"Yarman, the Amy-level technology continues to be sealed and will not be unsealed"

"If nano-level technology is not popularized to a certain extent, and the Ami level is directly activated, nothing will be seen in a short time. In the future, there will definitely be a period of technological breakthroughs."

"Nanotechnology is the foundation of Amy's technology. If the foundation is not strong, there will be major problems. Although the penetration rate of Protoss Empire's nanotechnology is not low, it has not reached full popularity."

"Don't think about it in three years"

"You negotiate with Chen Fansheng to develop a nanotechnology popularization plan. We don't care about the earth. All walks of life in the Protoss Empire must speed up to enter the nanotechnology level."

"Especially the basic manufacturing industry, we must accelerate efforts to popularize," Xu Ping An said with a serious expression on his face.

"Okay," Yarman said helplessly.

"I will negotiate with the Prime Minister to formulate a comprehensive popularization plan. We have many new breakthroughs in nanotechnology," Chen Fansheng stood up and said.

Xu Ping'an nodded, waved his hand, and let the two sit down and talk.

"Your Majesty, nanotechnology is not popular, can anti-aging genetic medicine be popular? This type of genetic medicine has been undergoing clinical trials in the Empire for three years. The data in all aspects show that it is very good," Yarman said while looking at Xu Ping An.

Everyone smiled, everyone took the anti-aging genetic medicine, and the effect was really good.

This kind of gene medicine is only about anti-aging and does not have the ability to enhance immunity. Countries on the earth are looking forward to this product.

Especially women on earth have long yearned for this product.

The chairman of the top ten pharmaceutical groups even went to Mars to discuss this matter in person, and was directly rejected by Xu Ping An. Now it is different.

This product will never be authorized externally, and can only be produced on Mars, without setting up a branch on Earth.

Will not let any enterprise share the pie.

Xu Ping'an's tough attitude has made the top ten pharmaceutical groups very helpless. Now it is no better than before. In the past, political forces could be introduced to persecute Xu Ping'an.

Now, Xu Pingan doesn’t jeopardize the political power they have introduced. He dared to target the Protoss Empire’s corporate means, and the Star Warship will negotiate with you.

If you don't agree, you will get economic sanctions. If you are still not convinced, hit them, and you will be honest.

It can be said that the most taboo of the countries on earth now is to negotiate with the Protoss Empire. Xu Ping'an's strength makes many people very uncomfortable.

What's more, the imports of the Protoss Empire are very fierce. If you don't agree to buy directly from your country, it will directly cause great turmoil in your domestic economy.

Therefore, all business matters will not interfere.

"Yes, I will explain, Tianqi Group can start production and listing this year," Xu Pingan said directly.

Tianqi Group is the private property of Xu Pingan, and it is now completely separated from government finances. The patent right of this anti-aging gene drug belongs to Tianqi Group.

Xu Pingan can only arrange production.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing, do we turn the auto-driving car rental system into a taxi operation system to increase employment," Yarman said while looking at Xu Ping An.

The taxi industry of the Protoss Empire is an autonomous driving system with no manpower. Now as the population of the Protoss Empire increases step by step, the increase of jobs has become a major event.

Changing to an ordinary taxi system will directly increase a lot of jobs, which is a major event for the government to reduce employment pressure.

"Yalman, you must have a long-term consideration"

"This year we will be knighted and awarded medals. These two major events are very costly. A large sum of money will be issued every month."

"The benefits of the autonomous driving rental system are equally shared by the government's finances and the city's finances. Have you considered the impact of reducing this revenue?" Xu Ping'an asked, looking at Yarman.

"Your Majesty, I have a piece of data here, please look at it." Yarman opened the briefcase and took out a folder and handed it to Xu Ping'an. Xu Ping'an took it and began to look through it.

Seeing the report, Xu Ping'an was surprised. Turning autonomous driving into a way for individuals to rent out could increase government tax revenue, and immediately began to ask Xingling to perform deductions.

"Although this plan has some data flaws, generally speaking, the effect is better than the report said."

"When people have a job, they will have income, and when they have income, they will consume. Consumption can drive economic vitality. Although the taxation of taxis is less, the taxation of other aspects will show an increasing trend."

"One more thing, you can simplify the Starry System and apply it to personal cars"

"Increase the sales price of vehicles. According to statistics, individuals are willing to buy self-driving vehicles. After all, many people want to drive to the suburbs to relax, which is good for the overall economy."

"At the time when the taxi autopilot system was promoted on the earth, this part of the money was transferred away by companies. Now the situation is different. We must adapt to local conditions." Xingling's answer was simple and clear, confirming Yarman's plan.

