Start the era of black technology

Chapter 918 I'm afraid I won't see that day

On this day, the interstellar spacecraft boarded by Xu Pingan, President of Tianqi Group, returned to Earth, and landed slowly on the Island of Edreus.

Basically all the senior officials of Tianqi Group arrived at Idrius Island to pick up their family members and attend the Tianqi Group high-level meeting by the way.

Now that Tianqi Group has a different status, it must have a new blueprint and a clear positioning of itself.

Therefore, it is necessary to convene a high-level meeting.

After getting off the spacecraft, Xu Ping'an immediately issued a notice, and all the high-level officials took a two-day rest, and then had a meeting two days later, to give everyone enough time to reunite.

TC, Imperial Capital, relevant departments.

In the boss Zuo Hongyi's office, Zuo Hongyi was discussing things with Liu Wenjun. It can be seen that Liu Wenjun is still in a trance at this moment.

Zuo Hongyi sighed silently in his heart, ashamed of his older brother Liu Shanhe. Liu Shanhe is Liu Wenjun's father, who has already passed away. The two families have been friends with each other for decades.

The only daughter of my brother now looks like this, because I didn't take care of Liu Wenjun.

It was a coincidence that year, Liu Wenjun was admitted by Xu Pingan to become an assistant. Although Xu Pingan was just a wealthy businessman at the time, it was necessary to put a few people in Tianqi Group as time changed.

The best candidate is Liu Wenjun, Xu Pingan's assistant. According to common sense, as the assistant to the president of a large group, he must have access to company secrets.

But who knows that Xu Ping'an does not take the usual path. As the assistant to the president, Liu Wenjun did not get many confidential matters of Tianqi Group. Not only that, but also lost himself for so many years.

The body and mind were greatly hurt.

"Wen Jun, I have suffered you all these years"

"You take a good rest, and the Ministry retains your level and salary. When do you feel okay, and when will you come to work again," Zuo Hongyi said while looking at Liu Wenjun.

"Director, I don't want to do undercover work anymore, I'm tired" Liu Wenjun said directly.

"Where do you want to work" Zuo Hongyi asked.

Liu Wenjun thought for a while and said, "I don't know, just relax, as long as it's not in an intriguing environment."

Zuo Hongyi thought for a while, then looked at Liu Wenjun, and made a decision in his heart.

"Wenjun, you take a rest for a month. I will arrange it. You can go directly to the International Relations Research Center of XX University as a deputy director."

"The administrative level will follow the vice-principal level. Let me make arrangements. You don't care about the specific matters, and your status is relatively detached," Zuo Hongyi said seriously.

"Thank you Uncle Zuo" Liu Wenjun said seriously.

"I didn't take good care of you. Back then, I shouldn't have let you stay with Xu Ping'an." Zuo Hongyi was also full of regret.

After the two chatted for a while, Liu Wenjun left, and Zuo Hongyi personally sent Liu Wenjun out of the office.

After driving away from the relevant department, Liu Wenjun did not go home. He drove all the way to the suburbs, stopped at the station by the roadside, and looked at the small river in front of him.

Xu Ping'an was still thinking in his mind, who was in a daze.

After a long time, he sighed for a long time, "sigh...", he and Xu Ping'an were like small rivers, unable to turn their heads.

When leaving the Tianqi Group, Darina gave Liu Wenjun a card, which Xu Pingan asked Darina to pass on.

There are 100 million euros in the card, which is enough for Liu Wenjun to spend the rest of his life comfortably.

But this billion euros is completely disproportionate to what I lost. Who would have thought that Tianqi Group could win against the United States.

He shook his head slightly with a bitter face. The road was chosen by himself, and there was no turning back. He sighed again and turned into the car and drove home directly.

Two days passed quickly, and Tianqi Group's high-level meeting was held as scheduled.

Xu Pingan looked at everyone present and began to speak.

"Everyone, after so many years of hard work, we have won, and Tianqi Group has overcome this difficulty and broke new ground."

"Our path of development is completely opened, and we can freely develop towards new goals in the future."

"When I was on Mars, the magnetic field at the north and south poles of Mars had been activated, and the reconstruction of the Martian atmosphere had begun."

"The current environment on Mars is very bad. Although all this is in our expectations, we must also endure the effects of the bad environment for a period of time."

"According to the development needs of Tianqi Group, I decided to start the impact plan to move Mars 100 meters toward the sun."

"Once the plan is completed, after the Martian atmosphere has initially stabilized and formed a cycle, the temperature of Mars will increase, and the habitable area will be greatly increased."

"At that time, we can let go of our hands and feet to build our homes, no longer need to live in the base, and we can enjoy the sun, beach, wine and food with our family outdoors."

"I guarantee that the atmosphere of Mars is definitely better than that of the earth."

