Start the era of black technology

Chapter 928 The richest people in the world are about to start to go crazy [third more]

Xu Pingan's recruitment of Zhang Jianbin is really not blind. Don't think Zhang Jianbin is retired. He is old and strong, with rich urban management experience and skills.

It is bold and aggressive to do things.

To build a new city on Mars, this kind of aggressive and capable right-handed doer is needed.

"I have to think about this, and I will reply to you after a while," Zhang Jianbin said with a complicated expression on his face.

"Brother Zhang, I have made a new breakthrough in Tianqi Group's vaccine. It is not a problem to extend life for ten years after injection. Because of the raw materials, only dozens of vaccines have been made."

"My parents, as well as the parents of my three wives, and the parents of some of my good brothers, they won't be much after the injection"

"If you agree, I will keep one for you, no, two, and my wife must have it too."

"How about my condition"

"You have to know that once the news of this new vaccine spreads, someone will be rushing to ask for one that sells tens of millions of Martian coins," Xu Ping said, looking at Zhang Jianbin with a smile on his face.

After listening to Zhang Jianbin, he laughed and looked at Xu Ping'an. He knew about himself. Xu Ping'an was definitely the first person in front of him.

I can resist not wanting this vaccine, but my wife needs this vaccine very much. She has very little time to accompany her for many years of work, and she owes it a lot.

"This matter is not for me to decide. Even if I retire, I must ask my superiors for instructions," Zhang Jianbin said with a helpless expression.

"I understand"

"Brother Zhang, Alman of Germany will be the mayor of the Star City, you don't want to try him."

"Western social media slandered TC officials for their incompetence. They are all drunk and rice bags and will only sacrifice the interests of the people in exchange for achievements."

"You can bear this breath" Xu Ping'an immediately added another sentence.

Please do not become a radical general, this is Xu Pingan's idea.

"You" Zhang Jianbin's face immediately changed, staring at Xu Ping'an with wide-eyed eyes, and Xu Ping'an picked up the tea and tasted it slowly.

"I will report today, and I will give you news in a few days." Zhang Jianbin raised his hand and drank the tea, stood up and left, staying on, I don't know what excitement Xu Ping'an will say.

I'm too old, I really can't stand this kind of stimulation, besides, Xu Ping'an, a bastard who knows himself too much, and the conditions given are very tempting to him.

Staying longer, Zhang Jianbin worried that he could not resist the temptation.

Xu Ping'an stood up with a smile on his face and sent Zhang Jianbin away. These smiles came back, and before entering the house, he took Darina and kissed him.

Let Darina shyly twisted Xu Ping'an's waist.

Looking at the shy Darina, Xu Pingan smiled and pulled Darina into the office....

More than an hour later, Darina walked out of Xu Ping'an's office with a blush on her face, her hair still wet, apparently she had just taken a shower.

The bodyguard at the door is very clear about the relationship between Darina and Xu Ping An, and everything is considered invisible. If Darina finds out that she is smiling, they will definitely be cleaned up.

Zhang Jianbin left Xu Ping'an and went home. He wanted to make a cup of tea, thinking slowly, and calming down.

Xu Ping'an stimulated himself with words, and Zhang Jianbin knew this very well.

But how to live his life after retirement Zhang Jianbin really didn't have a good plan. He got used to a lot of things every day, and suddenly nothing happened, and Zhang Jianbin couldn't stand it.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Jianbin picked up the phone and called his superiors, telling him about Xu Ping’s invitation to go to Mars as the mayor of the new city.

The superior was also shocked, and he did not expect such a thing to happen.

But this matter is not a trivial matter. Although Zhang Jianbin has retired, his retirement as a senior official is not that simple.

You can only report to a higher level, and let the higher-level bosses make the decision.

In just two days, the above opinions were communicated.

The meaning is very simple, Zhang Jianbin, you have retired, what kind of work you do is your own business, as long as it does not harm the people of the country, how to choose is Zhang Jianbin's freedom.

Zhang Jianbin looked at the reply and slowly shook his head and smiled. The words are very simple, if you carefully taste it, it will be unusual.

This is Mandarin, simple and mysterious.

In the past two days, Zhang Jianbin has discussed this matter with his wife and children.

The sons and daughters were 100% in favor, and Zhang Jianbin sighed secretly in his heart.

The meaning of my wife is very simple, as long as Zhang Jianbin is happy, it gives Zhang Jianbin a lot of comfort.

Another day later, Zhang Jianbin formally replied to Xu Ping'an, agreeing to Xu Ping's invitation and willing to go to Mars to create a new city.

The next day, Zhang Jianbin was invited by Xu Pingan to the Science and Technology Park, and he officially met with Qiao Yicheng. Everyone is old acquaintance, and he must have a drink at noon.

I took a picture of Zhang Jianbin, and then he sent Zhang Jianbin home. He told Zhang Jianbin to eat vegetarian food with his wife and prepare for the follow-up vaccination.

Xu Ping'an did not tell lies. The vaccine really broke through. It was not a new substance found, but a new breakthrough in genetic cell research.

By adding a synthetic substance, people over sixty years old can receive the vaccine. If you can keep up with all aspects of nutrition, the internal organs of the body will be rejuvenated.

Ten years of life extension is no problem at all.

