Start the era of black technology

Chapter 949: I Will Resolutely Not Accept

It took almost an hour for Gavin to leave Xu Qian's home. Xu Qian returned to the study after sending Gavin to the car, poured himself a glass of wine and stood in front of the large French window.

Seeing the sky slowly darkening outside, the sensible expression in Xu Qian's eyes grew more and more.

That night, Gavin took a small group of twelve people and left Mars in a small interstellar spacecraft and flew directly to Earth.

This small interstellar spacecraft is very fast. It only takes ten days to reach the Earth from Mars. It was developed by Tianqi Space Group last year.

The cost is very high, regardless of its small size, it can take up to sixteen people, and the cost is as high as 4 billion Mars.

Only three ships were built, one was docked at the Star Palace, one was used by Gavin, and the other was used for improved experiments.

This was decided by Xu Ping'an himself, without announcing it at all. Xu Qian didn't know the existence of such a small spacecraft.

Ten days passed slowly. On this day, when Xu Qian returned home, Chen Qilin was already waiting at home. The two went upstairs to discuss for almost two hours before Chen Qilin left.

Gavin’s aircraft landed directly in Italy, and there were already vehicles waiting. Gavin stepped out of the aircraft and got in the car and left. In the evening, I met with the Italian leaders.

The two sides talked for about two hours before Gavin left. The next day, he flew directly to Germany, followed by Spain, and the last stop was Australia.

As time passed day by day, half a month had passed since Gavin arrived on Earth.

On this day, the special departments of Italy, Germany, Spain, and Australia took collective action and began to arrest people frantically.

At the same time, the people led by Chen Qilin in the Supervision Department also started to take action. None of the five cities fell and started arresting people.

The one on Mars is relatively simple, arresting 207 people in one go.

As prime minister, Xu Qian held a press conference with no expression on his face to announce the crimes of these people. The government destroyed a corrupt syndicate, involving as many as 207 people.

Among them, 189 were civil servants.

These people not only committed corruption, but also committed treason. They were all sentenced to death, confiscated all their property, deprived of all political rights of their immediate family members, and were not allowed to leave Mars.

This time, the person involved in the case has a consultant around him, and he has an inescapable responsibility. He has already submitted his resignation to Emperor Xu Ping'an and resigned from the post of prime minister.

After the news came out, it caused a lot of shock on Mars. No one thought that so many people would be involved. Xu Qian would actually take the blame and resign, which is even more unexpected to everyone.

Two days later, Xu Pingan issued an announcement that Guo Ming, the mayor of Starlight City, and Yarman, the mayor of Starling City, were immediately transferred to the Council of Government as deputy prime ministers.

Song Liang, deputy mayor of Prosperity City, took over as mayor of Prosperity City.

Kang Zhengyong, Deputy Mayor of Starlight City, took over as Mayor of Starlight City.

Originally Xu Qian had four deputy prime ministers beside him. This time, three of them were taken down, and the other one felt that something was wrong and chose Mingzhe to protect himself.

Neither did he test the small group, nor remind Xu Qian, this approach made Xu Ping'an very disgusted, and this time he took it directly, depriving him of public office.

On Earth, Gavin has reached an agreement with various countries. 59 of the principal criminals are escorted to Mars for trial. The rest of the personnel will be dealt with seriously, and all the property of all involved persons must be confiscated.

All countries have no opinion on this point. The two organizations have accumulated a lot of wealth in peace and quiet. This time, they belong to the governments of all countries.

The transfer of prisoners to the Protoss Empire has a considerable impact on the ruling party in the country. This time is different. Gavin made it clear that if the ruling party does not do anything, the Protoss Empire will solve the matter by itself.

These people want to conspire to overthrow the Protoss Empire, and they definitely can't end it so easily.

The current Protoss Empire is very strong. There are six interstellar warships on the Earth's Idrius Island and outer space, and each interstellar warship is equipped with twenty flying saucers.

Mars is equipped with seven interstellar warships, two of which are second-generation interstellar warships, carrying up to forty assault flying saucers.

At the same time, three lines of defense against satellites have been deployed within the range of 1,000 kilometers, 3,000 kilometers, and 5,000 kilometers from Mars.

In the ten directions of heaven and earth, the first line of defense is composed of ten satellites, the second line of defense is twenty satellites, and the third line of defense is thirty satellites, all satellites equipped with laser attack weapons.

On the earth, no country has an interstellar warship, and the entire earth does not have a laser defense satellite system.

It can be said that the Protoss Empire has very strong hard capital.

If you refuse to accept it, fight, Xu Ping'an's disposition, the bigwigs of these countries are very clear, and it is more ruthless than the superpowers of the year.

Look at YD. It has now split into four countries, and they fight each other several times a year, which is completely another Middle East.

Hearing Gavin's words, all countries had no objection and agreed to hand over these people to the Protoss Empire. A week later, these people were put on the interstellar spacecraft.

