Start the era of black technology

Chapter 927 That Is [Star Spirit Empire] [Second More]

The ecstatic ecosphere project team immediately left the base and collected various data outside.

Soon, the air oxygen content data appeared, 18.9% oxygen content, this data can already make people survive on the surface of Mars.

One of the researchers was very crazy. He took off his helmet and began to breathe, shocking the colleagues around him.

After a while, the man slowly put on his helmet. "Gentlemen, I bet, in another month, no, in another two months, I can live outside the base without a helmet for an hour, you guys Who wants to take a gamble".

Everyone smiled. At this time, Captain Su Yunpeng said, "Denilson, you violated the safety rules. After returning to the base, you go to the security department to register yourself and be fined 100 sparks. This is your punishment."

"Oh, God" Denilson wailed directly.

One hundred sparks is one thousand euros. This is not a small amount of money. Denilson is a pain.

"Because of your recklessness, we have new data for adapting to the outside air. You will be rewarded with fifty sparks. After returning to the base, I will submit a report." Su Yunpeng said again.

"Captain, just reward one hundred, I have already lost to Peng Fangyuan a lot of them this month," Denilson said with a grimace.

"Deserve it"

"Why didn't you tell me when you won Peng Fangyuan's two thousand spark coins last month?" Su Yunpeng directly rejected Denilson's request, and Denilson's spirit dropped a lot.

Everyone continued to work with a smile.

After more than two hours, everyone began to return to the base.

On Earth, time passed slowly for two months.

On this day, Tianqi Group's official website was updated with Xu Pingan's social account and a video was released.

Denilson didn't carry any equipment on Mars and ran outside, and there were still a few people around who were taking pictures.

"Mars, I'm coming" Denilson runner shouted, very excited.

There is an introduction below the video, introducing Denilson's name, position, and nationality.

The last sentence is written, humans can already survive on the surface of Mars for two hours without equipment. This is a huge improvement.

Tianqi Group will implement the strictest environmental protection system in human history on Mars, and the air quality of Mars will be 100% higher than that of the earth in the future.

Mars will be the most suitable planet for human habitation in the future!

The Apocalypse Group's transformation of Mars has reached the most critical stage, and the time for humans to freely move on the surface of Mars is not far away.

After this video was released, the world was shocked.

Many people are speechless watching the video, especially in Germany. Denilsen is a German, graduated from the University of Berlin, and works on Mars. Many people in Berlin recognize Denilsen.

"God, Tianqi Group really did it." Many people couldn't help but shout to God.

In the eyes of these people, this is completely God's means. It is incredible that human technology can achieve this step.

The bigwigs of various countries were also shocked. No one thought that people could survive on the surface of Mars so quickly. Looking at Denilson in the video, many people were dumbfounded.

TC, everyone above and below was in shock, no one thought that Tianqi Group would actually achieve this step.

If it is judged that the people of that country have the least confidence in the transformation of Mars by Tianqi Group, the TC people rank second and no one dares to rank first.

Even if the Tianqi Group defeated the United States, it did not make these people feel confident.

In the hearts of many elderly people, the United States is still number one in the world, and the victory of Tianqi Group is a coincidence.

Now, this video completely subverts their values.

What kind of technology is needed to transform a planet is completely beyond their imagination, making these people completely stunned.

Two days later, Xu Pingan's personal social account updated an article.

Guys, I believe that everyone has seen the video I posted two days ago, and I can tell everyone with certainty that Mars has really changed.

Although the greening of Mars has not yet been completed, this does not hinder the development of Mars.

I have discussed with the ecosphere project team, and soon I will rename the Mars base.

The City of Stars.

Mars is a planet, and it has now recovered, which shows that Mars is alive, so I named it the City of Protoss.

The entire city will be assisted by the Starry System for comprehensive intelligent development. All garbage will be recycled without any pollution.

In the future, Tianqi Group will issue tens of thousands of projects, involving all aspects of a city's construction.

The commercialization of Protoss City will be fully launched this year.

Interstellar transportation, your spring is here!

By the way, countries with interstellar spacecraft can contact Tianqi Machinery Group, and Tianqi Machinery Group will upgrade and speed up these interplanetary ships for free.

After the upgrade, the time between the Earth and Mars will be compressed again.

From the original six months and ten days or so, it was compressed to four months and eleven days, and it would take one trip in 130 days.

Many people who read this article by Xu Ping'an were startled. Although this article is short, it conveys a lot of information.

On that day, the stock markets of many countries started to rise, and they still rose across the board.

