Gavin talked with Xu Wentao for almost two hours before leaving. After sending Gavin away, Xu Wentao returned to the room, poured himself a glass of wine again, and went straight to the balcony.

The sea breeze shook Xu Wentao's hair. Looking at the stars in the sky, Xu Wentao's mind was very confused, whether he would continue to be drunk and dream of death, or rise up and return to the Protoss Empire.

Xu Wentao felt hard to choose.

After Gavin left and returned to the hotel, he turned on his laptop and started to video with Xu Ping An, and recounted his conversation with Xu Wentao.

"Do you really think Xu Wentao will return to the Protoss Empire" Gavin asked.

A smile appeared on Xu Ping’s face on the screen, “Gavin, he is my son. Although I spend less time with me, I know him well”

"Wen Tao has small emotions, this is understandable, but now you have explained to him, he knows exactly what he should do"

"The throne of the Protoss Empire is still very attractive, I don't believe he can really let go."

"What on earth do you think, Xu Wentao's abandonment of the right to the throne will not cause an open fight between their brothers, isn't it good?"

"Could it be that you really want to see their brothers fighting over and over to develop into an enemy relationship" Gavin said with a frown, not understanding Xu Ping'an's thoughts.

"Gavin, as long as the nations of the earth are capable, they are all planning the idea of ​​the Protoss Empire"

"I don't dare to be blatant now, it's because we people exist. Once we people pass away, what will it be like?"

"How can no strong man guarantee that the Protoss Empire continues to prosper"

"Don't forget, the people in the Protoss Empire are all immigrants, and their loyalty to the country is no longer stable. Don't expect them to increase their loyalty to the country without decades of stability."

"Without a powerful king, the independence of the Protoss Empire cannot be guaranteed. There are two generations of powerful kings that will increase the country's population for several generations."

"At that time, the Protoss Empire could truly become a country." Xu Ping'an had a serious expression on his face when he said these words.

"I don't understand what you said, how do you say how I did it" Gavin rubbed his brow and said.

The political intrigue and mutual calculation made Gavin dislike it very much. This is because Gavin sees too many dark things. More than 95% of the people who do these dehumanizing things are politicians.

The two talked for a while and then ended the call. Gavin turned off the computer and leaned back on the sofa, shaking his head with a helpless expression on his face.

As time passed slowly for a week, Gavin accompanied Xu Wentao to Idrius Island to take an interstellar spacecraft back to the Protoss Empire. Gavin was not convinced, and Xu Ping'an fully understood Xu Wentao.

From now on, the Protoss Empire will have a lively look.

There is the emperor Xu Ping'an indulgent, and there are two princes fighting in secret, absolutely lively.

Two months passed slowly. On this day, the imperial emperor issued an announcement that Xu Wentao would go to wasteland, the location was 500 kilometers west of Fanxing City.

Qin City, the seventh city of the Protoss Empire will be built here.

Wang Changyou was appointed as the executive deputy mayor of Qincheng City.

Ordinary people can't see much of this announcement, but in the eyes of the senior leaders of the Protoss Empire, this appointment is not easy.

Wang Changyou was one of the three more loyal advisors around Xu Qian. Seven of the top ten advisors around Xu Qian were executed. Wang Changyou was one of the remaining three.

Now he has been dispatched to Xu Wentao's side. The executive deputy mayor has real power, and Xu Ping's appointment and dismissal can only be decided by Xu Ping's.

The meaning of this is worth savoring.

Zhang Jianbin also saw the notice at his residence, shook his head and smiled bitterly. Xu Ping'an was really cruel, which made it clear that the two sons were fighting in secret.

After this battle, the political skills of the two sons will definitely improve in a straight line. What do you do if you let us part-time workers be able to settle down in the future?

There are only three paths for all government officials. The first is loyal Xu Ping'an, the next day is loyal Xu Qian, and the third is loyal Xu Wentao.

If you don't want to stand in line, all three parties will hit you.

The end of the wrong team can be imagined, it is impossible for Zhang Jianbin not to have a headache.

"My God, why didn't you cut the scourge of Xu Ping'an to five hundred years ago" Zhang Jianbin said directly, looking up at the starry sky.

One month passed slowly, and a gossip began to circulate in the Star Spirit Empire. Xu Ping'an was considering the matter of knighthood as a kind of return to the elderly of the Tianqi Group.

Some people are calm, some people are not calm, many civil servants began to discuss this after dinner together after get off work.

Time slowly passed, and people in the entire Protoss Empire were discussing this matter. Soon, the wind blew to the earth again, and the media on the earth began to report the matter.

