Start the era of black technology

Chapter 940 Heaven has always styled zero tolerance for drug dealers.

A month later, Tianqi Group announced with the relevant French authorities that the place where the French interstellar spacecraft docked was renamed to Paris Airport, and that persons with health certificates obtained through Tianqi Group’s method could set off for Mars through the airport.

The interplanetary spacecraft departs once every half a month, and now accepts appointments, which cost five euros.

Xu Pingan was really helpless with this French statement, but he had to announce it along with it, because the fee was charged by France and had nothing to do with Tianqi Group.

Some equipment and materials purchased by Apocalypse Group in Europe will also be shipped to Mars through the Paris Air Port. As a result, the pressure on Idrius Island will be reduced sharply.

The French side provides two large warehouses for free to store materials, and only needs to be paid by Tianqi Group. For this purpose, Tianqi Group has hired more than 300 people and signed a one-year work contract.

I have to say that the French are really too smart in making money.

Many people in TC asked why Xu Pingan was not in the Tianchaogao Airport Project. Xu Pingan told the truth that this plan was proposed by France.

People have given you an idea, this project can only be placed in France.

After getting this reply, many of the TC's bigwigs are moved. Looking at the relevant departments in France, they are all trying to reasonably and legally increase government revenue and increase the national employment rate.

As for the relevant domestic departments, they cannot move without a whip, and they have to continue to deepen their reforms.

Xu Pingan is no longer in the country at this moment, and went straight to the interstellar spacecraft construction factory on Idrius Island. The new alloy repair agent has been delivered to Idrius Island.

The exploration spacecraft was temporarily suspended, and the alloy repair agent spraying began. All parts must be sprayed on one side, and rinsed with pure water after completion.

For this reason, the spacecraft construction work was temporarily suspended for half a month.

Several hundred people started spraying with metal repair agent. After finishing, they stopped for two days before starting to wash. After washing, the test started.

The unqualified ones will continue to spray, and the qualified ones will be marked until all the parts are qualified.

Xu Pingan took a submarine to the Antarctic base. The acoustic fusion project team made a breakthrough and the controllable technology was once again improved.

It turns out that sound fusion can only maintain a stable output of the lowest power. This time, the stable output power can be increased by 70%, which means that the smooth flight speed of the interstellar spacecraft can be improved again.

The power system is further mastered.

As long as the structure of your interplanetary spacecraft can withstand greater pressure, you can fly at a higher speed.

While Xu Pingan was watching the experiment outside the huge glass window, a staff member came to Xu Pingan and said a few words in a low voice, Xu Pingan frowned.

"Is the news accurate?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"It has been confirmed that people have been quarantined on Mars. There are 19 drug dealers, all of whom are of African descent, and all have AIDS."

"One hundred and twenty of our staff are also involved," the staff member said directly.

The interstellar spacecraft that set off more than a month ago landed on Mars. As a result, nineteen stowaways were found, and up to ten kilograms of drugs and two syringes were found on the stowaways.

The two syringes were kept in a freezer box, and there was blood in it, which attracted the attention of the security department and immediately arranged for people to start testing the two syringes.

It was found that the blood in the two syringes were all AIDS-infected blood, or the blood of AIDS patients at an advanced stage, which was extremely infectious.

This is no trivial matter. Yu Zegang immediately ordered all the staff of this interstellar spacecraft to be controlled and started to review.

It turned out that this was a group crime, and all 120 staff members of the Swish spacecraft participated.

There were too many people involved, and Yu Zegang reported it secretly, asking Xu Ping'an how to deal with it.

Xu Ping'an and the person next to him started to dial the mobile phone when they went to the side, and soon the phone was connected, and the voice of "boss" Gavin came over.

Xu Pingan didn't talk nonsense, and reported the matter to Gavin. "Gavin, there must be the cooperation of the personnel from the Adrius Island base in this matter. They will be dug out for me."

"No problem, I started the action immediately, but I need James's cooperation" Gavin said truthfully.

"I will call James and he will fully cooperate with you"

"No matter who is involved, we will not tolerate the investigation to the end," Xu Ping'an said with a gloomy expression.

"I understand, I will check this out," Gavin said directly.

The two communicated for a while before the phone hung up. Xu Ping Anyou called James. James stated that he would fully cooperate with Gavin's investigation and must dig out the moths here.

After communicating with James, Xu Ping'an immediately started communicating with Yu Zegang again, quarantining all the more than 100 staff involved in the case, and awaiting the results of the investigation.

After finishing all these tasks, Xu Ping'an greeted Pang Zhen, the base owner, and left directly, returning to Edrius Island as a submarine.