On the second day, the global stock market rose across the board, and a lot of stocks directly rose at their limit, and the world was cheered.

Everyone understands that as the environment on Mars gets better and better, Apocalypse Group's big purchases will soon begin, and the Protoss City will be fully commercialized.

This represents this unlimited business opportunity!

Many international giants are now regretting that they should have ordered the interstellar spacecraft from Tianqi Group earlier. I wonder if it is too late to order.

International public opinion has reported on Xu Ping'an's statement one after another, while Xu Ping'an is browsing news in the office.

Xu Pingan was happy, and Xingling was even more happy.

Because Xu Ping'an told the Protoss that the first city on Mars must be named after the Protoss. In the future, Mars will become a country, that is, the [Protoss Empire].

This flattering made the Star Spirit feel comfortable all over.

Looking at the host Xu Ping'an now, no matter how you look at it, it is decided that Xu Ping'an is very pleasing to the eye.

Two days later, the two interstellar warships were completed, taking off from Corey Denver Island and flying directly to Mars.

According to Xu Pingan's plan, for the purpose of stationing eight interstellar warships on Mars and five interstellar warships on Earth, no country can build interstellar warships for 50 years.

Whoever dares to build, just hit whoever.

This requirement is known to the bigwigs of many countries, and the United States is even more tasteful, because Xu Pingan stipulates that the United States shall not build interstellar warships within a hundred years.

If you violate this article, think about the consequences for yourself.

On this day, two interstellar spacecraft took off from Edreus Island, one full of food, the other full of 20,000 people, and the destination was Mars.

Yalman, just above one of the ships, is well treated, and has a separate room, living with his wife, very relaxed.

Now Yarman has retired and officially joined the Apocalypse Group as the first mayor of the City of Stars.

On the spacecraft, I went to the command center to study for a long time every day to learn about the scientific and technological strength of the Tianqi Group. Every time I came back, Yarman's face was shocked.

It turned out that I only knew that Tianqi Group's technology was great, but I did not expect it to be so great.

There is no need to consider the energy of the Protoss City, basically unlimited energy supply, and only need to charge.

Gas is also unlimited. Tree-shaped algae does not simply produce methane within 24 hours, and gas pipelines run through the city.

These are all clean energy sources and do not cause any pollution.

What surprised Yarman even more is that the current personnel on Mars have their own jobs. In the future, as the Protoss City starts commercialization, there will be countless jobs.

In terms of public security, Yarman was even more convinced that after the Mars base has existed for so long, there has been no criminal case.

When I was okay, I made a cup of coffee and started to think about how I started, because now the Mars base is very stable under the management of Tianqi Group.

This problem caused Yarman a headache. It was not until a month later that Yarman began to slowly stretch his brows, already wondering what he should do.

Earth, Tianqi Technology Park.

In Xu Pingan’s office, Zhang Jianbin and Xu Pingan were drinking tea and chatting alone. Today, the two dared to say anything. There is no taboo.

Zhang Jianbin has retired. He doesn't need to go to the imperial capital to overdo it. Instead, he will directly retire with a salary promotion.

The imperial capital directly sent Ren Pingchuan to take over the position of Zhang Jianbin.

"Old Chen is retired, and you are now retired. Who will I find to have fun in the future" Xu Ping'an said, shaking his head.

After listening to this, Zhang Jianbin couldn’t smile. He looked at Xu Ping’an and said, “You, did Lao Chen and I owe you in your previous life? Tell me for yourself, how many times have we been reprimanded by our superiors because of you”

"Seriously, if my body collapses, half of the reasons are related to you, and every day prevents you from calculating me."

"Brother Zhang, there is something I don't know if I should tell or not" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Let's say it, today we can say anything. I have completed the formalities and officially retired." Zhang Jianbin said indifferently. No matter what happens to Tianqi Group, it is not himself that is having a headache.

"Brother Zhang, how do you plan to retire? I plan to stay at home like this. This is not the Zhang Jianbin I know," Xu Ping'an said with deep meaning while holding a teacup.

"Don't go around with me, just tell me if you have something," Zhang Jianbin said simply.

"Come to Tianqi Group, and take my wife directly to Mars and become the mayor of the new city" Xu Ping'an said directly, looking at Zhang Jianbin.

Zhang Jianbin was stunned and looked at Xu Ping'an seriously.

To be honest, everyone knows how Xu Ping'an will go next. Zhang Jianbin didn't expect Xu Ping'an to recruit such an old man.

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