Everyone in the interstellar spaceship in the distance, including the commander, was shocked.

Mars has actually shifted. How much energy is needed? It seems that I and others have underestimated the power of meteorite impact.

Ten minutes passed quickly. At this moment, the very weak atmosphere of Mars was dusty waste. This impact produced countless amounts of dust.

The two interstellar spacecraft started and began to slowly descend into the Martian atmosphere. Soon, a thin layer of dust appeared on their bodies, showing how severe the air pollution is.

Looking down through the transparent window, all are reddish, with the unique red features on the dust of Mars.

At the bottom of the spacecraft, hundreds of pipes protruded and started to spray sea water, all of which were still atomized.

The two spaceships traveled very slowly, starting from two directions and moving forward like a snail.

It didn't take a long time, a drop of mud began to fall towards the Martian ground, which could be regarded as rain.

From hundreds of millions of years ago, the Martian atmosphere disappeared and the surface of Mars dried up. Now it has received rain again, even if it is artificial rainfall, it is considered rainwater.

The staff inside the synthetic water station that had been established on the ground shook their heads a little dizzy, and immediately began to operate and began to make changes according to the plan, and the synthetic water was no longer there.

Instead, the converted hydrogen and oxygen are directly discharged, increasing the content of the two gases in the atmosphere.

When the Martian atmosphere forms rain on its own, when will it be over.

On the earth, three interstellar spacecrafts that have completed the loading of sea water took off from Edreus Island and headed straight for Mars.

All the transformed spaceships are unified to the island of Edrius and loaded with seawater. This is because the seawater must be considered to remove seaweed and marine life, and only keep clean seawater.

At present, only one such factory has been built on the island of Edreus. The filtration system is complicated and only one set has been built.

On the second day after the three interstellar spacecraft flew away, two interstellar spacecraft immediately flew over and began to load sea water.

Xu Pingan is mobilizing all his power to transport water to Mars, and all countries are very cooperative. It depends on whether Tianqi Group can really change the environment of Mars.

This involves the policy trends of various countries in the future. If Tianqi Group really has the ability to transform the planetary environment, in the future, various resources will be tilted towards interstellar technology.

A few days later, Xu Ping'an returned to the earth, and no one knew what Xu Ping'an did when he left this time.

Then I started to wait for a long time. Every month, an interstellar spacecraft will set off with full sea water. Take your time. It won't be very effective in a short time.

The Mars base and the ecosphere project team count the surface temperature of Mars every day. Compared with previous records, the night temperature on the surface of Mars has increased.

Although the improvement is not a lot, this is a good phenomenon, which shows that Mars moving 100 meters in the direction of the sun is effective.

In the future, as there is less and less dust in the air, the temperature will continue to rise.

After some discussions, the alien trees that have been genetically modified many times were transplanted outside the base to accept the test of nature.

To be on the safe side, a large hole measuring ten meters by ten meters was dug, and the bottom and surrounding areas were covered with two layers of steel plates of ten centimeters thick to prevent accidents.

Although the temperature at night on Mars is higher than before, it is still one hundred degrees below zero. Such a low temperature did not freeze the alien tree, which really refreshed the project team's understanding of the alien tree.

The entire atmosphere is reddish, obscuring the sky and sparse sunlight.

Even after artificial rainfall, the effect is not very obvious. Compared with the surface of Mars, the sea water sprinkled by the interstellar spacecraft is completely different.

Two days later, the personnel of the project team walked out of the base to observe the alien tree. It was found that the alien tree was not dead and continued to live, completely resisting the cold.

After another month or so, the people on the project team discovered that the alien tree became thicker and taller, which shows how terrifying the growth ability of the alien tree is.

According to instrument testing, the oxygen content in the downwind vents of trees is significantly higher than other places.

The detectors around the underground steel plate also found no signs of wild growth of roots. This is a good phenomenon, indicating that multiple genetic modifications have been successful.

The people of the ecosphere project team started a meeting, and after some discussions, they once again started an experimental field outside the base to plant grass.

See if this specially modified grass can withstand the low temperature.

After making a decision, act immediately and plant a piece of grass in a small area outside the main base.

After one night passed, I checked the next day, and all died, all frozen to death.

After some researchers paid the frozen grass, they stopped taking care of it. The experiment failed and the only way to do it was dumb.

Time has passed slowly, and it has been more than half a year since the Mars impact. The only significant change is to view Mars from the space station. The atmosphere is already visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, this change has been seen by the interstellar spacecraft of various countries when they came to sprinkle water, and the news came back to the earth, and the leaders of all countries were really surprised.

Tianqi Group actually has the ability to change the environment for a week. This ability is really terrifying.

