Start the era of black technology

Chapter 941 Five years later, even after less than five years, it is a product that is obsolete.

The high-level officials of these countries have begun to communicate frequently, and more than 20 days have passed slowly. This event is considered to be a result. Several countries will launch joint operations to bring these people to justice.

As for those people found within the Tianqi Group and those on Earth, I hope Xu Ping'an can hand these people over to other countries, and those found on Mars will be handed over to the Tianqi Group for disposal.

At the same time, various countries also put forward suggestions for Xu Pingan to accelerate the construction of Mars.

The meaning is very clear, your Mars construction is not fast enough, you must accelerate the construction speed.

The bigwigs of all countries know what the earth's environment looks like. Xu Ping'an put forward the idea of ​​Mars as a healthy human inheritance pure land, which was also accepted by the bigwigs.

After the high-level talks over the matter, the heads of relevant departments in several countries also met specifically to discuss the matter and will take unified action.

A few days later, TC, France, Germany, Eagle Country, Italy, Austria, and the six countries issued a statement that they will take concerted action to combat the drug trade.

Two hours before the press conference, relevant departments of various countries have already begun to do it.

The Eagle Country did not use the power of the police station in this operation, but used the power of a special department to start the arrest, and more than 100 public officials were arrested.

Sixteen of them all carried knighthoods, and most of them had all their property under their names sealed.

More than a dozen organizations involved in the case were completely wiped out, and gun battles took place in many places. As many as 60 people were killed and more than 300 people were arrested, effectively combating organized crime.

This incident caused a lot of shock among all strata of the Eagle Nation. No one thought that this time the government would make a heavy blow to fight drug crimes.

The next day, Tianqi Group’s official website issued a statement, handing over all the more than 100 people identified by Tianqi Group to their country of nationality.

At the same time, it was announced that more than 100 people found on Mars were all executed.

The statement finally announced the list of people found on Mars, including their names, international, positions in the Tianqi Group, crimes, etc., and they all made detailed explanations.

A day later, all countries issued a statement respecting the rules and regulations of Mars, reminding their own personnel that the country has signed an agreement with Mars. If a crime is committed on Mars, it will be handled in accordance with the rules of Mars.

After the news went out in the past few days, people around the world were shocked. What many people did not expect was that Xu Ping'an really dared to kill him. So many people were executed just for drug trafficking.

What made them even more unexpected was that nine Tianqi Group employees were handed over to the relevant TC departments and all sentenced to death after the trial.

Western society does not understand the hatred of the Chinese people for drugs. The centuries-old shame of the Chinese people is inseparable from drugs. Drugs are the products that all Chinese people hate most.

Idris Island, the Paris airport, all have four more security checks, including the spacecraft. Two sets of inspectors and multiple sets of monitoring and monitoring equipment have also been added to prevent similar situations from happening again.

Mars publicly executed more than a hundred people involved in the case. After publishing their crimes, they executed them directly in front of everyone.

Everyone was very supportive of the security department's decision. On the day when these people were publicly executed, people around them shouted "death penalty", "death penalty" and "death penalty"...

No one has an opinion, because these people come to Mars with a needle and understand everything. No one wants to be injected with AIDS blood.

On the second day after the conference ended, Mars was busy. The imperial palace where Xu Ping will live in the city of the stars in the future, as well as the general research institute and other eight special departments, have begun construction.

Tens of thousands of vehicles are constantly transporting the earth. Various equipment is in full swing on the construction site. There is a lot of people and power. Now a lot of labor and construction equipment come every half month.

Many people stayed in the City of Stars and Spirits for two days to recover, and they were sent directly to Zhang Jianbin by vehicles to start the construction of a new city.

It can be said that there are changes visible to the naked eye every day, and the construction speed is amazing.

In terms of river excavation, the excavated distance can be seen every day, basically maintaining a speed of more than 50 meters per day.

Fifty meters is not long, but don’t forget, the width of the river is 130 meters, and the depth is five meters.

