Start the era of black technology

Chapter 950 A gentleman has something to do and what not to do, life needs to be managed!

(Thanks to [Tianhai Xiangyun] and others for their rewards! The old fat is a bit busy these days, and I will add more compensation immediately after the past few days. I definitely say that I will do it.)

Winter goes to spring. On this day, Xu Qian and Zhang Jianbin led a group of people to build a new city 500 kilometers away from Shennong City.

The engineers have already set off, and the site selection has started. After a temporary headquarters has been completed, the two talents began to lead the personnel to set off.

Xu Qian was full of confidence, and didn't know what mission Zhang Jianbin was next to him. He was completely confused by Zhang Jianbin's smile and kindness.

Looking at Xu Qian, Zhang Jianbin secretly sighed that Xu Qian was too far from Xu Ping'an and had too little grasp of people's hearts. Xu Ping'an had to let himself come and polish Xu Qian.

Xu Wentao was enjoying the blessings of the earth and broke up with his girlfriend Kasli. After returning to the single state, Xu Wentao began to indulge himself, basically a frequent visitor to global entertainment magazines.

Xu Kun is doing research in the research institute with his wife, and is indifferent to everything outside. In the eyes of the two, science is eternal, and everything else is secondary.

In the past few years, the husband and wife have also achieved a lot of results. Two of the technologies were awarded by the Royal Academy of Sciences for major achievements and spent 10 million stars to purchase them.

The first achievement is genetic modification of ryegrass.

The genetically modified ryegrass can withstand a low temperature of minus 20 degrees. This is definitely an epoch-making breakthrough, and it will greatly help increase the green plants of Mars.

The second achievement, Baisanye, is even greater and can survive at a low temperature of minus 40 degrees. At present, the plant base has been planted on the surface of Mars on a large scale.

The improved varieties of fennel leaf have been distributed to many planting companies on the earth, and hundreds of companies, large and small, can be cultivated and purchased as much as they cultivate.

At present, it has formed that a large number of shamrocks are transported to Mars every month. Among the projects released by the Ministry of Environment, there are many projects for laying shamrocks.

Hundreds of companies are carrying out this project, laying this kind of shamrock on the surface of the field, directly covering it on the dead turf, and sprinkling it once.

Anyway, there is a lot of rain on Mars now.

Compared with the time when Mars just completed the impact, it is really the difference between the sky and the earth. The air quality crushes the air quality of the earth. Many rich people on the earth put their vacation places in the Protoss Empire.

There are many people applying to immigrate to the Protoss Empire, but now it is different from the past. In the past, you only needed to have a good body to be able to immigrate. Now, you still have to have certain skills.

There are only two types of people who can immigrate. The first type is technical personnel, and the second type is the rich. Only these two types of people can immigrate to the Protoss Empire.

The low cost of living of the Protoss Empire, free education, high-quality air quality, and advanced modern technology are all advantages of attracting immigrants.

Liu Bin is deliberately controlling immigrants, with women first.

Among the personnel who have immigrated to the Protoss Empire in the past three years, women accounted for more than 60%, and now the ratio of men to women in the Protoss Empire is very close.

You know, the Protoss Empire does not implement monogamy, but is free. You can have polygamy or polyandry. As long as you both volunteer, everything is not a problem.

At present, the most famous woman in the Protoss Empire is an eagle-born woman named Desri, who has formed a big family with five men. This incident has caused a sensation on the earth.

The feminist organizations on the earth are excited directly, and they have issued statements that the Protoss Empire is a country that truly respects women's rights and calls on women to immigrate to the Prosops Empire.

Not to mention, this operation of the feminist organization really fooled millions of women who immigrated to the Protoss Empire. This situation made the countries on the earth a bitter smile.

Don't underestimate women. The police department, the supervision department, the court, the scientific research department, the military department, etc., all have women, and they are all very capable.

Especially in scientific research, these women have led breakthroughs in many projects of the Protoss Empire, which are very powerful.

Earth, Greece, a private holiday estate.

That night, Xu Wentao hugged left and right and took two supermodels back from the yacht back to the room, and the three of them were playing and making trouble along the way.

From the moment they entered the villa, the three of them couldn't control it. Starting from the stairs, the clothes on their bodies gradually left the three people's bodies, and they entered the room on the third floor and turned on the lights.

"Ah..." A supermodel looked at the sofa with a look of horror and roared. Xu Wentao was stunned and turned to look at the sofa with shocked expressions.

The two supermodels began to move their hands up and down to protect their vital parts. Xu Wentao turned to the two and said, "You go to the living room and wait for me."

The two supermodels immediately opened the door and left. Xu Wentao came to the sofa in the living room and sat aside looking at the man in front of him and said, "Uncle Gavin, why don't you tell me when you are here, so I can pick you up at the airport".

Gavin looked at Xu Wentao, and his heart was very complicated. Xu Wentao was shrewd, smart, and lustful at the same time. It can be said that he completely inherited certain characteristics of Xu Ping'an.

