Start the era of black technology

Chapter 945 Tianqi Group Headquarters Relocated to Mars

Unknowingly, it's May. On this day, Tianqi Group issued an announcement that the headquarters of Tianqi Group moved to the city of fire and stars.

After the news came out, even if they were prepared, many people had shocked expressions on their faces.

The headquarters of Tianqi Group has moved to Mars, and Xu Ping'an will definitely follow. There is no one who can toss the earth.

Xu Pingan, a living legend.

A unique business legend in human history.

Starting from a small online shop, counterattack all the way until you have a complete planet.

Created the largest private company in human history, Tianqi Group with the strongest technological strength.

Wei Dongshuo, sitting alone in his office, watching the announcement on the Tianqi Group's official website on the computer screen, sitting there alone, with many thoughts in his mind.

It is estimated that Wei Dongshuo himself did not know what his inner thoughts were.

Yuan Shiping was also sitting in his office alone. There were already several cigarette butts in the ashtray on the table, and Yuan Shiping still had one in his hand.

The whole room was filled with smoke. After a long time, "Sigh..." I remembered with a heavy sigh.

Huo Minghai did not follow the relocation of the headquarters, but chose to stay in J City, planning to retire for two years and live a peaceful life with his family.

The position was also adjusted in the last week, from the chief financial officer of Tianqi Group headquarters to the chief financial officer of Tianqi Group Asia, and the salary remained unchanged.

Feng Xia did not relocate with the headquarters. Now Feng Xia has a happy marriage and has a love crystallization with her lover, so she doesn't want to travel back and forth.

Lei Peng, too, did not follow the relocation of Tianqi Group headquarters to Mars.

There are also many people who work in the headquarters. They have already settled in J City. They are not forgiving and don't want to toss back and forth.

Xu Pingan did not force it, because Xu Hong and his wife were unwilling to go to Mars and chose to stay in J City, no matter how Xu Pingan persuaded them to not leave.

The reason is simple. Fallen leaves return to their roots and will be buried in the grave of their ancestors after death, worrying that they will not be able to return after going to Mars.

Xu Ping'an is not going to do it. The current situation does not allow Xu Ping's to proceed according to his personal wishes. The Tianqi Group is too large, and many people are waiting for Xu Ping'an to go to Mars.

This concerns the interests of many people.

At the same time, many countries also hope that Xu Pingan will take shape as soon as possible. Mars is abnormal now, and hope that Xu Pingan will improve various systems in the past and operate like a normal country.

This is good for all countries on the planet and can reduce a lot of tax losses.

It can be said that all parties are pushing Xu Ping'an forward. If he doesn't go, he cannot make other choices.

In the past few months, Xu Ping'an has not been idle, and directly bought a hospital in J City, mobilizing a group of experts to enrich the strength of the hospital.

Parents are required to do a weekly checkup. If they don’t agree to this requirement, they must follow Xu Ping’an to Mars.

Xu Hong and his wife discussed for a while, and agreed with Xu Pingan's filial piety.

The headquarters of Tianqi Group serves as the Asian division. The treatment of Feng Xia and others remains unchanged, except that the head of the administrative department of the headquarters has changed to the head of the branch administrative department.

Qian Wenwen was directly promoted to the head of the administrative department of Tianqi Group, and moved to Mars with Xu Ping'an.

Tian Xiaoping, deputy director of the finance department of Tianqi Group, also took the whole family to Mars with Xu Ping'an and was directly promoted to the chief financial officer of Tianqi Group.

Tian Xiaoping was recruited by Xu Pingan for an interview. He has been in the finance department of the headquarters and has been promoted step by step to the position of deputy director with a pragmatic style. This time, he was directly promoted to chief financial officer.

Many people's positions have been adjusted. Those who are willing to follow Xu Ping'an to Mars have basically been promoted by one level, and many people have been promoted from deputy positions to full positions.

Although the personnel changes are not small, there is no trace of panic. I started to prepare two years ago for this day.

The Apocalypse Research Institute was retained, but Chen Fansheng and a considerable number of personnel went to Mars with Xu Pingan.

The research projects carried out are classified, the first category, the second category, and the third category, all remain.

Four types of projects, five types of projects, all relocated to Mars for research.

Researchers don't care, as long as you provide sufficient research, they can be there. Therefore, the relocation of the four or five types of project teams is very peaceful.

Xu Kun took the project team and moved to Mars with his girlfriend.

Xu Qian, Xu Wentao, and the two also had a showdown with their girlfriends respectively. Both of their girlfriends were shocked and speechless, and they never dreamed that their lover was Xu Pingan's son.

Xu Qian's girlfriend Zhang Yingying calmly accepted after complaining.

Xu Wentao’s girlfriend Kasli, but she quit, she has already planned to break up with Xu Wentao, and the royal woman is not so good.

All kinds of rules are absolutely not in line with my own temperament, and I had a big argument with Xu Wentao. Under Xu Wentao's persuasion, I should adjust to it for a while. If I can't adapt, I can only break up.

Tianqi University of Science and Technology has also made adjustments. Chu Wutang no longer serves as the president of Tianqi University of Science and Technology, and vice president Dai Wenshu replaces the president.

Chu Wutang will follow Xu Pingan to Mars to set up an education department.

Regardless of how old Chu Wutang is, he still gets up and down.

Song Xinyun sold his animation company to Tianqi Group and left with a group of people willing to go to Mars with him.

Miao Yiyi recruited a professional manager to take charge of his company. He also took some people to Mars, intending to become his own film and television company on Mars.

