Two days later, in the large conference room of the Star Palace, the abbot Xu Ping'an had a meeting. Many things required Xu Ping's approval, one by one discussion, one by one.

The meeting was held at ten in the morning and ended at five in the afternoon.

After two consecutive days of meetings, it is considered that the current urgent needs to be dealt with have been stipulated, and this will be implemented for the time being, and subsequent adjustments will be made.

As the meeting ended, Yarman and others immediately became busy.

The meeting made clear appointments for many people.

Chen Qilin, officially appointed as the Minister of Supervision, has the scope of work for the entire Mars, and has the right to supervise all government agencies and civil society.

Gavin, officially appointed as the director of the Royal Intelligence Service, works on Mars and Earth.

Chu Wutang, officially appointed as the Minister of Education, began to establish a complete education system in the City of Stars and the City of Stars.

Wu Sikai, officially appointed as the Minister of Justice, is responsible for leading the drafting of the law.

Haruno Ueyama, the former director of Japan's Apocalypse Institute of Life Sciences, was officially appointed as the head of the Center for Disease Control and directly responsible to Xu Ping An.

Wilson, officially appointed as Minister of the Mars Environment Department, is responsible for the overall progress of the Martian environment.

Originally, Xu Pingan planned to hand over this position to Zhao Shenyue, but Zhao Shenyue made it clear that he did not want to leave the earth, and Xu Pingan arranged for Zhao Shenyue to take over as the director of the Tianqi Institute of Marine Ecology.

Williams, officially appointed as Minister of Water Resources, is responsible for the overall water conservancy project on Mars.

Duan Zhihai was formally appointed as the director of the National Publishing Administration.

Liu Bin was officially appointed as Director of the Immigration Bureau.

Chen Fansheng was officially appointed as the dean of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Wait, 17 people were officially appointed and started to form their own management team to start operations.

Among them, eight people from Western countries and nine people from Eastern countries come from eight countries on the earth.

After finishing her work, Xu Ping'an returned to the living room to rest. Darina came to Xu Ping'an with a melancholy expression. She wanted to say something and did not open her mouth several times.

"Dalina, no matter what you say, I won't blame you" Xu Ping'an looked at Dalina and said directly, already seeing Dalina's hesitation.

Darina nodded, the tangled expression on her face was not small, Xu Ping'an did not urge, for a long time, Darina looked at Xu Ping'an and said, "I'm pregnant."

Xu Ping'an was taken aback for a moment, with a surprised expression on his face, but he soon reacted, looking at Darina with a happy expression on his face.

"Dalena, listen to me, no matter what the child is going to give birth, I will take all responsibilities" Xu Ping'an walked over and took Dalena's hand and said.

Hearing Xu Ping'an say this, Darina felt much better, and Xu Ping'an pulled her down on the sofa and hugged her in her arms.

However, the expression on Darina's face was once again tangled.

"I'm worried about what Isabella and others will think of me," Darina said with a worried expression.

"Fool, do you really think they don't know about us? Your current treatment is equal to them. You can see this from Lei Heyuan's arrangement of the room." Xu Ping'an smiled and scraped Darina's nose.

The room configuration that Lei Heyuan arranged for Darina was of the same level as Isabella, Song Xinyun, and Miao Yiyi. This was explained by Xu Ping'an as early as when Lei He came to Mars.

Isabella, Song Xinyun, Miao Yiyi, the three of them are very aware of Xu Ping's relationship with Darina and Liu Wenjun, and sympathize with them, knowing their status in Xu Ping's heart.

After all, many key things were accompanied by Xu Ping'an by the two of them, and it is not an exaggeration to use the term shared adversity.

That year, Liu Wenjun's departure from Tianqi Group really surprised the three of them.

In particular, the four words never mentioned in the notice shocked the three of them. However, the three of them were very tacitly concerned and did not ask.

At the beginning of this year, Isabella, Song Xinyun, Miao Yiyi, the three of them told Xu Ping An about Darina. Darina must be given a name, and Darina should not be allowed to follow you so obscurely.

The reason why the three are so generous is inseparable from Darina's personality. At the same time, the three of them are also very aware of Xu Ping's relationship with Darina.

When Liu Wenjun left, Xu Ping'an remained silent for a whole month. It can be seen that these two assistants have unusual status in Xu Ping'an.

With Xu Ping'an's comfort, Darina was completely relieved. After a short time, Xu Ping's found Isabella, Song Xinyun, Miao Yiyi, the three, and announced that Darina was pregnant.

Soon, the three of them took Darina away.

Accepting Darina doesn't mean that the three of them don't hate Xu Ping An's heart. It's impossible for them to lose their breath. When they left, they gave Xu Ping a look one by one.

I don't care about Xu Ping An anymore, making Xu Ping an boring.

Soon, the two obstetrics and gynecology doctors arrived at the Star Palace with their assistants and began to conduct a comprehensive examination on Darina. As a result, Darina had been pregnant for two months.

