boom" and "boom" three huge sounds came out.

Three huge mushroom clouds began to rise, and everyone here understood that the remaining three interstellar warships in the United States were destroyed.

The huge mushroom cloud dissipated, and the huge light dissipated.

Only two interstellar warships stayed on the entire battlefield, both of which belonged to the Apocalypse Group.

One of the interstellar warships was surrounded by more than twenty flying saucers.

At this time, the two interstellar warships began to set off toward the US mainland.

Seeing this, the leaders of all countries understand that Tianqi Group has won.

It's just that more people are beginning to worry. You must know that the United States has the world's largest nuclear arsenal, once these nuclear bombs are launched.

Humanity will usher in the end.

Eagle country, in the high-level refuge.

The Prime Minister hung up the call with a solemn expression. The call was just made by the number one U.S. leader. The U.S. can admit defeat and the Tianqi Group must stop all actions.

If the Apocalypse Group continues to attack, the United States will launch all nuclear bombs to clean the earth.

After discussing with the senior officials, the Prime Minister called Xu Ping'an directly, and after communicating, he hung up the phone and looked at everyone.

"Gentlemen, now we have reached the stage where we really need God's blessing," the Prime Minister said bitterly.

Everyone present had heard what Xu Pingan said just now.

Xu Ping Anhui personally talked to the No. 1 American boss, and now it has reached a critical moment concerning the survival of mankind.

U.S., in a high-level refuge.

The first boss started talking to Xu Pingan.

outside world,

The two interstellar warships began to sweep the U.S. according to the predetermined plan. All military bases must be completely destroyed. This is something that must be done.

There were loud explosions all over the country, and the Americans hiding in the basement began to panic all day long.

At this time, the Explorer took off directly to the highest point.

The interstellar warship in the Eagle Nation also started to set off toward the U.S., and soon arrived in the U.S. to join the operation to clean up the military base.

According to the plan, not only military bases will be destroyed, but many military factories and ammunition storage warehouses in the United States, including the location of aircraft storage warehouses, will also be razed to the ground.

Completely destroy the war power of the United States.

Suddenly, seven missile launch ports were opened at the same time in the wasteland of the western wilderness of the United States, and five missile launch ports were opened in the Alaska area.

Greenland’s thick ice cracked, and five missile launch ports appeared.

The missiles from all launch ports are launched at the same time. These are not ordinary missiles. They are all nuclear bombs with nuclear warheads.

Spots of light began to appear on the exploratory spacecraft hovering at high altitude, and 17 beams were launched at the same time, each of which accurately hit a missile.

The missile exploded about 20 meters above the ground.

Seventeen huge mushroom clouds began to rise.

Seeing this picture, the leaders of all countries began to worry. The United States really intends to clean the earth, and hope that the Star Warship of the Apocalypse Group can withstand it.

Inside the high-level refuge in the United States.

"You can see it, I said that the nuclear missiles you launched can't lift off at all." Xu Ping'an's voice was uploaded from the huge screen in front of him.

"This interstellar warship was not built by you, but you obtained it from the Columbia Botanical Garden. Am I right," the first boss said directly.

"Yes, this interstellar warship was not built by the Apocalypse Group. It is an alien warship that has been leading the earth's technology for many years."

"I don't care if you clean the earth at all. My family, as well as the family members of the senior leaders of the Apocalypse Group are already on Mars. I don't care."

"Besides, do you still think that nuclear bombs are a threat to me?"

"Don't say it's a nuclear bomb, even if you talk about biochemical virus weapons attacking me, do you think it will work for me?" Xu Ping's expression appeared on the huge screen with a sarcasm.

The first boss looked bitter and helpless, turned his head and looked at the other bosses. Just now Xu Ping'an had already offered the conditions, and the U.S. must accept it without making any counter-offers.

If you don’t accept it, you will erase the country from the earth.

Xu Ping'an now really has this kind of strength.

"I have a question." A big guy beside him stood up and looked at Xu Ping An.

"You said" Xu Ping'an had an indifferent expression.

"Since you already have this kind of power, why don't you just wipe our country of America from the earth, and why let us exist?" The boss looked at Xu Ping'an and asked this question.

"It's very simple, I need to leave an enemy for my offspring"

"As you did in the United States, the second place in the world is your enemy"

"A powerful enemy will keep people awake, alert, and keep moving forward."

"People are inherently dead, and I don't want my descendants to die in drunkenness after my death in the future."

"It is necessary to keep a qualified enemy!" Xu Ping'an said this calmly.

After hearing Xu Ping'an's words, everyone's heart was shocked. They stared at Xu Ping'an on the screen in front of them blankly. They didn't expect that Xu Ping's thought had reached this point.

This is the idea that the leaders of the world's top countries possess!

From Xu Ping'an's words, one can feel the faint domineering, treating the enemy as nothing!

Xu Pingan no longer regarded the United States as a major enemy, or that the US has ceased to be a threat to Xu Pingan from now on.

Just a tool to hone the offspring;

That's it!

This is a kind of grandeur!

A grandeur that you have to take!

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