Chen Qilin stepped down as the general manager of Tianqi Group Security Company and was replaced by Deputy General Manager Di Gang.

Taking his family to follow Xu Ping'an to Mars, the new position Xu Ping'an has been passed with Chen Qilin. Chen Qilin will be ordered to form the Ministry of National Security and become the first minister with great power.

There are so many different things. It is difficult for many people to decide whether to go to Mars or stay on Earth. Many families have gone through many family meetings to make choices.

Lin Yide will take his daughter to Mars. There is no objection in the family. Even Lin Yide's father is worried that Lin Yide will transfer his property to Mars.

Only one branch of the family goes to Mars, so that the entire Lin family can flourish. In case the earth falls down one day, relying on Mars can make a comeback.

Twenty days later, more than 600 people gathered on the Island of Edreus. Xu Ping'an and some high-level officials arrived. Before boarding the spacecraft, Xu Ping'an turned his head and stood for a few minutes.

Everyone looked at Xu Ping An and understood Xu Ping's mood. They didn't disturb him. It took a while before Xu Ping's boarded the interstellar spacecraft.

After a short time, the interstellar spacecraft began to take off and fly directly to Mars.

Now the speed of the interstellar spacecraft is different. It takes 55 days to go back and forth from the Earth to Mars, and it takes only 20 days to reach Mars.

There is also an interstellar warship, even if only the Apocalypse Group owns the interstellar warship, under the strong request of Gavin, James and others, an interstellar warship is escorted to Mars.

The Protoss City of Mars is completely different from before.

The population of the Protoss City alone has reached 700,000, the population of the Starry City is almost half a million, and the population of Mars is almost 155.

This number is still rising rapidly, especially this year, the number of people going to Mars is increasing every month.

Everyone knows that Tianqi Group will relocate to Mars this year. When will Mars take the lead now, everyone knows that when the headquarters of Tianqi Group moves to Mars.

The economy of Mars will usher in development.

After so long of construction, it is very beautiful, and the star palace gives people a sense of majesty and tranquility.

The entire Protoss City seems to be located in the woods. The green area of ​​the nine major city parks is very high. The fruit trees in the parks are not allowed to pick the fruits privately after they have matured. A fine of one thousand stars is found.

Three river channels meander through the city. These are all living water, which brings enough moisture to the city and increases the oxygen content.

A lot of government buildings have been completed, and the decoration has been completed, just waiting for people to settle in.

The police department has now been integrated into place by Yu Zegang. The public security problem in the city is very good. The entire Mars bans guns, and the civilians are not allowed to own guns.

Yalman’s city government and many departments have already started to move in personnel, and some communities have also begun to move in personnel, all of whom have obtained lifelong Martian ID cards.

If you don’t have enough money, go directly to the Tianqi Bank for a loan, interest-free, and can only be used to purchase Martian real estate, not for other purposes.

People with temporary ID cards can only stay in dormitories and cannot buy real estate on Mars.

Priority must be given to people who settle on Mars, and when the communities are delivered one after another, the problem of accommodation is relieved and commercialization begins.

TC, Eagle Country, and two interstellar transportation companies have also begun normal operations, and they travel to Mars very frequently.

And it's not running empty. Starting from the earth is full of supplies, and returning from Mars will also carry people or transport some steel, even if the price is a little cheaper, it is a net profit.

With more cargo and shorter travel time to and from Mars, profits will be guaranteed. The two companies are expected to slow down this year and place an order for two of Tianqi Machinery Group next year.

The more starships you have, the lower your maintenance costs and the higher your profits.

As more and more companies are settling down on Mars, there is no need to worry about orders and receive endless orders.

Time slowly passed. On this day, the interstellar spacecraft that Xu Pingan was riding in landed at the airport of the City of Stars. The current airport is different from before.

Ten interstellar spacecraft can stay at the same time, covering a very large area.

Yarman, Zhang Jianbin, Yu Zegang, Guo Changhe, and others with a large number of tickets were waiting. Seeing the spacecraft landed, everyone set off as cars.

Xu Pingan got off the interstellar spacecraft, shook hands with everyone, got in the car and left, and the convoy drove directly to the Star Palace.

After a brief talk, everyone left, let Xu Ping'an take a break, and agreed to hold a meeting two days later, and the transformation of the Protoss City was accelerated.

Lei Heyuan, the son of Lei Peng, was sent to the Eagle Country by Lei Peng to study. He didn't know what Lei Heyuan thought. He went abroad to learn butler management in private, and he also passed the senior butler certificate.

The angry Lei Peng went mad, and took out his belt at home to violently beat Lei Heyuan. Xu Ping'an passed immediately after receiving Lei Peng's wife's call for help.

It's a good thing to say that it is to comfort Lei Peng. After a while, Xu Ping'an proposed to let Lei Heyuan be his housekeeper, so that Lei Peng and Lei Heyuan and his son were reconciled as before.

Lei Peng and his wife did not want to come to Mars. Lei Heyuan came to Mars half a year ago. As the master of the star palace, he is responsible for the daily maintenance of the entire star palace.

The arrangement was arranged to guide Xu Ping's wife to rest in their room, Xu Qian and Xu Wentao to take his girlfriend to rest, and finally he personally guided Xu Ping's to rest in the room.

Only Xu Pingan's family can live in the Xing Palace. In the future, Xu Qian and Xu Wentao must live outside. This is the imperial palace and can only live in the emperor himself.

The guards of the Star Palace were arranged by Gavin, with 300 people divided into two groups to guard the Star Palace.

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