In Gavin's view, Xu Wentao is more suitable for playing politics than Xu Qian, because Xu Wentao is fiercer than Xu Qian in some aspects.

"How long are you going to play, do you plan to die so drunk, so that a woman will hit you to such an extent, it is really mentally retarded," Gavin looked at Xu Wentao and said directly, not at all polite.

Xu Wentao smiled, looking at Gavin with a bitterness that is hard to see on his face and said, "Uncle Gavin, don't tell me that you don't know my father is wary of me. My mother's family makes my father very worried about me."

"I'm not in politics is also a relief for my father, don't you want to see me and my elder brother intrigue tit-for-tat"

"Sometimes I really envy the third child, the husband sings and sings together, immersed in the joy of scientific research."

"Do you want to know why your father doesn't trust your mother's family" Gavin said calmly.

"I really don't know this, do you dare to say it?" Xu Wentao said with a picky face.

Gavin laughed, and came to himself with this set of "Don't you think your stimulating technique is very low-level, don't forget, you are my teaching".

Xu Wentao smiled after listening. There was no embarrassed expression on his face. "Is it important to try? Does Uncle Gavin don't want me to be better than blue".

The two looked at each other and both laughed. Xu Wentao took out one of the golden grass on the table and handed it to Gavin, then lighted it on Gavin and lit one himself.

"Your grandfather Phil is very ambitious, and he wants to win you in the competition between brothers so as to inherit the Tianqi Group."

"Once you win, the next step is to find a way to get you closer to the royal family. The wealth you have is the wealth that the royal family has."

"The first time I shot, I received your father's warning"

"On the second shot, your father directly chopped off your grandfather's extended hand and handled all the dozen or so people he sent out in secret. At the same time, he arranged for you to acquire all three companies to fight bankruptcy."

"On the third floor, when your grandpa is going to make a shot, I will send him a bullet directly on your father's order so that your grandpa will take it away."

"The result of your first step is not relying on your own abilities, it is your grandpa who made your success behind the scenes."

"One more, it's because of your girlfriend. Don't forget who your father is. It is very important to maintain royal blood. Don't say that you don't know."

"If your eldest brother didn't break up with his original girlfriend back then, his arrangements would be no different from yours."

"Listen to me, do you still think your father is biased against you?" Gavin looked at Xu Wentao and said directly.

Xu Wentao was taken aback, frowned and stopped speaking. After thinking for a moment, he picked up the phone and started to dial. Soon, a voice "boss" came from the phone.

"You arrange to send those two models away, don't let the idle people wait to bother me" Xu Wentao said directly.

"Yes, I will execute it immediately." Xu Wentao immediately hung up the phone when he heard this voice.

Putting down the phone, I stood up, went to the side, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses from it, poured two glasses directly, and handed Gavin a glass.

Gavin took over and tasted the red wine without speaking. All Xu Wentao did was to buy time for himself to think. This is also the knowledge of Professor Gavin.

"You came here this time because of my father's intention" Xu Wentao asked.

"No, it is my personal meaning, I hope you can stand up and help your father"

"Your elder brother lacks a sense of crisis, and now he can't see himself a little bit. You need to stand up and make him sober," Gavin said directly.

Xu Wentao smiled, with a bitter smile on his face, looking at Gavin and said, "Uncle Gavin, if you intervene in our affairs like this, you are not afraid of my father getting angry."

Gavin laughed when he heard this sentence. Looking at Xu Wentao, he was very satisfied, his head turned too fast, and he reached the point in one sentence.

"I didn't report to your father for doing this, and your father wouldn't blame me if he knew afterwards. You don't understand the friendship between me and your father."

"Anyone in the Star Spirit Empire can be called a traitor, but I don't. Your father knows this very well. Otherwise, why would the CIA hand it over to me," Gavin said with a smile on his face.

Xu Wentao watched Gavin narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly, raised his hand to dry the red wine in the glass, then picked up the bottle and poured himself another glass.

"Sometimes I really envy my father, my mother, Aunt Song, Aunt Miao, and Aunt Darina, they all love his father wholeheartedly and tolerate his violent temper."

"Outside, with you, Chen Qilin, Niels, Bruce, Wu Sikai, Qiao Yicheng, Chen Fansheng and other talents who can be alone, God is really kind to my father."

"The luckiest person in this century deserves his name" Xu Wentao said with a jealous expression on his face.

"Wen Tao, you are very smart, I firmly believe in my opinion, in some respects you are better than Xu Qian"

"But have you ever thought about a question, why are all of us following your father wholeheartedly, why are there no such people around you"

"When we were with your father, all of us were small people, or even small people weren't considered small people. It is because of your father that gave us the opportunity to rise and changed our lives."

"Why don't you have such a person around you, why can't you let people around you follow you wholeheartedly"

"You are not young anymore, there is no meaning to drunk life and death. No one can fill the emptiness in your heart."

"You should think about this issue carefully"

"A gentleman has something to do and what he doesn't do, life needs to be managed!" Gavin stared into Xu Wentao's eyes and said.

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