On the earth, the media of various countries have begun to report about the ensignment of the Protoss Empire, which has caused a lot of noise in many countries.

The bigwigs of many countries frowned when they saw this news. Xu Ping'an was really too cunning. After next year's knighthood, the entire Protoss Empire will have more loyal subjects.

People with titles on them must be Xu Ping's loyal supporters, establishing the status of the Protoss Empire in one fell swoop.

It can be said that Xu Pingan's system is an upgraded version of the Eagle State's constitutional monarchy, which has become a lot better. The phenomenon of protracted parliamentary delays similar to the Eagle State's Brexit can be completely avoided.

Multiple departments have formed strong supervision and control, thus avoiding the occurrence of corruption to the greatest extent.

In particular, the allowances and obligations of knighthoods have completely turned these knighted people into civilized people. They carry out charitable activities every year, and they are enveloped by charity. It is not a problem to become a respectable existence.

The titles of the Protoss Empire are more attractive than the titles of other countries on the earth. This is universally recognized.

After discussing between Mars and Earth for almost a month, the heat began to decline. At this moment, Xu Ping'an issued another announcement.

Protoss Empire Medal System is online.

The Medal of Valor, the Medal of Struggle, the Medal of Freedom, the Medal of the Empire, the Star Spirit Medal, and the five categories of medals.

The Medal of Valor is for soldiers,

The first benefit is that people who receive medals can use all public transportation for free within the Protoss Empire.

The second benefit is a living allowance of five thousand stars per year.

The third benefit, within the scope of the Protoss Empire, you can enjoy various tax reductions of 5%

The fourth benefit, the proportion of medical insurance reimbursement within the Protoss Empire has increased by 5%.

The fifth benefit, after retirement, your pension is 5% higher than the standard.

The sixth benefit is that five points will be added to the total score when the immediate children take the college exam.

The Medal of Struggle is aimed at scientific researchers, and the rest of the medals are aimed at everyone in the Protoss Empire. The benefits are higher than the Medal of Valor. Correspondingly, the conditions for obtaining the Medal of Valor are much more difficult.

All those who receive the medal are also supervised by the Ethics Committee.

You know, the personnel of the Ethics Committee are all designated by Xu Ping An. Whether you violate the rules or not, everything depends on Xu Ping's intention.

Similarly, the list of winners of various medals will be announced at the end of next year.

After the list is announced next year, a large number of people loyal to the Protoss Empire will be added, and the foundation of the Protoss Empire will continue to be consolidated.

Xu Pingan's wrist makes you have to obey.

On Earth, after the media reported the incident, many leaders of the organization sighed for a long time, and temporarily abandoned the organization's plan to enter the Protoss Empire.

The plan to take advantage of the instability of the Protoss Empire to do things fell through.

Time passed slowly, and towards the end of the year, two news came from the earth in two days.

Leonardo passed away at the age of ninety-two.

The Queen of Eagle Country died at the age of 125.

I have all sent me memorial invitations to Xu Ping’an. One is an important ally, and the other is a private ally with a lot of credit. However, Xu Ping’an could not leave for the earth.

This matter can only let his two sons Xu Qian and Xu Wentao go.

Xu Qian, representing Xu Ping An, participated in the memorial service of Eagle Country.

Xu Wentao, representing Xu Pingan, attended Leonardo's memorial service, and by the way, took the Protoss Empire title certification.

According to Leonardo's contribution, the marquis' title can be obtained. Since Leonardo's descendants are not the nationality of the Protoss Empire, the marquise's title is split directly.

Become two viscountry titles, which were granted to Leonardo's two sons, Dean and Sam, respectively. The two of them can enjoy the treatment of viscounts for life, without inheritance rights.

Xu Pingan specially approved that the companies invested by the two in the Protoss Empire can enjoy earl-level tax-free treatment.

This is something Leonardo communicated in advance with Xu Ping An’s video call in the hospital. As for whether Dean and Sam will accept it, it is not a question Xu Ping’s considers.

Xu Qian and Xu Wentao set off in that special small aircraft in the Star Palace. They were fast, and the only problem was the lack of crew.

After the aircraft landed in London, Xu Qian got off the aircraft. The ambassador of the Protoss Empire to Eagle Nation and a team sent by Gavin immediately approached Xu Qian and was responsible for Xu Qian's safety on the earth.

The aircraft set off again for a direct flight to Spain. Similarly, Xu Wentao got off the aircraft and was picked up by a group of people and went straight to Leonardo's house.

This time there are many leaders from various countries in the Eagle Nation. More than one hundred heads of state have gathered in the Eagle Nation. The queen is too long and the seniority is too high. Coupled with the status of the Eagle Nation, all countries must send heavyweights to the face.

