Start the era of black technology

Chapter 938 Public and Private Must Be Separate [Second More]

Wei Dongshuo left Xu Pingan, leaving with a mixed feeling, and did not mention Xu Pingan about the acquisition of Tianqi University of Science and Technology.

The predecessor of Tianqi University of Science and Technology was just an ordinary university in the city, in order to get Xu Ping'an to buy this university.

Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan had secretly calculated each other with Xu Ping'an many times on their faces, which allowed Xu Ping'an to acquire the university.

What status is Tianqi University of Science and Technology now?

It is a world-recognized science and technology school, ranking among the top five in the world.

It is the only university in the celestial dynasty that has entered the top 20 of the global science and technology universities, and the most powerful science and technology university in the celestial dynasty.

Every year, as many as one million foreigners come to apply for Tianqi University of Science and Technology, competing for 1,000 admissions.

These foreigners who apply for Tianqi University of Science and Technology are all elites from high schools in various countries, and all of them are top students in their own universities.

Not to mention, just announcing that Tianqi University of Science and Technology has been acquired by the municipal government has spread, and foreign applicants can be reduced by 90%.

Tianqi University of Science and Technology has always been the glory of Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan. It was born when they were in charge of J City. This is a lifetime honor for them.

It is also the pride of the two people.

Every admission of Tianqi University of Science and Technology is a grand event in J City.

Seeing the fall of Tianqi University of Science and Technology, it is estimated that the two will be more distressed than Xu Ping'an.

Wei Dongshuo is really worried about handing over Tianqi University of Science and Technology to relevant departments.

However, the relevant departments are very enthusiastic about the acquisition of Tianqi University of Science and Technology, and this pressure has overwhelmed Wei Dongshuo, and Wei Dongshuo is also suffering.

Yuan Shiping is very clear about the position of Tianqi University of Science and Technology in Wei Dongshuo's heart, so everything is based on Wei Dongshuo's opinions and does not participate in this matter.

Sitting in the car, Wei Dongshuo closed his eyes and leaned against the seat. The expression on his face changed back and forth. After a while, Wei Dongshuo said directly, "Don't go back to the compound, go to the pregnant fairy lake."

As soon as the driver heard it, he immediately changed his route and drove towards Yunxian Lake in the north.

This big lake was built when Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan worked together to transform a barren mountainous land into a livable area. It was built using the first year's tax revenue of Tianqi Group.

Very commemorative.

Every time when he was upset, Wei Dongshuo would come here to relax. He found an unmanned bench to sit down and lit a piece of golden grass.

He took a deep breath and spit it out. Looking at the scenery in front of him, Chen Qingshan couldn't help thinking of it.

Before Chen Qingshan left, Wei Dongshuo repeatedly urged Wei Dongshuo to take good care of the plate and never let the results of the two reforms go to waste.

Thinking of the look in Chen Qingshan's eyes, Wei Dongshuo had a clear understanding in his heart. Old Chen was worried, worried that everything they had done would be ruined by future generations.

"You are free, now everything is overwhelming my head" Wei Dongshuo said to himself with a wry smile on his face.

Slowly a piece of golden grass was smoked, and the cigarette butt was thrown away and trampled out directly.

At this time, a child's voice came next to him, "Grandpa, look at that grandpa, he doesn't talk about civilization and throwing cigarette butts."

Hearing these words, Wei Dongshuo was taken aback. He turned his head and looked around. He saw an old man walking with a child in his hand. He smiled and bent over to pick up his cigarette butt.

The expression on his face also began to become firm.

A child likes the environment of J City more than himself, and the hard work of himself and Lao Chen can't be wasted, and he must protect the plate. Wei Dongshuo firmed his mind.

He took the cigarette butt to the side and threw it into the trash can. With a smile on his face, he came to the kid and said "Thank you, kid".

After finishing speaking, he said hello to his grandparents and left.

After returning to his office, Wei Dongshuo found Yuan Shiping. If nothing else, Yuan Shiping would take his place in two years.

This time, Wei Dongshuo was completely free from it, communicated his intentions with Yuan Shiping in depth, and clearly stated that he refused the relevant departments to acquire Tianqi University of Science and Technology.

The reason is that Wei Dongshuo also said frankly and frankly. In seeking Yuan Shiping's support, only when the two of them have reached a consensus can they withstand the pressure from relevant departments.

The two talked earnestly for almost two hours. Today, there is no rush to get results. Wei Dongshuo hopes Yuan Shiping can seriously consider his opinions.

Three days passed slowly. After comprehensive consideration, Yuan Shiping clearly agreed with Wei Dongshuo's opinion. The two discussed together and jointly wrote a long report and submitted it directly to their superiors for review.

Time has passed for a while, and there is no news. The two of them can no longer care about this matter. It is about to celebrate the New Year, and they are busy with other things.

The two didn't know, because their report directly caused a lot of noise on the side of the imperial capital, making the relevant departments very passive.

