Start the era of black technology

Chapter 931 Our hard days are coming

All the senior executives of Tianqi Group have arrived at the J City headquarters and started a meeting.

The meeting lasted for several days, during which Chen Qilin was also called over to show Mars through holographic images and make an overall plan for Mars.

To increase the ocean area of ​​the entire Mars to 50%, this is a long-term project that must be done.

The reason for maintaining such a large ocean area is that there are dry ice, which is the solid form of carbon dioxide, in the north and south poles. As the temperature of Mars gradually rises, this dry ice will gradually be released into the Martian atmosphere.

It will further compress the proportion of other gases in Mars, so the ocean must be large enough to keep the Martian climate stable.

The Martian earthquake that lasted for more than a year has created a natural city. The only thing that needs to be done is to store water. This is a long-term project that takes a long time to meet the requirements.

According to more than a year of monitoring, there are complete data on snowfall in the North and South poles. According to data analysis, the frequency of snowfall this year is slightly higher than last year.

The number of snowfalls is still the same, but two of the snowfalls are larger than last year, which shows that the ice layers of the north and south poles are gradually forming.

Fully upgrade the magnetic fields of the north and south poles and change to artificial intelligence operation. You only need to send a few people to stare at the data. If there is a problem, you can send someone to overhaul it.

For decades, even if the equipment is stopped, Mars' own magnetic field can stabilize.

The most discussed issue is the economic issue of Mars. If Mars is regarded as a country, then this is a country with a huge trade deficit.

It's exported, and the import is very fierce.

How to stabilize the trade deficit and how to develop the Martian economy have all been seriously discussed.

Mars must have its own unique products, and must have products that are exported to the earth. This is a normal trading activity, rather than passively importing everything.

Of course, this situation cannot be changed in the short term.

The other is the very crucial point, the food issue. At present, the grain planting on Mars is basically carried out in the base. In the future, how to change the structure of the surface soil on Mars is a big problem.

Fortunately, Mars has now started afforestation projects. Although the woods are only a few pieces of discussion, the area is indeed increasing.

There is one genetic modification base for trees on the Mars base, and eight genetic modification bases for trees on the earth. The trees modified from these bases can adapt to the diurnal temperature difference of Mars.

Where to plant trees in the future, these are already supported by data. The space station in outer space has recorded in detail the climate change of Mars over the years.

In the future, the temperature in those places will rise, and there will be more rainfall in those places, and so on, all data are available.

According to the newly collected data, the database is updated every six months. In the future, if you want to know the environmental conditions of a fast place on Mars, you only need to click on the computer to see clearly at a glance.

You can make various plans based on relevant data.

This meeting also planned for the capture of meteorites. The two meteorite-capturing spacecraft on Earth will all be dispatched to Mars. The mission is to capture meteorites in space.

The captured meteorites are directly transported back to Mars for smashing, landfilling, increasing the height of some areas, and at the same time enriching various materials on Mars.

The first goal is to focus on the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. These are all free resources, and they are countless resources. Don't do it for nothing.

The next step is the arrangement of personnel. Now it is different. If you want Mars to move into the fast lane, you must improve each department, so as to form a huge whole and operate in an orderly manner.

Moreover, if you want to coordinate the overall situation, this person is Xu Ping'an, and everyone else is difficult to convince the crowd.

The presidents of the various divisions of Tianqi Group have their own personalities, and each has its own set. There is no problem at all. Apart from being convinced by Xu Ping'an, he is not satisfied with anyone else.

This is a drawback, and it is not a small one.

At this point in the meeting, Xu Ping'an had already realized this.

"Be prepared, the headquarters of Tianqi Group will move to Mars next year at the latest, and I will go to Mars early next year at the latest," Xu Ping'an said helplessly.

Everyone nodded, understanding Xu Ping'an's helplessness, but now it is really necessary to let Xu Ping'an go to Mars.

Then began to discuss Yarman's urban development report. The report submitted by Yarman is also a hard work, and it is aimed at the urgently needed aspects of the Mars base.

It's just that many aspects have become outdated now. Yarman's plan is a plan for human survival in the base.

Now that humans can live on the surface, the oxygen content in the atmosphere of Mars is increasing step by step, and the temperature on the surface of Mars is also increasing bit by bit.

The next step will be to gradually build houses on the surface, and humans will walk out of the Mars base. This alone will make Yarman's plan need to be revised.

However, as mentioned above, the establishment of a hospital and a complete medical system, education system, consultation system, and industrial system are all necessary.