More than a month later, the interstellar spacecraft arrived on Mars. Two days later, fifty-nine people were sentenced to death, without trial at all.

Kill directly.

Simple, straightforward and rude.

Xu Pingan did this to tell everyone clearly that if you want to play this game, you need to see what the consequences are.

You think you can escape punishment without being in the Protoss Empire. It's a complete dream. Even if you hide in the earth, you will have to dig out three feet.

In order to frighten the ghosts hidden in the dark.

In the past five years, with the improvement of the law, everything is governed by the law. Many people have forgotten Xu Ping's cruelty. This time, these people have firmly remembered Xu Ping's cruelty.

Dare to cross the thunder pond one step directly so that you will never stand up.

Seeing this result, some caring people took a deep breath and hid their thoughts deeper, and many people swear in their hearts.

Xu Ping'an never bubbling when he is not dead, he is really scared.

This is nothing, there are more terrifying things, I guess I know it, I can't sleep at night.

Those who were executed, their wives and children were unable to leave Mars, Gavin had two teams specially arranged to stare at them, and these people could only do heavy physical work.

The children of this generation and the next generation are not allowed to go to school, not to engage in business, not to engage in politics, not to learn technology, and can only engage in heavy physical work.

Completely cut off the rise of these people.

After two generations, I don't care, because these people are basically dead and are no longer a threat.

Two months passed slowly, and everything in the Protoss Empire began to return to normal. Those who should do business should do business, should sing and dance.

As time goes by, people will gradually forget these things, ordinary people will not care about these, they only care about a stable life.

As long as your life is stable, you won't care who will be in power. Perhaps, it is a good thing to have an emperor on it.

Time slowly arrived. At the end of November, on this day, the State Council issued an announcement that from January 1 next year, Xu Qian will not be the prime minister of the government.

Will go to open up wasteland, prepare to build the sixth city of the Protoss Empire, Magic City.

Yarman was appointed as the new prime minister by the emperor, and he began to perform his duties as prime minister from January 1.

Star Palace, in Xu Pingan's study.

Xu Pingan and Zhang Jianbin are drinking tea, not to mention that Zhang Jianbin is 72 years old this year, and there is not a single gray hair.

This is not hair dye, but natural. The new generation of vaccines is so powerful.

"Did I owe you in my last life, you arranged for me such an errand, I will not do it"

"Let Xu Qian, this kid hate me, what to do with my kid in the future, don't persuade, I will definitely not agree," Zhang Jianbin said rudely.

Xu Pingan's meaning is very simple, let Zhang Jianbin go to the Magic City to serve as the executive deputy mayor, the only purpose is to clean up Xu Qian, as a hammer to beat Xu Qian.

Toss Xu Qian fiercely and cultivate Xu Qian's combat effectiveness.

As for the development of the fantasy market, Xu Ping'an doesn't care at all. Even if the fantasy market is tossed and discarded, as long as Xu Qian can be trained well, everything is worth it.

"Brother Zhang, I really searched the Star Spirit Empire and couldn't find anyone more suitable than you."

"Other people can also beat Xu Qian, but other people can't grasp the degree of this. It is easy to sink this kid with a stick. I can only rest assured if I give it to Brother Zhang."

"Brother Zhang, when the seventh city is established, I will begin to enshrine the title. A marquise is indispensable for Brother Zhang. By the way, Brother Zhang's eldest son is no exception. How about I give an earl?"

"Each title can receive imperial subsidies every month. The higher the title, the higher the subsidy, and the tax exemption will be based on your title."

"Anyway, there are so many benefits!"

"In the future, when the Congress is established, 50 seats out of the 300 people will be elected from those with titles, and the remaining members of Congress will be elected by the people."

"The title is with you, but you leave with the country. If you don't think about yourself, you must also think about your children..." Xu Ping An began Crazy profit lure Zhang Jianbin.

Zhang Jianbin's face is unhappy, your sister, now you make it clear that you will pass to Xu Qian in the future, I toss Xu Qian fiercely, what should Xu Qian do if Xu Qian retaliates against me in the future.

You said lightly, but you can't agree to anything about it.

After talking for a long time, Zhang Jianbin didn't agree, Xu Ping'an changed his strategy and threatened. If Zhang Jianbin didn't agree, he would start attacking Zhang Jianbin's son Zhang Haoyun.

The bankruptcy of Zhang Haoyun, who is not attacked, is not over.

Zhang Jianbin's angry hands began to tremble, and he really wanted to fight Xu Ping'an directly, but now he is very old, Xu Ping'an is at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period and can't beat it.

Time passed unconsciously for three hours, and Xu Ping'an was struggling to coerce and lure Zhang Jianbin to nod, and Xu Ping'an let out a long sigh of relief.

It's really hard to be a father, and I really worked hard for my son.

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