Gavin received a call from Xu Ping'an in Europe. After the call was hung up, Gavin began to arrange the phone calls for almost an hour.

After finishing busy, just pack up and leave the residence to go to the island of Edreus, to personally preside over this action.

Day by day passed, and ten days later, the peace on the island of Edreus broke, and the security department began to take action and directly arrested 34 people.

Among them, there are 16 senior management personnel, who are designed to the security inspection department, transportation department, and other four departments. Among them, the highest level is James' secretary.

Xu Ping'an, James, and the two listened to Gavin's report with black faces. Gavin could not decide what to do with these people. These people came from six countries.

Among them, nine people are from TC.

"Who is doing things behind the scenes, has it been found out?" Xu Pingan looked at Gavin and asked.

There must be someone behind this incident. Without big funds, these people cannot be corrupted. Small organizations do not have this kind of strength.

"It has been found out. It is related to an organization in the Eagle Nation. This organization has deep ties with some high-level officials in the Eagle Nation."

"You will sort out the information and give it to me. I will go to Eagle Country myself, and I must uproot them."

"Control these people, wait for my news, and then shoot them together with the people on Mars." Xu Ping'an has made up his mind, this time he can't be soft.

One night passed, and early the next morning, Xu Ping'an took a plane to Eagle Country. After getting off the plane, he boarded the car and went straight to his manor.

Not long after arriving at home, William arrived. Xu Pingan and William communicated in the study for almost an hour before William left with a solemn expression.

The next day, a pair of cars came to pick up Xu Pingan, and went to a farm in the suburbs to meet with the Eagle Country leaders. After some communication.

A big guy looked at Xu Ping'an and said, "Xu, what are you going to do with this incident?"

"It's very simple. They are looking for death on their own, so I will send them to confess before God." Xu Ping'an said this sentence calmly, and the few big men present frowned.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ping'an was so murderous.

When one of the big guys just wanted to speak, Xu Ping'an spoke again.

"Gentlemen, although the Tianqi Group occupies Mars, it is also a part of humanity. We must leave a pure land for healthy humans."

"Gentlemen, I believe you are all very clear about the harm of drugs. Once you get involved, it is difficult to quit. It will be destroyed for a lifetime."

"We are all people who have offspring. Would you like to see your offspring destroyed?"

"Now those people are crazy. They used to induce people to take drugs, but now they are forcing people to take drugs. Would you like to see your offspring be forced to become addicted to drugs?"

"One more thing, the number of AIDS in the world is currently on the rise, and Asia is growing even more severely. If AIDS can be treated well, I will not make this decision."

"We care for people with AIDS, but some of the infected are madly infecting healthy people. We must act to give hope to future generations."

"The earth's environment has been severely destroyed. Once the earth's environment is not suitable for human habitation in the future, Mars is the only place to go. We must leave a pure land for the inheritance of mankind."

"Let our descendants survive healthy" Xu Ping'an looked at several big men with serious expressions.

The big guys are silent. The information they usually contact is the most authentic information. They are very clear about all aspects of the data. The data is really much scarier than the published ones.

Several people looked at each other, and slowly nodded.

"Xu, do you have any detailed information?" a boss asked.

"Yes, I can provide you with a detailed list and evidence. Many people in this organization are deeply involved with some of your senior leaders. If it is not convenient for you to do it"

"You can leave it to me to deal with," Xu Ping'an finished opening his briefcase and took out a thick folder and handed it to the big man.

The boss took it and looked at it, his brows frowned, and he turned and handed the folder to the person next to him. After reading one by one, the expressions on everyone's faces were solemn.

"Xu, there are too many people involved, we have to discuss it, let's give you news in a week or so," a big man said directly.

"No problem, I have to go to other countries. This time the incident is not only designed to reach Eagle Country, but also other countries. I have made up my mind to uproot these people."

"I hope you can give me an answer when I come back" Xu Ping'an simply expressed his opinion.

Several big men looked at each other and nodded. After discussing the details, Xu Ping'an left by car.

After a day's rest, I went to France the next day. Two days later, Italy, followed by Austria and Germany, all walked around.

At the last stop, I arrived at the TC, and was picked up by the vehicle when I got off the plane in the Imperial Capital. After more than an hour, Xu Ping'an met the big guys.

After seeing the evidence provided by Xu Ping'an, the TC tycoons were the happiest, killing and drug trafficking were all sentenced to death and never tolerated.

It can be said that TC's attitude is the most straightforward and straightforward Xu Ping's walk down this lap.

The Chinese style has always had zero tolerance for drug dealers.

Continue to investigate according to the clues provided by Xu Ping An, no matter who is involved, they will be severely punished.

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