Start the era of black technology

Chapter 919 This is the second time I have experienced this feeling


Mars at this moment is different from usual.

The outside climate is icy and the wind is biting.

In just over three months, the temperature of Mars has dropped by eleven degrees.

Even in the daytime, even near the equator where the sun shines directly, the same is true. You can hear the whistling of the external gale inside the base.

The appearance of the magnetic field has added an invisible barrier to Mars, and the atmosphere has begun to be locked in. During the accumulation, carbon dioxide gas has an absolute advantage.

There is a lot of dust in the air. If PM2.5 is tested, it will definitely exceed the standard, at least several hundred times more.

The ratio of oxygen to hydrogen in the atmosphere is too low to form water molecules, and dust cannot be brought to the ground by water molecules.

At present, more than forty synthetic water workstations have begun to operate, and the artificial leaf tower is constantly transforming carbon dioxide, and trickles of water are leaking out of the pipeline every moment.

The pipeline extends to a huge canyon.

The water flows into this gorge.

If you walk to the bottom of the canyon at this moment, you will find that there is not much wetness at the bottom, and the water has been absorbed by the soil on both sides before it reaches the bottom of the canyon.

Wanting to fill the entire canyon cannot be done in a short time.

The earth, the outside world is calm, and there is no media focusing on the Tianqi Group.

The bigwigs of various countries have repositioned the Tianqi Group and greeted the influential big media in their own countries, prohibiting the report of a news about Tianqi Group.

Now people’s media browsing international news is basically all kinds of gossip news from celebrities and the chaos in the US.

In the foreign exchange market, the Korean currency can be exchanged for 5.7 meters in a day. This is something that I didn't dare to imagine before. It is conceivable that the value of the meter has depreciated.

After several months of hard-core rectification, the No. 1 U.S. tycoon has restored law and order in the capital and several surrounding cities. People of African descent who usually march at every turn.

More than 6,000 people were executed, and many Africans fled the capital and surrounding cities.

Although this approach has had a very good effect in a short time, it has planted a deeper hatred.

Now, the National Guard has begun to assemble and begin to expand outward, advancing city by city until the order of all cities is restored.

Europe and the United States can be said to be one, regardless of the incompatible posture of the two sides, the high economic sanctions, meetings and quarrels.

At present, Europe still has the most supplies to aid the United States, and all kinds of machinery and equipment, and all kinds of loans, are very smooth.

Time passed slowly for more than a month. On Idrius Island and Corey Denver Island, an interstellar spacecraft took off. The ship carried a complete set of meteorite engines and flew towards the originally marked giant meteorite. go with.

More than half a month later, two interstellar spacecraft took off on the island of Edreus. The spacecraft was modified and filled with sea water.

When the impact is complete, the mission of the two interstellar spacecraft is to spray water into the Martian atmosphere to reduce the amount of dust in the atmosphere.

At the same time, the interstellar spacecraft of the Celestial Dynasty also successively flew to the interstellar spacecraft construction factory of Tianqi Group, and began to transform.

After the transformation is completed, sea water will be loaded to transport sparks for sprinkling.

The Starships of Eagle Country, the Starships of the European Union, the Starships of Japan, and the Starships of Country E, including those originally belonging to the United States, will all be transformed one after another, and all of them will also transport sea water.

In Europe, Eagle Country, Country E, and Japan, anyway, Xu Pingan pays for the freight and treats it as a training driver.

The United States even directly dealt with the four interstellar spacecraft it owned directly to the Tianqi Group in exchange for 100 billion euros in funds.

Now the United States can no longer take care of going to the interstellar. Instead of letting these spacecraft scrap, it is better to sell them in exchange for funds to tide over the difficulties.

When the economy recovers, it's okay to buy a new type of interstellar spacecraft.

Even if the Tianqi Group paid in installments, the United States agreed.

TC also directly processed two interstellar spacecraft to Xu Ping An. The transaction price was 80 billion euros, which was much higher than that of the United States.

In Lisbon, Portugal, an investment company called Interstellar Capital was established.

This is an investment company founded by Xu Qian. The chief financial officer is a right-hand man secretly dispatched by Niels. This was agreed by Xu Ping An.

Eagle Country, London.

A software company doing outsourcing business was wholly acquired by Seal Capital. The boss of this Seal Capital is Xu Wentao.

Agree, the treasurer of Seal Capital was also dispatched by Niels.

Compared with Xu Wentao, Xu Qian is a step slower. Xu Wentao has already started the acquisition.

TC, Xu Kun has entered the Tianqi Scientific Research Group, has an independent biological cell gene laboratory, and continues on the road of exploring technology.

Xu Ping'an became a simple one. Apart from going to the company, I didn't go there at home, writing and writing calligraphy at home every day, or accompanied Isabella on a walk.


Xu Pingan is waiting for the end of the Mars environmental transformation.

Many countries are also waiting, including TC, Xu Pingan has made a promise to all countries that when you truly occupy a planet, Tianqi Group will tailor an environmental transformation plan for each country.

It's free.

This promise is very attractive to all countries. Everyone wants to monopolize a planet.

Now it depends on the results of the Tianqi Group's transformation of the Martian environment. If it really changes the Martian environment and makes the Martian environment suitable for human living.

