Start the era of black technology

Chapter 930: It's Good to Breathe Freely on Mars

Little by little time passed, when the working group had just arrived at the place, the new notification had arrived, and the heavy rain area had formed a river.

The reason why the formation is so slow is that the Martian ground is very dry and absorbs water very much.

If this heavy rain is placed on the earth, it will take less than half an hour to form a river.

The staff of the working group immediately started work, began to excavate, load, and transport to the destination to increase the height, and some people began to dig pits and bury the piles in order to fix the height.

After more than one hundred people waited for the cart carrying the dirt to come over, they immediately began to fill the bags and were busy.

The other working group consisted of four excavators digging side by side, all the way backwards, and the movements were not slow.

After dozens of minutes, all the follow-up support people arrived, and the speed increased again.

After a short period of time, "boom boom boom... boom" a few explosions sounded. The blasting has started behind the excavator. After the blasting, the excavator started working and directly loaded the excavated earth into the vehicle and transported it to the heightened engineering office. .

The two engineering sites are only about 30 kilometers apart, and the vehicles ran quickly.

Two hours later, all personnel received a notice and began to evacuate, because the water came, and everything that should be done was done, and the rest was up to God’s will.

Time slowly passed, until 7:20 in the evening, the torrential rain began to weaken, and the rain stopped after 11 in the evening.

This time, the duration of the rainfall was a record, reaching fifteen hours.

The next day, the Mars base began to get busy. Twenty teams set off with vehicles to plant turf and trees in the rainstorm area.

This is a decision made by the ecosphere project team overnight. After this heavy rain, the ground in the rainy area has been moistened, which is a good opportunity to grow grass.

The gate of the base opened, and when the first group came out, many people were stunned. They heard that many people alighted from the vehicle and stared at the sky in the distance.

Rainbow, a rainbow appeared in the sky, and everyone took out their mobile phones to start license plates.

Denilson was also in the team. He looked at the sky and keenly discovered that the sunlight was much stronger than usual today. After hesitating, he wanted to take off his helmet.

But remembering the last fine, Denilson hesitated for a while, and his heart began to struggle. A few minutes later, Denilson took off his helmet as he thought.

After taking a deep breath, there was nothing wrong with it, "God" Denilson shouted and knelt down.

People next to him heard Denilsen's shout and realized that Denilsen had taken off his helmet.

Seeing Denilson, who was all normal, two more people couldn't help but closed the oxygen valve and took off their helmets. They took a deep breath, and they were stunned.

For a while, one person said, "Remove the helmet, we can breathe freely, and there is no sense of pressure in the chest."

Hearing these words, many people started to close the oxygen valve and take off their helmets. They took a deep breath, and the "Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao" began to get excited.

Can breathe freely, no one wants to wear a heavy helmet.

The outside situation was quickly reported to Liu Zhirong. Liu Zhirong took the people from the ecosphere project team out of the base with their own equipment and began to test the air.

Soon, the staff reported to Liu Zhirong that "head, the current oxygen content in the air is 19.5%, which is one point short of the earth's 20.5% oxygen content."

"Head, we can breathe freely."

The staff reported with a hint of excitement. Liu Zhirong closed the oxygen valve on his body, slowly took off the helmet, and took a deep breath.

"Report to the Earth Headquarters immediately. On XXXX, XXXX, the surface of Mars can breathe freely" Liu Zhirong said with an excited expression on his face.

The staff member promised to return immediately to report.

A group of people were happy for a while, and they had to start thinking about the destination, and continue to plant turf, when the oxygen content is the same as that of the earth, and when can we truly rest assured.

More than half an hour passed slowly, and more and more people walked out of the base to breathe freely outside, and many people even started to run.

Everyone was howling. After holding back in the base for so long, they finally could breathe freely.

On Earth, everyone on the island of Edreus became excited. James immediately sent the video from Mars to Xu Ping An, and at the same time called Xu Ping An.

Heavenly, it’s now more than ten o’clock in the evening, and Xu Ping’an is telling Isabella that I’m planning to take a rest. At this moment, the phone rang.

Both Xu Pingan and Isabella were taken aback. Isabella smiled and turned to go to the bedroom. Xu Pingan answered the phone with an unhappy expression.

Although I am in a bad mood, I have to answer the phone. The call from this point is definitely not a trivial matter.

As soon as Isabella entered the bedroom and began to change clothes, she heard Xu Ping'an shouting "What, what do you say, say it again" with a very shocking voice.

Could something be wrong, Isabella frowned, her hand accelerated, took her pajamas from the side and put it on, then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

"I'll go see it now" Xu Ping'an hung up the phone after speaking, turned around and picked up the tablet.

