Start the era of black technology

Chapter 955 I am very unconvinced, but also very helpless.

"We can't be left behind. The popularity of domestic nanotechnology is lower than that of the Protoss Empire. I think we must introduce a policy to popularize nanotechnology."

"If companies do not upgrade, we will force them to upgrade"

"One more time we need to adjust our welfare policy. Now in China, lazy people who are unwilling to work are increasing. This situation must be changed."

"If our Great Eagle Empire wants to rise, we must fight together and reduce the welfare of these lazy people."

"In addition, our immigration policy also needs to be changed. The proficiency of the African-American population must be greatly reduced. They are an unstable factor."

"The U.S. economy has grown rapidly in recent years, and social security has also increased a lot. The most fundamental reason is that there are fewer people of African descent in the country."

"The same is true for the Protoss Empire. The number of African Americans in the Protoss Empire is very small. It can be said that the Protoss Empire immigration department is deliberately controlling."

"We must learn from this," said a big guy with a serious face.

The boss nodded and said, "You are right, eat with me today. We have discussed a plan that must be implemented this year."

The big bosses nodded their heads and began to discuss various things.

As time passed slowly by a week, the United States introduced policies in the country to increase the popularity of domestic nanotechnology.

Government subsidies, tax exemptions, and all kinds of methods are all out, and the intensity is greater than the Protoss Empire.

After the media reported this incident, all countries were very surprised. No one thought that the United States would move so fast.

The Protoss Empire popularized nanotechnology in an all-round way, and the United States has also promoted nanotechnology in an all-round way. This is why, can it be said that nanotechnology is so good? Many national leaders have begun to pay attention to this matter.

Countries are meeting to study this matter, and after half a month has passed, Eagle Country has also issued a very comprehensive nanotechnology popularization policy.

The intensity is greater than that in the United States. As long as your company is willing to fully popularize nanotechnology, the government will provide subsidies, tax exemptions, and procurement policies that are very powerful.

The Protoss Empire, the U.S., and the Eagle Nation have begun to popularize nanotechnology in an all-round way, and with such a large force, the bigwigs of many countries are confused.

However, you must not be careless when you are confused. You must come up with a plan as soon as possible, and also implement industrial upgrading in your country. There is no harm in upgrading to the nano-level.

Back then, the Tianqi Group fought with the United States, which perfectly interpreted the saying that backwardness would be beaten.

Aside from the extraterrestrial civilization aircraft held by both sides, the interstellar warship built by the Tianqi Group is ahead of the US, so the US was defeated and lost its superpower status in one fell swoop.

Haoxuan didn't finish the game directly. If it weren't for the first big boss to rectify the country, the United States would definitely split into multiple countries.

TC, after a group of big guys listened to the report, the expressions on each of them were very ugly. The big guy sitting on the main seat waved his hand to let the person reporting to withdraw.

"It must be rectified, it must be rectified severely, it is impossible to rectify without a dead hand"

"It has only been a few years since Tianqi Group has left. The popularity of domestic nanometers has dropped so much. What are so many departments doing? A bunch of wastes" said the big man sitting on the main seat with a gloomy face.

After Xu Pingan first popularized nanotechnology that year, the domestic basic manufacturing industry, electronics industry, and many other industries have been upgraded, and their products have improved a lot.

However, in recent years, many companies have not only failed to launch a new generation of products, but have tended to regress, and they are still receiving subsidies from high-tech companies.

If it weren't for this, the US and Eagle countries had introduced a policy to fully popularize nanotechnology, the bigwigs would still not be able to figure out this.

Now, after touching the platoon, the original lead has disappeared, and everyone's faces are black.

"I propose to ignore the company and rectify the relevant departments first. It is these people who indulge these companies by inaction. We will rectify these departments before introducing stimulus policies."

"If you don't do this, I'm afraid that our policy is still in vain and nothing can be achieved" a big man followed.

Many big bosses followed and nodded. This is not a trivial matter. It is dangerous that technology cannot reach the world-class level.

In the past, you could still rely on nuclear technology and nuclear bombs to keep your country alive, but now it doesn’t work. If your technology is backward, nuclear bombs can’t protect you.

YD is an obvious example.

YD has nuclear weapons and is no different from a baby in front of Tianqi Group.

An interstellar battleship easily settled YD, directly causing YD to split, and now the four forces are fighting back and forth in chaos in the country.

Now the population of the four forces combined is less than half of YD's domestic population peak, and hundreds of millions of people have lost their lives. This is a terrifying thing.

"I agree. We must rectify severely. If this continues, we will fall behind the world again." A big man thought about YD in his mind and immediately spoke.

Next, several bigwigs all expressed the same opinion, the high-level opinions were unified, and they began to discuss the ruthless reform.

One month passed slowly, and TC's domestic large-scale anti-corruption operation began. This time, not only the corrupt personnel, but also those who did not act were also cleaned up.