All countries will focus on space, march into space in an all-round way, and find suitable planets to live in.

It can be said that all are waiting for the results of Mars transformation.

Three months passed slowly.

On this day, two interstellar spacecraft full of seawater have reached the outer space of Mars. They did not land on Mars, but stayed in outer space.

Waiting, waiting for the other two interstellar spacecraft to install small acoustic fusion engines on the meteorite.

Above the two huge meteorites, more than one hundred people are busy operating equipment.

To make meteorites fly in a fixed direction quickly, this requires a lot of thrust. Normal engines cannot work, and only acoustic fusion engines can be used.

It is estimated that the installation can be completed in another half a month.

One month has passed slowly, the engine has been installed, and the debugging work has been completed, everything is normal, now I am waiting for Xu Ping's order.

At the Mars base, everyone is busy, busy fixing everything, busy preparing for the impact.

A meteorite impact can form a large shock wave, and even cause a major earthquake. It is impossible not to prepare in advance.

The sound fusion power equipment of the main base has prepared a full amount of raw materials, and the magnetic shield was fully operated to guard the base 30 seconds before the impact.

On this day, Xu Pingan left J city by special plane and flew directly to the headquarters of Dunhuang Tianqi Machinery Group.

After a rest for the night, he directly boarded the interstellar spaceship transformed by the fantasy warship and left. This interstellar warship has always forbidden anyone to approach.

Externally, these Tianqi Group’s technological pinnacles, unmanned interstellar spacecraft, are Xu Pingan’s exclusive interstellar spacecraft.

Except for the transportation of food and living supplies, no one is allowed to approach the spacecraft.

Many people have not discovered that the explorer and spacecraft staying on the bottom of the sea also secretly lifted into the sky, and the two spacecraft converged in a place that the earth satellite could not monitor.

Then turn on the normal speed to fly away from Mars.

In four hours, the two spacecraft were out of Mars, and they were all in stealth.

Ordinarily, the presence of the Fantasy Race warship is foolproof, but Xu Ping'an is a little worried, and directly transfers to the explorer just in case, there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

"Xingling, how is the situation" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Everything is normal, and the collision can be carried out" Protoss said directly.

"Okay, connect to Lenovo, I want to call them to give orders, here is a metamorphosis," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Soon, the environment around Xu Ping'an began to change, becoming exactly the same as the ordinary starship command center. At this time, the communication was connected.

"President" "President" "President" "President"......

Yu Zegang, the person in charge of the Mars base,

Commander of two interstellar ships transporting sea water, Fang Dayong, Charlton

Commanders of two interstellar spacecraft manipulating meteorites, Alexander, Zhuo Wenfeng

"Order, the impact plan will be implemented, start time synchronization" Xu Ping'an said directly.

Everyone began to take action, and all the time was adjusted to be synchronized with the time of the starship where Xu Ping was located.

After receiving replies from everyone, Xu Ping'an calmly issued the command "Now count down, start the impact engine 30 seconds later."

"Yes Yes"

The two commanders Alexander and Zhuo Wenfeng immediately responded, and a thirty-second countdown began to appear on the screen.

"Lao Yu, get ready to activate the magnetic shield" Xu Pingan exhorted.

"I'm already in the command center. When time is up, I just press the magnetic shield activation button," Yu Zegang said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

"Fang Dayong, Charlton, ten minutes after the impact, immediately proceed with the sprinkling plan." Xu Ping'an began to instruct the other two starship commanders.

"Yes" and "Yes" the two replied.

The Mars space station has moved far away from Mars, and an interplanetary spacecraft full of navigation satellites and environmental monitoring satellites is passing.

When the impact was completed, the Mars position moved, they were flying back again.

In the universe, blue flames suddenly appeared on two huge meteorites, and huge thrust was produced, pushing the meteorites to start rushing towards Mars.

It is expected to reach the periphery of Mars within an hour.

At this time, the starship Xu Pingan was riding on had landed on Mars in stealth, and the five-element shield was activated.

Even if the shock wave couldn't pose any threat to the warship, Xu Ping'an began to open the shield, trying to feel at ease.

To put it bluntly, Xu Ping'an has become very cautious because of fear of death.

Time passed bit by bit, and one hour passed quickly. At this time, two huge meteorites had reached the periphery of Mars and rushed directly to the surface of Mars.

With a "pop", Yu Zegang directly pressed the magnetic shield full power activation button.

Immediately, an invisible force enveloped the entire Mars base.

"Boom boom" two huge sounds appeared, and a powerful shock wave began to rush in all directions, sweeping everything!

All don't know.

At the same time when the huge shock wave was generated, a burst of energy disappeared out of thin air and appeared in the star core of Mars. The already weak fire star core suddenly began to react violently.

The angle of Mars began to change, and at the same time, the magnetic fields of the north and south poles began to move at full force. With the help of a special force, the coordinates of Mars changed.

In an instant, he moved a hundred and ten meters toward the sun, which was because the Protoss hadn't controlled the strength.

After doing all this, the Protoss was directly and deeply hidden in Xu Ping'an's body. In an instant, everyone on Mars and the surrounding space felt so depressed.

This kind of repression comes and goes fast, and many people think it is an illusion.

Only Xu Pingan knows that this is not an illusion, this is the second time I have experienced this feeling.

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