One month passed slowly, and the world's richest men began to gather in London. This time, many invisible rich men were bombed out.

Originally, Christie’s prepared an auction house that could accommodate three hundred people. There were too many people to sign up, so it was directly replaced by an opera house that could accommodate three thousand people.

All wealthy individuals participating in the auction must be verified by the auction house, and those who do not have a wealth of more than one billion euros cannot get invitation cards.

In just a few days, a total of 2,869 invitation cards were issued, which excited the auction house's board of directors.

Everyone understands that this is for the longevity medicine.

The commission received by the auction house this time is not much, only one-thousandth of the commission. However, the auction house's board of directors understands that even one-thousandth is not a small number.

The starting price is already 10 million euros, and the price will be as high as one billion at least.

According to a billion calculation, the auction house will receive a commission of one million euros.

Together with the proceeds from other lots, this auction will definitely be a bumper harvest.

Time passed day by day, and five days later, the auction began.

In order to ensure the safety of this auction, the auction house specially hired the Cater Security Company, the largest security company in Eagle Country, to be responsible for today's security work.

The inspection is very strict. There are more than four security personnel at each exit and two cameras. The network hub also arranged two teams to guard from different angles.

Cameras are installed in every corner of the entire opera house, and some cameras even have night vision capabilities.

The roof of the opera house and the surrounding commanding heights are all arranged with personnel, and there are a lot of personnel, and the angle is relatively tricky, so that you can't attack multiple people at once.

As long as one person has a problem, it will be immediately discovered by more than three security personnel.

At the same time, all the wealthy people participating in the auction today must go through five security checks before they can enter the auction venue.

Carter Security Company is very powerful and well-connected, and doesn't know how to play. The police also sent two teams to assist.

At the same time, several roads around the Opera House will be closed from 4 in the afternoon, and vehicles without invitation cards will not be allowed to enter.

As time slowly entered at six o'clock, luxury cars began to appear one after another, and the rich began to appear on the stage, and no bodyguards were allowed to enter.

You can only wait at the back, and the driver must also wait in the parking lot and must not leave the vehicle more than ten meters away.

It’s okay if you want to go to the toilet. There are hundreds of temporary public toilets in the parking lot, enough to meet the needs of drivers.

Clearly tell drivers that if anyone leaves the safe area, the security company has the right to kill them. Such strict regulations have made many drivers honest.

However, the posture of the security company makes the rich people feel more at ease. Compared with ordinary people, the rich people care most about their own safety.

One by one, they entered the opera house and got their number plates and walked towards their seats. The lobby on the first floor and the boxes on the second floor were all full before eight o'clock.

At eight o'clock, the auction opened on time.

Oil paintings, cold weapons, manuscripts, porcelain, watches, jewelry, etc. The dozens of items in front were sold very quickly, and the prices were in line with the auction house's expectations.

Time has slowly passed by almost two hours. At this time, the auctioneer said, "Please ask the last lot provider, Mr. Xu Pingan, President of Tianqi Group."

After talking, they began to applaud, many people were taken aback, did Xu Ping An really come, and the followers began to applaud.

Soon, Xu Ping'an came out of the backstage in a casual dress. Seeing that it was Xu Ping'an, the applause became even greater.

When he came to the center of the venue, Xu Ping'an pressed his hands in the void for a few times, and the scene fell silent, and the rich began to adjust their translators.

"Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for coming to this auction"

"I believe you are already impatient, so I won't stop talking nonsense and go directly to the topic," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, many people smiled knowingly.

Xu Ping'an is still the same as before.

"The birth of a new generation of vaccines is really a coincidence. Our staff cut a plant seed from the meteorite when cutting the meteorite."

"After verification by our professionals, this seed has completely died and does not have any possibility of resurrection. Therefore, this seed was transferred to the Institute of Life Research for research."

"Everyone knows that the new human vaccine is a weakened version of the vaccine, because without weakening, humans cannot bear the energy absorption characteristics of the original vaccine"

"In an accidental experiment, there is a component in this seed that can synthesize the tyrannical component of the original vaccine, and the researchers started the experiment."

"Ordinarily, the seeds of this lesson are very large, and they should be enough to make more than 20 vaccines, but they were consumed during the experiment, which became a pity."

"The remaining materials are exhausted only to make three vaccines."

"My parents injected a vaccine separately. After several months of observation, the effect was beyond my expectation and it was very good."