The Eagle Nation gave Xu Qian a high treatment. After all, the two countries are now allies, and the two sides cooperate closely. They are still in the honeymoon period, and everything is properly arranged.

On Leonardo's side, after handling Leonardo's funeral affairs, a small ceremony was held. Xu Wentao, on behalf of Xu Ping'an, officially named Sam Deen in front of everyone.

Many people have a look of envy.

Ten days later, the two returned to the Protoss Empire in a flying vehicle. After meeting with Xu Ping An, they rested for a few days before returning to their respective posts to continue working.

Starling City, two hundred kilometers to the east, there is a huge warehouse, the entire frozen warehouse, and the entire warehouse maintains a temperature of minus 40 degrees all the year round.

There are special personnel to patrol the warehouse 24 hours a day. Guo Changhe sends a company to protect the warehouse. All personnel are not allowed to enter the warehouse and can only patrol outside the warehouse.

Including Guo Changhe, they don't know what materials are stored in this warehouse. There is an artificial intelligence star terminal in the warehouse.

Only Xu Ping'an could enter, and no one else had the right to enter. The secrecy was extremely confidential.

In the huge warehouse, there are three piles of unknown metals. These metals are purchased from the Explorer spacecraft and are used to build the translatitude aircraft.

Tianqi Group has the technology to build mechanical dogs many years ago. It is a simple matter to upgrade and build some engineering robots. A hundred engineering robots were secretly produced.

These robots and a batch of mining equipment were all taken away by the explorer spacecraft. As long as the materials needed were discovered, they would directly start digging until the materials were all purchased.

When the spacecraft was full, it returned directly to the Protoss Empire, and set off again after unloading the cargo.

Every time when unloading cargo, Xu Ping'an came here personally, and the troops responsible for guarding here evacuated directly to a range of 500 meters away, and no one came over.

After unloading the cargo, Xu Ping and the aircraft left, and the troops came to continue their defense.

Xu Ping'an has done experiments with these materials, and one of the ferrous metal materials cannot even be cut with a high-power laser knife, which surprised Xu Ping'an.

"Xingling, these materials are so hard, how can they be smelted and used" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"After all the materials are collected, I can only refining and assemble it by myself. The moment the aircraft is formed, it is the time when we flee the bird-not-shit universe with all our lives" Xingling said directly.

Xu Ping'an curled his lips and stopped asking. He already understood what the Xingling meant.

Time slowly came to mid-January, when the Protoss Empire’s annual meeting began, and high-level personnel gathered in the Star Palace to summarize last year and formulate a development plan for this year.

Yarman made a concluding statement as prime minister, and Xu Ping'an was very satisfied after hearing it.

Last year, the total value of various items exported by the Protoss Empire to the earth was more than 2.24 billion stars, which once again created a new high, especially fruits and meat, which were sold out of Mars to the earth for the first time.

Star peach, the unique fruit of the Protoss Empire, according to testing, the various trace elements contained in peaches are leading the peach varieties on the earth, among which the iron content exceeds all fruits on the earth.

It is called a natural blood supplement.

Beef has been improved over the years. The comprehensive evaluation of beef's degree of frost, color, texture size, and fatness all kills beef indicators on the earth.

Exporting more than a thousand tons, the price is high, and occupying the high-end beef market of the earth in one fell swoop, you may not be able to buy this kind of beef if you have money, the output is very low.

The rest are ore exports. Many ore are extracted from asteroids. The quantity is not large, but the price is high.

The amount of imports is a horrible figure. The total annual imports amounted to more than 170 billion sing dollars. The trade deficit is very terrifying.

"Yalman, we export so little, import so much, and the government deficit is so high, how do you plan to improve," Xu Ping said, rubbing his head.

"Your Majesty, this horrible trade deficit is difficult to change in a short period of time, including our government deficit."

"According to the plan, this year our government will issue 100 billion sing currency bonds to maintain the current Mars transformation and infrastructure construction."

"I already have a plan for export, which is to start the Amy chip project"

"Since your Majesty popularized nanotechnology and sealed Ami technology many years ago, many countries on the earth want Ami-level chips. I think it can be activated now," Yarman said directly.

Xu Ping'an frowned, and started contacting Protoss in his mind to let Prosperity fully evaluate the current nano-based applications. Only when the nano-based applications are fully popularized can they make plans to upgrade to the Ami level.

"It is not necessary to consider Africa, and only evaluate the top 50 countries in the global economy," Xu Pingan added.

"Commander, nano-level applications have not yet reached the standard. The penetration rate in all walks of life is only 48%, and there is still a big gap between the 75% standard." Recovery.

"If it is only popularized in the Protoss Empire," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Nor, the nanotechnology penetration rate of the Protoss Empire is only 57%, and it also does not reach the 75% standard," Prosperity said directly.

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