The overall ground must be three meters high, the river channel must be dug two meters deep, and two floors must be reserved for people to run and exercise in the future. The amount of work is huge.

After digging to the depth, the stones and cement were laid, and the embankments were strengthened and layered on both sides of the bank. The dense crowds were busy.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 3,000 companies have already come to Zhang Jianbin to file for project construction, and the construction speed of various projects is no less than that of the Protoss City.

When time slowly reached the end of September, the construction of the two exploration spacecraft had been completed, and all the specially selected explorers were in place.

Xu Ping'an once again rushed to the Island of Idrius to have a dinner with two groups of crew members of the exploration spacecraft. The next day, they sent these people aboard the exploration spacecraft and set off.

According to the plan, the two exploration spacecraft will make a replenishment on Mars, and then they will fly out of the solar system before returning in five years.

After sending off the two exploration spacecraft, the official website of Tianqi Space Group and Tianqi Group announced together.

The two exploration spacecraft set off from the earth and will fly out of the solar system to explore after being supplied by Mars, and return to the solar system in five years. I wish the warriors a safe journey.

After the news spread, it caused a lot of noise on the earth, and no one thought that the Tianqi Group had already begun to send exploration spacecraft to break through the solar system.

Obviously, Tianqi Group is not satisfied with only possessing one Mars. Countries have started meetings and after the meeting, they have increased their investment in space.

The EU directly announced that next year it will send an interstellar spacecraft to explore Titan.

In the past week only, countries such as Eagle, Japan, and the United States have also issued statements to explore the satellites of Saturn next year, and explore outside the solar system within the next three years.

The global new round of too fast competition kicked off.

Xu Ping'an can only wait for the construction of the City of Stars. If the construction is not completed, the headquarters of Tianqi Group cannot be relocated.

According to calculations, the time for Tianqi Group's relocation must be moved later, because the rain on Mars has begun to increase. In order to ensure the quality of the project, construction cannot be carried out when it rains.

It is also necessary to put a rain poncho on the building under construction to prevent rainwater from infiltrating and affecting the quality.

The terrain elevation project does not matter. The rain is better, and the ground can be pressed more solidly. Basically, people operate various mechanical equipment at work, and the impact is not great.

Day by day passed, and in a blink of an eye it was the end of the year, and all statistical data had been released. In early January, Xu Ping'an saw the statistical report.

As of December 31 last year, there were 390,000 people on Mars who had obtained lifetime ID cards, and 360,000 had obtained temporary ID cards, and the total number exceeded 700,000.

All kinds of taxes add up to more than 10 million stars. Seeing this data, Xu Ping shook his head and smiled bitterly. The income is really pitiful.

However, this tax only started last year, and this year's income will definitely increase, at least doubled.

If you want to achieve rapid growth, you can only wait until the industrial system starts to operate.

Or, after the headquarters of Tianqi Group is relocated to Mars, there will be a huge increase in tax revenue.

According to the current construction progress, it is estimated that Tianqi Group will not be able to relocate to Mars this year, and can only wait until next year.

"It is estimated that the old guard will jump up happily when he gets the news," Xu Ping'an said to himself, then smiled and shook his head.

Wei Dongshuo must be happy, including Yuan Shiping. Tianqi Group’s postponement of moving out for one year represents a land tax revenue of 890 billion yuan.

The two were anxious that Tianqi Group would not move away.

In the municipal government compound, Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping were talking about this with a smile on their faces. The superior has just notified them. According to the current rate of construction on Mars, Tianqi Group will not want to relocate this year.

"World Ping, we can't be happy too early. The move of Tianqi Group will not change this."

"I suggest that after the next year we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the projects we continue to invest in, and that projects that cannot see benefits within three years will be sold directly."

"Only keep those high-tech projects that can see benefits within three years"

"The superiors gave us the policy of paying profits and taxes this year, and all the funds are left to us. We must have a long-term plan. The sustainable development of City J must go on," Wei Dongshuo said seriously.

