Start the era of black technology

Chapter 939 Great construction kicks off [third more]

Time passed slowly and everyone was busy. The senior management of Tianqi Group knew very well that Tianqi Group had many projects this year.

Ji Xueyi is also very busy now. He started to communicate with relevant departments in many countries on the earth through video. Issuing bonds is not a simple matter, and there are many procedural issues involved.

At the meeting, it was agreed that 50 billion SG coins were agreed. When the meeting ended, Xu Ping'an gave 100 billion SG coins because the plans of Yarman and Zhang Jianbin were too large.

There is no sufficient financial support.

100 billion sing currency bonds, the time is three years, the yield is 3.8%. After half a month of communication, this batch of bonds was purchased by the sovereign funds of the European Union, the Eagle Country, the Chinese Dynasty, and nine countries. .

It is impossible to circulate in the market at all, and the risk of stable returns is small, which is what these sovereign funds value most.

On this day, Tianqi Group's official website issued a major statement.

The first is to develop Earth personnel to work on Mars. There are countless jobs available here, as long as you pass the physical health check.

As long as you sign an agreement and promise to live on Mars for five years, Tianqi Group will provide free shipping tickets.

Professional skills are preferred.

Second, the commercialization of Mars city began to move, and it directly announced tens of thousands of infrastructure projects, many of which were split from large projects into several small projects.

Article 3 All companies that invest in Mars report to dispatch personnel, and the ferry tickets to and from Mars will be reduced or exempted according to the size of the company.

You only need to send technicians, and all other personnel will be recruited locally on Mars.

Article 4 For those who travel to Mars and apply for a short-term visa, the ticket price is 50% off.

Article 5: For companies registered and operating on Mars, there are preferential taxes and fees, and only one comprehensive tax is required. Personal income tax and other taxes are exempt.

For example, a company with an investment amount of one million stars only pays only one hundred thousand stars every year, and there are no other taxes and fees, and the time is three years.

A total of twenty-eight days of the statement was issued in a scattered manner, and it was immediately reported by major media around the world, causing heated discussions around the world.

In just four days, as many as hundreds of thousands of people have signed up to work on Mars. Tianqi Group has to issue a statement again and it will be implemented in batches.

Each batch of 100,000 people will go to Mars in batches after passing the medical examination.

City J has ushered in new brilliance. They all applied for projects at the headquarters of Tianqi Group. There are very many domestic and foreign personnel.

Moreover, they are basically at the level of corporate bosses.

Obviously, there are unfinished projects and unfinished money on Mars. When should I go now?

Time slowly passed by more than a month, and a problem emerged, the capacity was insufficient, and the number of interstellar ships was still small.

Building materials must be transported, equipment must be transported, personnel must also be transported, and materials for many project teams must also be transported, which put James under a lot of pressure.

At this time, Ayer of France came to Xu Pingan and provided a solution to this problem. Of course, this plan is also of great benefit to France.

That is, the part of the personnel going to Mars is directly separated, and France is willing to provide a site in the original interstellar spacecraft take-off site as the starting point for the Earth to go to Mars.

It focuses on personnel transportation, with transportation equipment and cargo.

The plan was provided by France, and this location can only be located in France. Xu Ping'an agreed after thinking about it.

The personnel and some equipment will all travel to France, maintaining the frequency of once every half a month, and the rest of the materials will continue to travel from the island of Edreus, also maintaining the frequency of once every half a month.

On Mars, Yarman has begun to direct people to build temporary dormitories for those who come to work. These people only need to pay a small rent when they come to settle in.

The price is very low, first attract people, and then adjust according to the specific situation.

At the same time, a recruitment hall has been set up, and all companies that come to invest or contract projects are recruiting in this hall.

As the future imperial capital, the City of Stars and Spirits will be constructed by Tianqi Group personally dispatched personnel, and the outsourced projects belong to the new city.

At the same time, Zhang Jianbin set off with a large number of people, and went to build a new city six hundred kilometers away from the city of the stars.

After these people arrive at the designated location, they build temporary housing and build temporary water, electricity, network, gas, and hydrogen production plants to prepare for the later personnel to come.

Every 100 kilometers, a hydrogen refueling station must be established to facilitate vehicles to supplement hydrogen energy.

The ground of the new city also needs to be raised as a whole, although it is not as exaggerated as the Protoss City, it must be raised three meters as a whole according to the plan.

At the same time, roads along with the two cities are under construction, and now a temporary road is used.