Through the video, I also communicated with Yarman, and Yarman also realized that his plan must be revised.

"Yarman, you don't need to think about the industry of the Protoss City, you only need to think about business"

"As the capital of the future, the Protoss City will only retain commerce and not industry. The industrial system will be expanded in other cities," Xu Pingan said, looking at the screen.

The others stared at Xu Ping'an in a daze, and slowly smiled on their faces. They waited for this sentence for a long time, and finally came out of Xu Ping'an's mouth.

"I understand, I will remake my plan"

"I suggest that we recruit global construction companies for design and planning. The capital must have the style of the capital, and the overall planning and design will be completed. The construction will be very simple," Yarman said directly.

"Prepare your plan first. I will announce this shortly. I will notify the global architectural design companies to send personnel to Mars for field survey and design." Xu Ping An agreed to Yarman's request.

"By the way, a person named Zhang Jianbin will set off from Earth tomorrow, and when he arrives on Mars that day, you can communicate about the development of the city."

"Zhang Jianbin is equal to you, and he will be the mayor of the new city" Xu Pingan added immediately.

"I understand that I will have a comprehensive exchange with Zhang," Yarman said directly.

I talked for a while about the interstellar port of the interstellar spacecraft, and the video call ended. This is a video call between the Earth and Mars, which costs a lot.

Tianqi Group is holding a high-level meeting. Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping knew this, and they were notified by their superiors. Today, two days later, they had just returned from the province.

Instead of meeting in the compound, they found a restaurant to drink and chat with each other. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were one, and it was necessary to drink some wine to suppress the inner shock.

The headquarters of Tianqi Group will move. This worry has been confirmed. As Mars becomes livable, it will be a matter of time for Tianqi Group to move away. The superiors ask the two to prepare for it.

According to analysis, Xu Pingan will set off to Mars next year if he does not go to Mars this year. Mars development must have an overall talent line, and the most suitable person is Xu Pingan.

After Xu Pingan leaves, the headquarters of Tianqi Group will definitely be relocated in the future, including Tianqi Research Institute will also be relocated to Mars. As for what branch will be relocated to Mars, this is not known.

The superiors also gave them a task. In any case, the faculty of Tianqi University of Science and Technology must be retained, because now, in terms of scientific research and training researchers, Tianqi University of Science and Technology is already the No. 1 of TC.

The several universities in the Imperial Capital that receive tens of billions of financial support each year cannot match the Tianqi University of Science and Technology, and they are completely backward in terms of faculty, laboratory equipment, talent reserves, etc.

In the past two years, there was a global university ranking. This ranking does not depend on how many international students you have, let alone how large your school covers an area, or your status in your home country.

Just look at your scientific and technological achievements in the last ten years.

The ranking is based on the size of each university's scientific and technological achievements in the past ten years.

As a result, Tianqi University of Science and Technology ranked third, which is too bright.

Next, the second TC university is a university in the Imperial Capital, ranking 37th, and those internationally renowned universities selected by relevant domestic departments are even more horrible.

The headquarters of Tianqi Group can be moved, but the faculty of Tianqi University of Science and Technology must remain. This is a dead task and must be completed.

When the cups touched, the two of them ate a bite. After eating a few mouthfuls of food, Yuan Shiping said bitterly, "Senior officials, our hard times are coming."

"Yes, without Tianqi Group's taxation, the city's finances will become extremely urgent, and we must tighten our clothes and food." Wei Dongshuo was also full of bitterness when he said this sentence.

Originally, the superior had approved the arrangement of Wei Dongshuo's retirement at the end of this year or early next year, but now it is fine, but he rejected it and let Wei Dongshuo work for four years.

The reason is that the headquarters of Tianqi Group moved away, which suddenly reduced a huge amount of taxation, which was a nuclear bomb-level blow to City J. The best candidate to stabilize this situation is Wei Dongshuo.

"Senior officials, I plan to clean up all departments in the city before the end of the year. Now many departments in the city are overstaffed and there are too many temporary workers."

"It used to be nothing, but now, we have to clean it up ruthlessly, let those who have a formal organization start to work, and clean out those who are unwilling to work." Yuan Shiping finished taking the cup and took a sip.

"Make a plan. We will have a meeting recently to discuss it. By the way, we will also sort out the projects we are currently working on. Those inappropriate ones will be cut off," Wei Dongshuo said directly.

This matter is not so easy to handle, it involves the jobs of many people.

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