One month has passed slowly, and many people feel that the operation of the Star City is much faster now. Four schools and four kindergartens have completed the greening and decoration and began to deliver to the relevant departments.

Soon, Chu Wutang began to announce that four elementary schools and four kindergartens began to enroll students.

It's all free, you only need to pay for the student's pen and paper bag, and the rest is free.

The teaching staff has been in reserve since the beginning of the year, and the teachers have been arranged to complete the lesson preparation before the school is about to deliver.

At a time, there were a lot of people who signed up, but they were very orderly. The fees were adjusted and adjusted in two months, because three schools and three kindergartens were still in charge.

Tianchao language is the official language. Before the university, the school did not have foreign language classes. If you want to learn it by yourself, go to a training class to learn it.

All administrative personnel must be able to speak Celestial language, and those who fail to speak Celestial language are not allowed to serve as public servants.

In addition, translators are very popular nowadays, there is no need to learn a foreign language, and it is very convenient to communicate freely in the mother tongue.

At the end of this year, the Royal Academy of Science and Technology will be completed, and the faculty will be drawn from Tianqi University of Science and Technology, all of whom are internationally certified professors.

On the earth, people from many countries and organizations are staring at the City of Fire and Stars, wanting to see what kind of reforms Xu Ping will carry out after arriving in the City of Stars.

Everyone admits that Xu Pingan is a business genius, but business genius does not mean that you are a political genius, and playing business does not mean that you can tactfully manage people's livelihood.

Governing the country is not such a simple matter. If one is not good enough, the whole country can be wiped out.

Many people believe that after Xu Ping's arrival on Mars, acting tough will definitely cause some turbulence in the Protoss City.

As a result, these people were disappointed.

With the listing of government departments one by one, everything seemed orderly and there was no panic.

On this day, Tianqi Group issued an announcement to hire 50 legal persons from TC, the European Union, and the two major economies to go to Mars as legal advisers to the Ministry of Justice.

Among them, 27 were from the Celestial Kingdom and 23 from the European Union.

The second announcement: The temporary Mars immigration bill has been implemented. Starting today, it is not so simple to immigrate to Mars.

In the past, there were no conditions. Now, more than 20 regulations, large and small, have been suddenly added. If you do not meet the requirements, you cannot emigrate to Mars.

The third announcement: Mars temporarily proposes the name of the Protoss Empire and implements a semi-constitutional monarchy.

Hesitating in many aspects, there is not enough preparation, and the founding ceremony will not be held in the short term.

The fourth announcement: The Protoss Empire has signed mutual visa exemption agreements with 37 countries including TC, Eagle, European Union, E, U.S., Japan, and so on.

The two sides recognize each other, send official ambassadors to each other, and begin formal work in January next year.

The announcement issued this time was as high as 29, many of which were incomprehensible to people, and it was not until the media hired experts to interpret what was going on.

Tianqi Group has started to renew its certificate in Tianchao, and its qualification has been converted from a local enterprise to a foreign-funded enterprise.

Many people are full of emotions, and no one thought that Tianqi Group would eventually come to the point of monopolizing Mars. This is a fantastic legend.

While people were still discussing this matter, an incident occurred on Mars. The city government imposed penalties on 17 TC companies, with a fine of as little as 3 million stars.

The highest fine is six million stars.

This is not a small number. The news was sent back to TC, which surprised many people.

The TC related departments pouted and had nothing to say, they had checked with the related departments of the Protoss Empire, and there was nothing wrong with the fine.

Xu Ping An hates third-party dispatch companies. This type of company sucks the blood of migrant workers.

All recruitment by Tianqi Group in Tianchao is direct recruitment, and personnel from third-party dispatch companies will not be accepted. Mars has agreements with various companies from the beginning.

You must hire directly, and you must not use a third-party dispatch company's employees. If you violate it, you will be severely punished.

As a result, none of these seventeen companies took the matter seriously. The personnel working in the company were all personnel dispatched by a third party. After receiving the report, Yarman did not negotiate with you at all and directly issued a fine rectification notice.

After paying the fine, you can make rectification. If the rectification is not in place, you will continue to close the door. If you fail to pass the three inspections, you will directly drive away the sparks.

After receiving the notice of fines, these companies began to adopt the same old method and began to ask the government for help. As a result, they were all rejected.

People in the relevant departments know that Xu Ping'an has a temper, and to consult with Xu Ping'an is purely looking for abuse.

Another thing is that Mars is now an independent country, and Tianqi Group is not an enterprise of the celestial dynasty. Xu Ping'an was not very obedient when he didn't go to Mars. Now he still counts on us to communicate with the Protoss Empire.

It's a brain-dead.

The Protoss Empire has already told you in advance and formed a document notice. If you don't change it, the penalty is reasonable and legal.

This is the first administrative punishment of the Protoss Empire, and it must be thoroughly implemented anyway. This is the beginning of a country's legal system.

It was silly to get this kind of reply, including two state-owned enterprises, who paid fines obediently and started rectification, all in accordance with the regulations of the Protoss Empire.

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