On this day, Xu Pingan's personal social account was updated.

The fifteen chapter photos are published above.

Song Yunfan, Liu Mingtang, Cao Wujun, Coster, Del, Feng Qingping, Tang Jie, Sokeya, Fred, Hack, Wu Bokai, Wang Xiaojun, Denverson, Duan Zhirong, Yister.

Photos of the captains of the fifteen interstellar warships, each of them is in a military uniform, holding the captain's scepter unique to the Protoss Empire.

There are fourteen men and one woman.

There is also a sentence below the photo, "Hold the Protoss Scepter, the universe and the starry sky will be sealed!].

This batch of Xu Ping'an’s content is very informative, and it has caused a lot of noise among ordinary people. It is a great honor to be knighted. Those who want a knighthood seem to understand something.

The most direct response is that the various schools of the Protoss Empire, the Baucau Empire Star Air Force Academy, have more personnel.

Many young people began to fantasize that they held the scepter of the Protoss Empire and commanded the starship to open up the borders of the universe and the starry sky, and then accept the emperor's title.

This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to increase people's recognition of the country, to give ordinary people a goal, and guide these people to fight for the development of the country.

Get the recognition of young people first. As young people recognize the country, the country will become more and more stable as the steps are formed from generation to generation.

Xu Ping'an said that after ten cities are established, the National Assembly will be established. Now the construction of the sixth and seventh cities has begun, and it is time to be crowned.

If the country has more people with titles, there will be more people who fully support the national system, which will greatly consolidate the stability of the country.

The bigwigs of many countries on the earth have seen Xu Ping'an's plan, and many people are shaking their heads. Xu Ping's work is one after another, waiting for the Protoss Empire to start building the Congress.

Congress has been unable to form a strong restriction on imperial power, and the status of the imperial family will become more consolidated and become entrenched over time.

The media has been discussing topics unconsciously for half a month. On this day, Xu Ping'an announced the rank, treatment, rights, and obligations of the title.

Prince, Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, Baron, six ranks, earl and lower ranks are three ranks.

The lowest-grade baron enjoys an empire allowance of 800 stars per month until you die naturally. Those who hold the title will enjoy a 2% tax deduction for business in the Protoss Empire.

Charity must be carried out in the Empire once a year, and the charity amount must not be less than one thousand stars. This is the duty of the title.

Viscount, the monthly imperial allowance is one thousand two hundred stars and can enjoy a 4% tax deduction. The number of charities is twice a year, and the charity amount is two thousand stars.

Earls, the allowance is 2,000 stars and enjoys a 6% tax deduction. The number of charities is three times a year, and the charity amount is 3,000 stars.

Marquis, the allowance is three thousand five hundred stars and enjoys a 10% tax deduction. The number of charities is four times a year, and the charity amount is four thousand stars.

Duke, the allowance is five thousand stars, enjoy a 12% tax deduction, there is no limit to the number of charities, and the annual charity amount is six thousand stars.

Wang Jue, the allowance is 10,000 stars and enjoys a 15% tax deduction. There is no limit to the number of charities, and the annual charity amount is 20,000 stars.

At the same time, Xu Ping'an announced an organization, the Ethics Committee, whose duty is to examine those who have titles to see if these people have fulfilled their obligations.

People with titles must abide by social morality. Anyone who has caused a scandal can be deprived of the title after the ethics committee reports to the emperor.

Every two years, the Ethics Committee will nominate five hundred people for review by the emperor, and those who pass the review will receive the title, regardless of the industry.

In other words, as long as you have made a contribution to the Protoss Empire, then you can have a knighthood and be knighted once every two years.

The title is not static. You can contribute to the Protoss Empire through your own efforts. You can increase your title based on your merits.

Correspondingly, the inheritance of the title is in a diminishing way. You have a duke. When you die naturally, the title held by your next generation will become a marquis, and the next generation will become an earl.

Decrease from generation to generation.

In the future, after the establishment of the National Assembly, 50 seats of parliament members will be reserved. These 50 seats of parliament members will be selected from among those who have titles, without going through elections.

The list of knighthoods is expected to be announced early next year, and the knighthood ceremony will be held in the second half of next year.

Xu Pingan gave a clear date, which detonated the media in one fell swoop. Originally, people didn't care much about this kind of news, but now they are paying attention again.

Many media said that if the knighted person can follow the rules of the ethics committee, in the future, the knighted person will definitely be respected.

The media of the Protoss Empire began various analyses, and this wind had spread to the earth over a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers without exception, and caused a lot of noise on the earth.

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