It is happening all over the country, and some people in every department have been cleared out of the civil servants. The leadership has a very large proportion. This time, it is useless to find anyone to intercede.

After several months of vigorous progress, TC has also begun to issue a policy for the comprehensive popularization of nanotechnology, strictly reviewing the qualifications of enterprises, before announcing the list of enterprises that have obtained preferential policies.

First, the certification of more than 10,000 high-tech enterprises was cancelled, which directly caused a great shock across the country.

The above is serious, this is the word that comes out of the minds of many business owners.

It is even more difficult to mess around like before. Companies with sufficient capital will immediately begin to carry out nanotechnology transformations. Without nanotechnology, they will directly purchase patented technology from the Asian branch of Tianqi Group.

Mars, Protoss Empire, Magic City.

Xu Qian broke out in a rare occurrence, and the two directly quarreled with Zhang Jianbin at the municipal government meeting. The reason was simple. A group of Zhang Jianbin directly rejected Xu Qian's subsidy policy for enterprises.

Ordinarily, the matter was not big, but this time it became a fuse, which led to multiple dissatisfaction between the two people. They slapped the table and smashed the cup, and this happened.

In the end, all the people voted, Xu Qian was defeated, and went straight to the conference room door with a black face.

With a "pop", Xu Qian kicked the door directly and walked out.

"After the notice, Mayor Xu Qian damaged the government property, and the repair costs will be borne by him," Zhang Jianbin said loudly in the conference room, and everyone else looked at Zhang Jianbin blankly.

After Zhang Jianbin finished speaking, he didn't care about everyone's eyes. He took his notebook and left the meeting room. Everyone looked at each other, smiled and shook their head and walked out of the meeting room.

The reason why Xu Qian is eager to pass the subsidy is because Xu Wentao and Wang Changyou in Qincheng City have already decided the outcome, and Qincheng City has introduced a policy of interest-free loans for the purchase of nano patents by competent enterprises.

Wang Changyou reported to Xu Qian, this time there was no way to stop him, Xu Wentao had already negotiated an apology with everyone in private, and if he was trying to stop him, he would be harassed.

Xu Wentao put a lot of pressure on Xu Qian. Zhang Jianbin was very clear about this. However, Zhang Jianbin did not intend to be soft, and he had to let Xu Qian know where he lost.

Why is Xu Wentao able to let go of his identity and communicate privately with everyone to solve this matter? A few days ago, he directly suppressed Wang Changyou at the meeting. If you don't understand that uniting everyone is a failure.

To make Xu Qian understand this, he can only continue to fight, and fight hard.

In Zhang Jianbin's view, Xu Qian is really inferior to Xu Wentao, because Xu Qian lacks a rogue temperament in Xu Wentao's body, which is very strong.

From this point of view, Xu Wentao is very similar to Xu Ping'an, being able to go up and down, only considers practicality, and does not retreat at all.

As long as it is beneficial to oneself, he can completely pull his face down, and at the same time, he dare to turn his face immediately.

And Zhang Jianbin also knew that Xu Ping'an was a bit biased towards Xu Qian in his heart, and Zhang Jianbin also knew the reason, but things were so realistic, beyond your expectation.

Within a few days, the Council of State Administration issued a notice that Xu Qian, the Mayor of Magic City, deliberately damaged government property, recorded a minor deed, and fined 10,000 stars.

Zhang Jianbin, the deputy mayor of Magic City, was able to adhere to the principle of uncompromising, avoiding the loss of the city’s finances, rewarding 20,000 stars, and recording a small credit once.

After the notice reached the phantom market, many people looked at the notice and were surprised. No one thought that the State Council would actually issue a penalty notice.

Many people were surprised by Zhang Jianbin's energy and turned Xu Qian into such a way that he didn't get the commendation.

The State Council really dared to do it, not skewed, and handled fairly.

You know, Xu Qian is the first successor, as everyone in the Star Spirit Empire knows.

Yarman knows exactly what Zhang Jianbin's mission is, and Xu Pingan's plan is also communicated with Yarman. If necessary, he will cooperate with Zhang Jianbin. Yarman definitely has no opinion.

Although Xu Ping'an is the boss of the Protoss Empire, he has devoted himself to the development of the Protoss Empire, and will never allow unqualified personnel to succeed.

At night, Xu Qian sat exhaustedly in the living room of his room, drinking tea, sometimes really wanting to give up all this and be an ordinary person.

Wang Changyou is his own person, who has caused so many troubles for Xu Wentao, but he has been resolved by Xu Wentao. Is it because he is so much behind Xu Wentao.

I was not convinced, but also very helpless.

"Dangdangdang" knocked on the door, Xu Qian frowned, and reluctantly said "come in".

The door was pushed open and Chen Qilin walked in. Xu Qian saw that Chen Qilin was standing up. "Uncle Chen, why is this time here? What happened?"

While talking, he greeted Chen Qilin to sit down and drink tea together.

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