However, this kind of synthetic material is very difficult. The materials synthesized by the Apocalypse Life Institute are combined with the vaccine, and only a few dozen pieces are used up.

The cost is too high, does not have commercial promotion value, and is limited to internal high-level personnel.

With Xu Pingan’s advice, Zhang Jianbin knew what to do. After returning home, he started to eat vegetarian food in the afternoon and his diet became lighter.

Five days later, a team of Tianqi Group staff came to Zhang Jianbin's home and injected a new generation of vaccines for Zhang Jianbin and his wife.

At the same time, Chen Qingshan's home in the imperial capital also went away and injected a vaccine for Chen Qingshan.

Two days later, both Zhang Jianbin and his wife were deeply shocked, and the vitality lost in their bodies returned again.

"This is a means against the sky" Zhang Jianbin said to himself.

Next, Zhang Jianbin started to work in Tianqi Science and Technology Park on time. His main task was to understand the technology that Tianqi Group could provide for urban construction.

Like Yarman, Zhang Jianbin was deeply shocked, and on the first day he was shocked by these technologies and was speechless.

Qiao Yicheng was very satisfied with the effect, and continued to explain to Zhang Jianbin the role of each technology, and Zhang Jianbin also listened carefully.

Time slowly passed. On this day, the annual large-scale auction of Christie's Auction House arrived. This time, Christie's Auction House issued an invitation to the world's richest men over 60.

At the same time, I handed over a promotional album to tell these rich and powerful people that they must look at the first page of the album. There are unexpected surprises.

Many rich people opened the first page with curiosity. It's okay not to read it. After reading it, they were shocked.

The first page is entirely black, with a big question mark on it, and a paragraph on it.

The product is provided by Mr. Xu Pingan, President of Tianqi Group. It can extend the life of the 60-year-old man by 10 years.

Eighty percent of the auction price will be donated to the United Nations Earth Environment Foundation.

Twenty percent will be donated to the environmental foundation founded by TC Xu Pingan.

This has made many rich people stupid. What is the concept of ten years of life extension is extremely tempting to these 60-year-olds. Many people immediately called the auction to confirm this.

After getting the reply, many people immediately began to think of ways to raise money.

Everyone understands that this is a battle of Chi Guoguo, and it is impossible to get this item with little money.

No matter what it is, it is not as important as ten years of life.

As time passed slowly, the news inevitably spread. A French media first reported the incident, which directly caused a worldwide shock.

Not only the rich people who did not receive the invitation were shocked, but the bigwigs in many countries were also shocked.

The chairman of the top ten pharmaceutical groups immediately called Xu Ping An and asked whether Xu Ping An had a new breakthrough in the new human vaccine.

Xu Pingan admitted, but Xu Pingan also said that the cost of more than six million euros does not have commercial promotion value.

"Xu, based on previous friendships, sold me one" Herbert asked for it directly, because Herbert was really young and needed this very much.

"Herbert, let me tell you the truth, the new generation vaccine contains a substance extracted from meteorites, and now this substance is gone."

"I made three in total, one for my parents, and I plan to auction the remaining one," Xu Ping'an said directly, without blinking his eyes when telling lies.

"Really no more" Herbert asked in disbelief.

"Really no, you know very well that my three wives, their parents did not have injections, you can investigate this," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Hearing Xu Ping'an said this, Herbert was helpless. It is very simple to investigate this matter. Xu Ping's dare to say this means that these people have never been injected.

After the two said a few words, they hung up the phone, and then a lot of people began to ask. Xu Ping'an was annoying, so he simply made it public on his social account.

It is clearly stated that only three vaccines of this ten-year life extension have been made, two of which have been used on their parents, and the last vaccine is at the auction house.

The reason why there are so few is because the special substance contained in the vaccine is extracted from meteorites. The Tianqi Group has captured thousands of meteorites and discovered this substance only from one of them.

The material is too little, has been completely exhausted, can only hope to regain it from other meteorites.

After Xu Ping'an's statement was forwarded, the elderly and rich people became even more crazy, and everyone believed in the effect of the vaccine.

If the effect is not good, Xu Pingan will definitely not use it for his parents, the effect is definitely excellent.

In any case, this last vaccine must be taken.

The world’s richest elders are going to be mad, and they are starting to raise funds frantically, all of which are bound to win.

Zhang Jianbin watched the media reports at home and couldn't help but smiled bitterly. Xu Ping'an really knows how to play, and this vaccine will surely be sold at a crazy price.

However, Xu Pingan gave himself such a vaccine, what should he get in return, he should have no such value.

Zhang Jianbin unconsciously picked up a piece of golden grass and lit it, slowly thinking about it. When the wife saw Zhang Jianbin like this, she understood that Zhang Jianbin had encountered something she couldn't understand.

It didn't take long for Zhang Jianbin to smoke the two golden grasses. The moment Zhang Jianbin pressed the cigarette butt, Zhang Jianbin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he already wanted to understand why Xu Ping'an did this.


What Xu Pingan wants is his loyalty!

With short mouths and short hands, Xu Ping'an has really figured it out.

When the husband and wife accepted Xu Ping'an's great favor, they must be rewarded. All Zhang Jianbin could repay was loyalty.

In the future, going to work on Mars will definitely have to come into contact with some technologies that the Apocalypse Group does not disclose.

Keeping secrets and not divulging these technologies to the outside world is what Xu Pingan wants in return.

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