Although the Martian environment has not changed significantly now, everyone knows what the appearance of the atmosphere means, and the atmosphere is the protective layer of the week.

With the emergence of a protective layer, changes in the internal environment will follow. According to this situation, it will only be a matter of time before the Martian environment becomes the same as the Earth.

Many countries have begun to make adjustments and increase investment in space technology research and development, while Mars has not yet fully transformed.

It is hoped that there will be breakthroughs in space technology that can shine in the future and provide technical support for the country to occupy a planet.

In the European Union, the ecosphere project team has received more funds. The above requirement is to increase the intensity and frequency of experiments, and strive to break the current six-month limit and reach one year.

Time passed slowly, and the Chinese New Year was in a blink of an eye, and it was the same as usual. The only difference was that there were fewer relatives coming home now.

Xu Ping’an’s body is becoming more and more majestic, and his relatives are very uncomfortable when they arrive home. They used to stay for dinner, but now they put down their gifts to accompany Xu Hong and his wife and left after talking.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Xu Pingan's staff who cleaned up the company's mischief severely attacked several relatives. These people were arranged by Xu Hong to work in the Tianqi Group branch.

One is more powerful than the other, and the impact is very bad. After Chen Qilin reported to Xu Ping'an, Xu Ping'an ordered these people to be cleaned out directly.

Only those who went to work honestly and ethically stayed.

These dismissed people came to Xu Hong as a family. Xu Ping'an was also at home at the time, and he scolded everything away. An angry Xu Hong had a big quarrel with Xu Ping'an.

Since that time, there have been a lot fewer people eating at Xu's house during the New Year. If Xu Ping'an was at home, he would basically leave without eating.

But now there are quite a few people in the family, and the nine people are also lively together.

On the fifth day of the fifth day, Xu Qian and Xu Wentao left, and Xu Kun resumed his real name. Anyway, Xu Kun’s goal is scientific research, and there is no need to use a pseudonym.

Before regaining his real name, Xu Kun had already proved that he was a qualified scientific researcher.

Everything is calm on the earth, and a new round of adjustment has begun on the Mars base. The synthetic water workstation is adjusted, and half of it continues to maintain carbon dioxide conversion.

The other half started to make water, and the produced water was not discharged into the canyon, but directly discharged into the depression not far from the workstation.

Direct exposure to the air.

At the same time, start the establishment of the second batch of synthetic water workstations, this time the goal is one thousand.

On the sixth day of the sixth day, Xu Pingan accompanied Miao Yiyi to the imperial capital, and on the seventh day of the day, he went to Quanzhou to meet with Mabo and the others.

On the tenth day, Xu Pingan went to work in Hangzhou Tianqi Technology Park.

Now everything is very peaceful, waiting for the results of the Martian environment transformation, so is Xu Ping'an.

In the office, Xu Ping'an was drinking tea by himself, communicating with Protoss in his head, asking Protoss if he could do it faster.

"It can allow explorers to collect hydrogen and oxygen on other planets, and then release them on Mars, speeding up the reaction of the Martian atmosphere."

"However, this is not much faster"

"Because the formation of the Martian climate takes time, without a suitable climate, you cannot fix the surface of Mars and control carbon dioxide by planting green plants," the Protoss said directly.

"It's a little bit faster. I will arrange people to focus on planting near the equator, first focusing on alien trees, and gradually expanding the green planting area."

"After the other hardy plants are cultivated on the earth, they will be transported to Mars immediately," Xu Pingan said directly.

"Well, I will dispatch the Explorer now" The Protoss said directly and fell silent.

Opening his eyes, Xu Ping'an took out the phone and began to call Chen Fansheng to communicate about this matter. After he said his request, Chen Fan's head grew a lot.

"President, it is difficult for the green plants on the surface of Mars to survive. The biggest problem is that the temperature difference is too large."

"Although we have restarted the Martian atmosphere and the temperature difference has narrowed, it is still very scary. The temperature during the day is 13 degrees, and at night it is about minus 150 degrees."

"Seriously, the survival of the alien tree has exceeded my expectations" Chen Fansheng said very distressed.

"Why are you so stupid, green plants are not good, moss and lichen, these two plants are very frost-resistant, can live with water, why not modify them," Xu Ping'an said uncomfortably.

Chen Fan was stunned, and his brain quickly reacted, "President, I immediately organized a special team to bring lichen and moss to Mars for experimentation."

"You immediately arrange the personnel and equipment so that they can gather on Idrius Island within a week"

"Take the top secret spacecraft of our Apocalypse Group to Mars, and you will be able to reach within a week."

"Tell them, this matter is top secret," Xu Ping'an said directly.

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