Time passed slowly, and the Spring Festival arrived as scheduled. This year, Xu Ping'an's house is still lively and peaceful as usual.

The most gratifying thing is that Xu Qian, Xu Wentao, and Xu Kun all have girlfriends.

Moreover, the three girlfriends have gone through Gavin's secret investigation and proved that the three are ordinary people, which makes Xu Ping'an very relieved.

Xu Kun's girlfriend is also a scientific researcher, so she said she was not in Xu Kun's project team.

Both Xu Hong and his wife and Miao Yiyi have met in secret and are very satisfied.

Xu Pingan made it clear that the next year, Xu Qian and Xu Wentao regained their real names. If they still recognize their girlfriends, they can take them home and let them meet.

Xu Kun's girlfriend is no exception, and she can also bring it back.

However, after the new year, Xu Kun and Xu Wentao had to arrange for themselves and their girlfriends to take time out for etiquette training. Both agreed.

With Xu Ping'an's statement, the three brothers also looked happy. Don't look at the time they spent with Xu Ping'an since they were young, but Xu Ping's majesty penetrated into the hearts of the three brothers.

It is clear who is in charge of the family.

As usual, Xu Pingan went to the Imperial Capital and Quanzhou and then went to work in Tianqi Technology Park.

In City J, the departments received three consecutive notices after they started to work, one of which was a cost reduction notice, which made the heads and minds of all departments feel big.

In the second notice, the deputies of each department were reduced by one person, which is really terrible.

There is also a third notice, for the establishment personnel of various departments, these people are the personnel that Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping secretly arranged to investigate.

Either they don’t work for a long time to receive their wages, or they outsource their work to others. In short, they are all staff members with major problems.

This time, they are all within the scope of clearance and withdrawal, with more than 700 personnel.

For a time, the whole J city began to be turbulent.

Hangzhou Science and Technology Park, Xu Pingan and Qiao Yicheng, the two have a meeting in the conference room and video conference.

James, Lu Huairen, Chen Qilin, Yu Zegang, Yarman, Zhang Jianbin, Ji Xueyi, Huo Minghai and others are all present. The content of the deliberations is the plan submitted by Yarman and Zhang Jianbin.

This time, the construction of Mars is not one city, but two cities are built together, and the terrain elevation project is carried out at the same time.

As the future imperial capital, City of Stars will not be industrialized, but will be commercialized.

The new city will be dominated by industry, as the main industrial city, the key industry is decomposition and asteroids, as the main material supply city for the future development of Mars.

Most of the asteroids in space are ordinary and of low value, but some asteroids and meteorites are special.

For example, meteorites with platinum all over, meteorites with diamond all over, etc., there are many types.

It is necessary to maximize the value of these meteorites and asteroids. Therefore, it is necessary to start building industrial cities now.

If the Apocalypse Group does not take it now, it will be taken away by meteorite-catching spacecraft from other countries in the future, which will be a great loss.

The plan also made specific instructions to prohibit the sale of spacecraft that capture meteorites.

This point has been approved by all. Lu Huairen said that from now on, he will not accept orders for meteorites to capture spacecraft, and at the same time accelerate the transformation of several spacecraft.

Strive for this year to allow Mars to capture eight spacecraft.

"Xueyi, what do you think about issuing bonds?" Xu Pingan asked Ji Xueyi looking at the screen.

Ji Xueyi submitted a plan to issue a three-year 50 billion Mars currency bond, which was beyond Xu Ping's expectation. Although Mars is now spending a lot of money, Tianqi Group's profits can still be supported.

"Boss, our Apocalypse Group is very profitable, but Mars will operate in an independent country in the future. Therefore, public and private must be separated."

"Corporate income is corporate income, and administrative taxes belong to the government and must be carried out separately."

"Although the value of Mars currency is very high now, this high is based on the profit of Apocalypse Group, rather than the real development value of the government."

"After the issuance of bonds, many countries can be involved. They will buy the bonds we issued and they will also bring us a large amount of capital."

"To lay the foundation for the next fiscal movement to be formal..." Ji Xueyi said that it would take about forty minutes, and Xu Ping'an approved it directly after understanding.

"Xueyi, the Martian coin needs to be renamed. The new name is Starcoin, Crystal Coin, and Starcoin, all of which belong to our legal tender," Xu Pingan said directly.

It's not appropriate to call Mars currency all the time. In Xu Ping'an's view, there must be a reference currency for future exploration of the interstellar, the star currency, which can fully undertake this task.

"Yes, I will proceed immediately, and it is expected to be released with the bond plan in half a month," Ji Xueyi said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded and began to discuss other commercialization processes with everyone. Yarman and Zhang Jianbin were responsible for explaining at any time, and the discussion was fierce.

When there were conflicting opinions, Xu Ping'an made a final decision directly.

There were a lot of things planned and designed. The meeting lasted for two days before it was over. Xu Ping'an stretched out after returning home, feeling troublesome to deal with these things for the first time.

However, this is temporary, and it will be completely relaxed after everything is on track.

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