"Senior officials, is it a pity to sell those projects? We can introduce private capital to reduce the city's financial subsidies."

"Although these projects cannot see benefits within three years, they can definitely see benefits in five years," Yuan Shiping said with a frown.

"I understand your feelings. Really, I was very supportive when you introduced these projects."

"But the situation is different now. As far as the synthetic cement project of Academician Wei Jinqu is concerned, it will take at least four years to make a breakthrough and see benefits."

"But do you know that Tianqi Group has adopted new German foam materials in the construction of Mars, which can completely replace synthetic cement"

"I believe that in five years, these new synthetic foam materials will be popular on the earth, and the price is definitely lower than that of Academician Wei's synthetic cement."

"His project is no longer worthwhile. Take a look at this material. This is a report that I specifically asked relevant departments to make a targeted investigation." Wei Dongshuo opened the drawer and took out a document and handed it to Yuan Shiping.

Yuan Shiping took the report with a surprised expression on his face and began to look through it. He really didn't know it, and he was taken aback.

The German synthetic foam material has an agreement with Tianqi Group that this year's purchase price will drop by 10%, and it will continue to decrease by 10% every year.

The two parties signed a five-year contract. According to the current price, after five years, the price of the new synthetic foam material will be lower than the price of cement.

The results of Academician Wei will become worthless, because both sides are environmentally friendly materials with long service life and short degradation time. Some data are even better than those of Academician Wei.

After a long while, Yuan Shiping sighed. Not only the projects of Academician Wei, but also several projects were of no value.

After five years, or even less than five years, it is considered to be an obsolete product.

"World Ping, how long have you not been to Tianqi University of Science and Technology" Wei Dongshuo asked.

Yuan Shiping was taken aback for a moment. After thinking about it, his face turned red, and he said with a wry smile, "Senior official, I just remembered that you said that. I haven't been to Tianqi University of Science and Technology for almost seven months."

"More than that, you are not only not going there for seven months, you have been there the first two times, and you must have never learned about the projects currently being developed by Tianqi University of Science and Technology"

"Am I right" Wei Dongshuo said calmly.

Yuan Shiping nodded, acknowledging that what Wei Dongshuo said, he hadn't really understood this.

"Learn more about the project of Tianqi University of Science and Technology, you will avoid losses. I also talked with Chu Wutang when I visited Tianqi University of Science and Technology early last year."

"Tianqi University of Science and Technology once had a project similar to that of Academician Wei. Two years ago, this project was cancelled. Chu Wutang said very clearly."

"There is a project evaluation within Tianqi Group. This type of project is already in the leading position in Germany, and the relevant technology has matured. It is a waste of resources to carry out repetitive research."

"The research projects of Tianqi University of Science and Technology must always be at the forefront of the times, and no research is allowed on projects that are about to become obsolete."

"It is precisely because of this conversation that I asked the relevant higher-level departments to investigate the project."

"It's okay, you can go to Tianqi University of Science and Technology more, learn more, we can avoid many detours, we must make full use of the resources in our hands" Wei Dongshuo said with a serious expression.

Yuan Shiping nodded earnestly, Wei Dongshuo told himself that this was definitely not a joke, but pointed out his own shortcomings.

If this matter is grasped by someone with a heart, launching an attack on Yuan Shiping is a very unfavorable thing for Yuan Shiping, after all, the foundation of J City is very good.

Even if the Tianqi Group leaves, and a smarter person comes over, it may not be impossible to achieve good results.

"Thank you, senior officials, I know how to do it. After the year, let's find out together, and strive to issue a result before the end of March, and cut off all those projects that have no prospects," Yuan Shiping said seriously.

"World Ping, maintain this momentum. I will retire in two years at most. I have already told senior officials that I hope you will take over my position."

"J City has developed to the point where it is today, and you have done a lot of hard work. You don't want your hard work to sink in." Wei Dongshuo said these words to point Yuan Shiping.

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