"Today's auction is actually a quota. When you win the auction and pay the full price, you will be invited to Tianqi Island by people from Tianqi Group."

"A very comprehensive physical examination will be conducted on you, and in-depth recuperation according to your current physical progress. Only after recuperation can the vaccine be injected."

"The recuperation time is estimated to be about one month"

"I have finished explaining. Now I will return the venue to the auctioneer. Everyone can bid freely. The higher the price is." Xu Ping'an said with a smile, then bowed to everyone and left.

Everyone applauded and applauded. Now everyone has a clear understanding of the product.

Back at the backstage, Xu Ping'an went to the VIP room to drink and chat with the board of directors of the auction. As for the outcome of the auction, Xu Ping'an was not worried at all.

What's more, you can also see the scene on the big screen in the VIP room.

Everyone came to the VIP room with red wine and opened the big screen to watch. It showed that the auction price had soared to two billion, and the members of the auction house's board of directors were all red.

Time slowly passed, and the final winner emerged. The 77-year-old Mexican telecommunications tycoon Slim won the victory with a bid of 5.7 billion euros.

Many people feel helpless when seeing this result. There is no way. This is a real contest of money and silver. There is nothing to complain about if you lose.

The auction ended, the rich began to leave, and Xu Ping'an also left.

The next day, the world began to report this incident. The sky-high price of 5.7 billion euros completely shocked the world, and also let ordinary people know what a rich man is.

For the ten-year life span, spend so much money without blinking.

The media also reported publicly that Slim’s apparent assets amounted to more than 40 billion euros. Although more than 5 billion euros were spent, this will not hurt Slim.

Perhaps, within ten years or so, Slim will make this money back.

In just three days, Slim settled all the expenses. At the same time, after deducting the commission, the auction house transferred 80% of the money to the relevant United Nations agency.

Relevant UN agencies have issued a statement confirming this point.

Two more days later, Slim, accompanied by personnel from Tianqi Group, took a chartered flight to Tianqi Island.

Xu Pingan also returned to the celestial dynasty on his own charter flight, and injected the remaining 20% ​​into the environmental fund under Xu Pingan's name.

This day, Mars

More than 400 kilometers away from the Mars base, the sky is very gloomy. Obviously, heavy rain will soon appear here.

Now the rain on Mars no longer arouses people's excitement. It rains a lot. Basically, it rains in certain places every once in a while.

As time passed bit by bit, with a "click", a bright light flashed in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the "boom boom boom" thunder began to appear, and Dou Xiaotao, a staff member of the Synthetic Water Station not far away, and the personnel dispatched to collect information were both taken aback.

This is the first time I have seen lightning and thunder on Mars.

I took out my phone and started shooting. After a short time, a "click" lightning appeared again, followed by the rumbling of thunder.

After a dozen times of repeated occurrences, the sky began to rain, and at the same time, it was accompanied by wind.

In outer space, the space station has made a detailed record of the information sent from the ground, but this time the rainfall is not regarded as the same thing.

After an hour passed slowly, the staff of the Meteorological Group felt that something was wrong. According to the information received, the rainfall was not only not weakening but increasing.

I immediately called up the cloud pictures taken by the space station and started to study. After a short time, I discovered that this time the rainfall may not be over in a short time.

The clouds are very thick, and lightning appears from time to time in the clouds, which has been discovered by the space station's cameras.

It was immediately reported to Liu Zhirong, the person in charge of the base. After reading the report, Liu Zhirong immediately began to make arrangements. The two engineering teams set off with the equipment.

Because the meteorological team’s report stated that the rainfall may continue to increase. It is estimated that the rainfall will last about five hours, and it will only be high and not low.

The topography of the rainfall zone is very high, higher than that of the Mars base, which is caused by the earthquake.

Continuous large-scale high-intensity rainfall on the high terrain will cause floods. According to the topographic research of the generation from the rainfall zone to the Mars base, if there is a flood, it will pose a great threat to a sub-base.

The best way is to increase the height in one area and change the direction of water flow.

One of the two engineering teams dispatched is responsible for heightening and the other for excavating and directing water flow to other places.

Only twenty minutes after the two working groups set off, Liu Zhirong once again sent two groups and thirty transport vehicles to set off with equipment and some explosives.

Use explosives to explode the places that are not easy to dig, and now you must speed up.

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