When I started to operate, I didn't notice that Isabella had already walked over. The video was downloaded soon, and Xu Ping'an clicked on it and started watching.

"What happened?" Isabella asked from the side.

Xu Pingan handed the video to Isabella and said, "You'll know after watching it."

Isabella took it and started watching. After reading it, she looked confused. There was nothing special about a group of people shouting outside.

"Look carefully, look carefully" Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face.

Isabella just started to watch it again. After slowly watching it twice, her face began to look surprised. She already saw the problem. This is a video from Mars.

"Xu, Mars can breathe freely on the surface" Isabella said with a shocked expression.

"It's true"

"They experienced a fifteen-hour torrential rain over there. After the torrential rain, today they plan to send personnel to the rainy area to plant turf and trees."

"Unexpectedly, a rainbow appeared in the sky. The staff boldly took off the helmet and released it. They can breathe freely, and they can't feel any pressure in their chest." Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Putting down the video, Isabella directly hooked Xu Ping'an's neck and said, "How about going to Mars on vacation together?"

"It depends on your performance." After Xu Ping'an said, he raised his hand and scratched Isabella's high nose.

The two looked at each other, they both saw the small flames in each other's eyes, and slowly kissed each other. Soon, Xu Pingan returned to the bedroom holding Isabella... ........

The next day, Xu Ping An rushed to the company early in the morning and started to get busy. Soon, his social account was updated.

The first is a video.

There is a sentence after the video, it’s great to breathe freely on Mars.

After the update, Xu Ping'an didn't care, and immediately started calling and personally notify Bruce, Niels, James, Ji Xueyi, Chen Fansheng, and Qiao Yicheng to meet at the headquarters immediately.

After the notification, he called Huo Minghai and Wu Sikai and told them not to go out recently, and had a meeting immediately when the others arrived.

Outside, everyone who saw the video had an expression of disbelief.

Although the last time Denilson was only breathing on Mars, I have already watched the video, but it was a person, and everyone around him was wearing helmets.

This time is different.

The people on the screen were not wearing helmets, and everyone was celebrating like crazy. Obviously, the Martian air can already let people breathe freely.

The gap is very obvious.

The media immediately began to report the matter on a large scale, and people from all over the world were shocked to see the media reports.

Even if the bigwigs of all countries were prepared, they were shocked again and again.

I can't believe that Tianqi Group has actually changed Mars. Domestic experts predict that Tianqi Group will be able to complete the transformation of Mars in at least ten years.

How long has it been since the people on Mars have begun to leave the base and only breathe.

A bunch of brain-dead brick houses, what else can they do besides making bricks?

Many bosses have this idea in their minds.

In the United States, a group of high-level officials gathered together. Everyone looked unsightly. The expert predictions they received were the same. The Tianqi Group could not transform Mars in less than ten years.

It has only been a few years now that the people at the Mars base of Tianqi Group can breathe freely in the outside world.

Even if there are still some shortcomings, they are all small problems. Slowly rectify them as time goes by.

What should we do now? How long will it take for the U.S. to rise? Many bigwigs have lost hope of rising.

Relying on iron and blood methods to stabilize the situation in the United States, but also caused a very bad impact internationally, because this time there were too many killings, and even Europe could not stand it.

Before the war with the Tianqi Group, the proportion of African Americans in the United States was about 10%. Now, it is less than 2%.

It is not only African Americans, but also the number of people of various ethnic groups has been declining crazily, and the population loss is very serious.

The huge population of the United States has dropped from more than 300 million at its peak to the current population of more than 180 million. Especially the rich have lost a lot.

Now, the United States is dying every day. In this country where gun ownership is legal, the percentage of guns per capita is too high, and the army used to maintain order has been shot.

Many people died without knowing how they died, and chaos began to appear in some calm places again, making the big brothers really helpless.

When the United Nations human rights organization condemned the United States, State E submitted a proposal to transfer the US state of Alaska from the United States to the Tianqi Group.

The cost of the sale belongs to the United Nations as a punishment for the violation of human rights in the United States.

This proposal was directly opposed by the United States, and speculation was inevitable.

Country E proposed this motion to disgust America. As a century-old opponent, I am very sorry for not taking the opportunity to fall into trouble.

To be honest, Country E has never thought that this bill will be passed, just as a means to disgust the opponent.

When the United Nations sent people to contact Xu Pingan, Xu Pingan directly refused. No, Tianqi Group would not buy Alaska.

If Xu Pingan wants a site, he will be able to succeed when he wins the war with the United States. The reason why he does not want it is to give the United States a breath.

The Apocalypse Group will relocate to Mars in the future. It is beneficial and harmless for the Apocalypse Group to have a shit-stirring stick like the United States staying on the earth.

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