The official road also needs to be raised, three meters higher, the first meter than the Protoss City, and at the same time, a complete drainage facility must be established.

Once it rains, the rainwater can be discharged to extremely far places.

In the project that was released this time, many river constructions were designed, and the layout was very reasonable. It was designed by Protoss for the entire Mars.

Once completed, it can be integrated into the water conservancy system and adjusted back and forth to avoid flooding disasters. At the same time, it can also adjust the climate of the entire Mars.

Every place is a busy scene.

On this day, the ecosphere project team was divided into fifty groups and set off. Five people in each group, with equipment, began to routinely collect the air, ground, underwater temperature, and oxygen content in the air around Mars.

This is done every two months. These are precious data that can be used to accumulate data for the future transformation of other planets.

One kilometer away from the base, Du Xinyi stopped with her team and began to collect various data. Their team will spend the night in the wild.

After the busy day, I entered the trunk before dark. The three people sat by the equipment and stared at the equipment. The other two rested and shifted in the middle of the night.

At two o'clock in the morning, the shift began. Du Xinyi just finished the handover. She was taken aback while looking at the data on the device, and then she said, "Fuck me, have you made any mistakes? Is the outside equipment broken?"

"Sister Du, the equipment is not broken. I put on the equipment and checked at 12 o'clock. The temperature did rise. Compared with the last time, the temperature at night rose by eight degrees, which is a big increase," Xing Jiajia said from the side.

"If the temperature rises so fast, will there be any problems? You have to ask Mr. Chen to go back," Du Xinyi said to herself.

"Sister Du, don't ask about this. I heard Chief Engineer Gao said that as the number of people on Mars increases, the surface temperature of Mars will also increase rapidly."

"The outdoor temperature is now minus 76 degrees. According to the current heating rate, it is estimated that in about three to four years, people near the equator will be able to come out at night to have fun," another hospitalized Cao Jiang said.

"I don't care about it. Look at it. Compared with last year's data, the carbon dioxide content has an upward trend," Du Xinyi said with a serious expression.

"Sister, this is normal"

"Dry ice exists in many places on Mars. Now that the temperature of Mars increases, these dry ice will revert to gaseous state. I remember there was a report in the headquarters of natural impurities."

"The future Mars will be rainy, which is related to the changes in oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the air."

"We are going to report the data truthfully. I believe the people in the headquarters will have a comprehensive consideration," Xing Jiajia said from the side.

"I hope so, but I plan to make my home on Mars. I really don't want the atmosphere of Mars to be as polluted as the earth," Du Xinyi said directly.

"Sister, you make a home on Mars, what about your pension in the future?" Xing Jiajia asked. They all know what the future of Mars will look like.

The labor insurance of Du Xinyi and others were paid in the celestial dynasty. Once the status changes, whether the pension will be yellow is what Xing Jiajia and others are most concerned about.

"Don't worry, the guy in my family said that there will be a statement about this matter in the future. There is no need to worry at all. The headquarters has already specified relevant plans."

"It is said that the pension system planned at the headquarters is better and more advanced than any country. It is estimated that it will not be introduced this year, but it will be introduced next year."

"In addition, I heard from our family that the education here intends to merge elementary, middle and high schools, collectively referred to as adult education, and you are an adult after ninth grade."

"In the future, all units recruiting employees must recruit people with adult diplomas. The difficulty of universities will be comprehensively increased. In the future, those who can enter universities are basically research people."

"Those who intend to improve themselves but fail to enter university can participate in various business schools to improve themselves. The headquarters attaches great importance to education, and relevant regulations will be issued."

"When the document is officially issued, we will take all the children over. The education here on Mars is definitely a hundred times stronger than that in my hometown" Du Xinyi said.

Du Xinyi's husband, Guo Ming, works in the municipal government, so he is a small head.

The most important thing is that Guo Ming is not very young. He is only thirty-two years old this year. He has a doctorate degree in sociology. He is currently following Zhang Jianbin to the new city to work hard for his qualifications. He will definitely be a real power figure in the city in the future.

Therefore, everyone was more convinced by what Du Xinyi said.

After talking, everyone else went to rest, Du Xinyi began to work with the other one at the same time.

One night passed, and the data was collected until two o'clock in the afternoon. After forming a cycle with yesterday's data, everyone began to return to the main base.

A few days later, all the data of all aspects were entered into the system and summarized. According to statistics, the average temperature at night increased by six degrees, and there were more increases near the equator.

Far from near the equator, the temperature rise is not very fast.

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