"In order to cope with the new international situation, many of you will have their positions adjusted. After the adjustment, your salary will only rise and not fall." Xu Ping'an laughed when he said here, and everyone also laughed.

"Kirin" Xu Ping'an said.

"Here" Chen Qilin stood up.

"Organize personnel to design the Mars residence ID card. In the future, everyone who lives on Mars must have an ID card. This is a symbol of status."

"The design is beautiful, not good enough, but I will deduct your salary" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"President, please rest assured, I will satisfy the president," Chen Qilin said directly. Xu Ping'an smiled and waved his hand to let Chen Qilin sit down.

They all understand what the Mars ID card represents. Now that Mars coin and Mars ID card are available, the next step..., many people are full of expectations.

"Kyle, starting with you, report on Poseidon's condition" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Yes" Kyle agreed to stand up.

The meeting began to normal, and time passed slowly. At noon, everyone laughed and ate lunch, took a two-hour break, and continued the meeting in the afternoon.

The meeting lasted for two days before it ended. Xu Ping An gave all the senior executives a week of vacation. After two days of rest on Idrius Island, he left Idrius Island with his family and returned to TC.

Xu Qian and Xu Wentao did not go back by plane. They continued to travel to Portugal and Eagle Country under aliases, and have received 100 million euros in entrepreneurial funding from Xu Pingan.

The two have to start their own business.

Xu Pingan returned to J City for two days to rest. On the third day, Wei Dongshuo came to the door. The two went upstairs and talked for a while, and then left by car together.

A special plane was already waiting at the airport, and the two got on the plane and flew directly to the Imperial Capital.

Two days later, Xu Pingan returned to City J on a chartered flight alone, while Wei Dongshuo returned to City J only two days later.

At the headquarters of Tianqi Group, Xu Ping'an began to have video conversations with European bigwigs after going to work. After two full days of work, it was over.

Everyone felt relieved, and while at ease, they were also deeply shocked.

Xu Pingan said very clearly that Mars will not be open to the outside world in a short time because Tianqi Group is busy changing the Martian environment and recreating the Martian atmosphere.

After completion, the ecological environment of Mars will become similar to that of the earth, and then it will be open to the outside world. All countries are welcome to invest and develop.

This process takes about a year.

During this period, the interstellar spacecraft of various countries do not need to stop, and they can continue to fly to Mars to transport materials and go in accordance with commercial contracts. In short, all countries will not suffer.

There is no problem if you want to immigrate to Mars in the future, as long as you comply with the legal procedures, everything is not a problem.

The future Mars is a fully developed Mars.

At the same time, Xu Pingan also made a promise that Tianqi Group Technology is currently publicizing new materials for interstellar spacecraft. As long as the new materials are successful, the time from Earth to Mars can be shortened a lot.

How much time can be shortened depends on the new material data.

If it breaks through and meets the standards of Tianqi Group, Tianqi Group will carry out free modification of the interstellar spacecraft sold, and countries only need to pay for the materials.

The next target, Titan, the moon of Saturn with an atmosphere, is a good target.

A new type of interstellar spacecraft can enter Titan. With the gradual opening of technology by the Apocalypse Group, human life on Titan will soon be realized in the future.

If countries abandon Titan, the Apocalypse Group will fully enter Titan.

As a result, no country refused.

Xu Pingan’s calculation has already given countries a clear goal. In the future, the speed of interstellar spacecraft will break through, and Mars will be a good material transfer station.

Eagle country, a group of high-level officials are in a meeting.

"Apocalypse Group can really make the environment of Mars the same as the Earth, how do I feel that it is the same as the Arabian Nights" Havin frowned.

"Harvin, the news from the United States, Xu Ping'an has personally admitted that he has obtained the warship of extraterrestrial civilization"

"It is precisely because Xu Pingan has the warship of extraterrestrial civilization that Tianqi Group won the final victory. Can you guarantee that he has not obtained some extraterrestrial civilization technology" John said with a calm face.

"The world recognizes that Xu Ping'an is the luckiest person in this century, and now it seems that he really deserves his name."

"All kinds of good things are thrown on him, even warships of extraterrestrial civilization are there, and nothing is new."

"Even if Xu Ping'an tells me to live in the sun tomorrow, I won't be surprised" a big man said sourly, everyone began to shake their heads and smile bitterly.

"If the environment of Mars becomes the same as that of the earth, the foundation of Tianqi Group will be established, and it will be a real interstellar power. In the future, Xu Ping'an's promise will also have the possibility of fulfilling."

"I really hope that in the rest of my life we ​​can see our Great Eagle Empire has a planet of its own," the Prime Minister said slowly.

Everyone nodded, everyone is really not too young, I'm afraid that day will not be seen.

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