"Well, I will approve your plan, and you can proceed." Xu Ping'an gave a clear reply directly, and Yarman was beaming.

Next began to discuss other things, Ji Xueyi stood up and raised one thing that requires Xu Ping's decision.

"Your Majesty, many countries on the earth have negotiated with me to store gold in our Protoss Empire. Look, are we doing this business?" After Ji Xueyi said this, many people were surprised.

After the United States and some European countries hacked the gold of other countries, few countries are willing to store gold in other countries.

Xu Pingan thought for a while and directly asked, "How many countries have contacted you, and what is the approximate number?"

"At present, eleven countries have contacted me, and the preliminary estimate is that the quantity is more than 1,400 tons." Ji Xueyi reported truthfully.

"You can start this business. Your central bank can build a gold storage warehouse. I will arrange for the science and technology department to provide you with a professional testing equipment."

"As long as the gold is not pure enough, or if there are other metals in the gold, it will respond immediately."

"You can make a promise with those countries, allowing them to send a five-person team to check the gold stored in their country at any time, allowing them to withdraw at any time."

"The freight is borne by ourselves, and at the same time, we have to charge a certain storage fee, which will make up for your miscellaneous expenses."

Ji Xueyi smiled and nodded and said, "I understand, I will negotiate with them."

"By the way, how many gold reserves our empire currently has," Xu Pingan asked.

"Your Majesty, the current empire's gold reserves are 9,639 tons," Ji Xueyi said directly.

"Why so many" Xu Ping'an was a little surprised.

"Boss, the asteroid capture spacecraft captured a few meteorites in the universe, and when they returned to the empire for crushing, they found that the entire meteorite contained high-purity gold.

"According to statistics, the gold we have obtained from these asteroids is as high as more than two thousand tons," Ji Xueyi said seriously.

"There is such a good thing," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and everyone else also laughed. This is really a windfall.

"Your Majesty, more than that, we have also harvested a large number of diamonds and other gems. If this batch of jewelry is sold, it will be no problem in exchange for billions of stars." Ji Xueyi said very positively.

Diamonds and gems are stored in special warehouses. They are of high quality. News is strictly blocked. At present, not many people know about this.

"You arrange to sell these items slowly, we don't need to keep so many"

"Or arrange for someone to make a batch of jewellery directly, and do a good job of it, and strive for greater benefits in exchange"

"Xueyi, you can discuss with Yarman and Niels, you can consider establishing a gold exchange, and you must maximize your benefits."

"Also, this matter is kept confidential, and what we are talking about today must not be leaked out. If there is any violation, the crime of treason will be punished." Xu Ping'an finished speaking and waved Ji Xueyi to sit down, while looking around.

Everyone nodded seriously, and Xu Ping'an was relieved.

After dealing with Ji Xueyi's affairs, he began to discuss other things one by one. The comprehensive taxation of enterprises in many industries rose by 3%, and the personal income tax of the entire Protoss Empire rose.

Bank reserve interest rates, deposit interest rates, municipal rent prices, etc., have all been adjusted.

Neither Yarman nor Xu Pingan were worried about the increase in taxes, because the tax revenue of the Protoss Empire was still very low compared to that of the earth.

On this point, countries on the earth have very opinions.

Even if it is adjusted this time, the tax rate is still lower than that of the countries on the earth, but the Protoss Empire is already adjusting, and it can be regarded as blocking the mouth of the countries on the earth.

The meeting lasted for almost a week, before all matters were discussed, and the people from various departments went back and began to arrange it.

Set up before the Spring Festival, and immediately follow the plan once the Spring Festival is over.

Xu Pingan also began to set up, registered a company called Tianqi Pharmaceutical in Xingguang City, and began to form management.

Two days before the Spring Festival, the construction contract and equipment procurement contract of the pharmaceutical company have been completed. After the Spring Festival, construction will begin on the seventh day of the month.

In the second half of this year, Xu Hong and his wife were also taken over by Xu Ping’an. The family was really reunited, and it was so lively talking and laughing.

The little girl Xu Yingnan is very much loved. Xu Ping An usually spoils Xu Yingnan very much. This makes Darina very happy. Originally, Darina was worried about Xu Ping’s patriarchy.

It turned out that Xu Ping'an had no tendency at all. After asking Song Xinyun, Darina understood what was going on and was completely relieved.

The statutory holiday for the Spring Festival of the Protoss Empire is ten days. The holiday begins four days before the Spring Festival and does not officially start work until the seventh day of the year.

Firecrackers cannot be avoided during the New Year, and during the first Lantern Festival, you are allowed to set up a stall on the sidewalk across the road, and you are allowed to set up a stall at a designated location in the park at no cost.

The year is full of flavour and every city is lively.

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