Start the era of black technology

Chapter 956 Completely end the good days of these people making troubles [first more]

[Added more for [Tianhai Xiangyun] Grandmaster, three more today]

"Nothing happened, I was passing by to see you" Chen Qilin finished taking a sip of the teacup.

A wry smile appeared on Xu Qian's face, and he understood what Chen Qilin meant. Many people were surprised that he was punished this time.

"Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles," Xu Qian said, raising his hand and rubbing his brow.

"Xu Qian, it's not terrible to do something wrong, but the terrible thing is that you don't know where you went wrong."

"Do you really know where you are wrong?" Chen Qilin said, staring at Xu Qian.

Xu Qian nodded and said that he knew what he was wrong.

"Tell me, you give me the feeling that you don't know where you are wrong," Chen Qilin said without any relaxation, and Xu Qian froze.

Looking at Chen Qilin, he took a deep breath and said, "My father asked you to ask."

"No, frankly, I haven't seen your Majesty for a month," Chen Qilin said with a smile.

Hearing what Chen Qilin said, Xu Qian felt much better. After thinking about it, he told him what he knew, and finally said something that surprised Chen Qilin.

"Wen Tao has given up the right of inheritance, but his father asked Uncle Gavin to find him back. Isn't this an obvious way to watch the fight between our brothers?" Xu Qian said this with resentment in his tone Big.

"Xu Qian, you graduated from university with very good grades. This is better than me."

"I have one question. Why did the emperors of the Chinese dynasties let the children fight openly and secretly? Didn't those emperors know that doing so would bring harm to Xiao Qiang" Chen Qilin stared into Xu Qian's eyes.

"Why, it's not for..." Xu Qian said that he didn't speak here, and he understood what Chen Qilin meant.

"I'll ask you another question, do you think the current Protoss Empire is stable?" Chen Qilin looked at Xu Qian and asked another question.

"Uncle Chen, why is my Star Spirit Empire unstable? The interstellar battleship suppresses all dissatisfaction, who dares to make a mistake!" Xu Qian said this with great arrogance.

When attending the memorial service in the Earth Eagle Nation, Xu Qianche realized the status of the Protoss Empire, and so many national leaders respected him very much.

They are afraid of themselves, afraid of the Protoss Empire!

This situation has virtually added Xu Qian's arrogance.

Chen Qilin was really surprised when he looked at Xu Qian. At this moment, Xu Qian was completely different from the Xu Qian in his own impression. Now, Chen Qilin understood more or less why Xu Wentao was ahead.

"If the people of the Protoss Empire object, the Protoss Empire will establish a parliament in the future. What if a national referendum abolishes the royal family"

"You don't plan to use the army to purge the Chinese people, maybe you can try to see if the army will carry out your orders" Chen Qilin looked at Xu Qian and said directly.

Xu Qian was stunned, and then he said nothing.

Chen Qilin picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"The Protoss Empire is not stable right now. I can tell you clearly that every year I am alive and secretly executed by Gavin are in double digits."

"In a newly established country, the citizens are still immigrants. Why are they loyal to the country?"

"The reason why the Protoss Empire exists is based on the technology of the Apocalypse Group, and the Apocalypse Group was led by your father to lead us through years of hard work."

"We will never allow the Protoss Empire to collapse halfway!"

"Your father is very clear about this. The reason why Xu Wentao came back is because many people are dissatisfied with you. They think that once you are in power, you cannot lead the Protoss Empire to new glory."

"Under your willful behavior, the Protoss Empire can only go into decline, and even be surpassed by the United States, and even subvert our Protoss Empire."

"So, Xu Wentao is back, come back to compete with you"

"Xu Wentao was reprimanded and punished by the Star Palace and the Government Administration Council. Why did Xu Wentao finally be able to force Wang Changyou to compromise and to approve Xu Wentao's plan"

"You are a prince, and Xu Wentao is also a prince. Xu Wentao put down his body to apologize to everyone, personally communicate his plan to win their support, why can't you"

"Why do we people support your father, why do those people in Qincheng support Xu Wentao"

"Reasonably and legally use all the resources in your hand to accomplish your own goals, have you done it?"

"If you don't fight for it, why should those people revolve around you, who are the people around you, have you forgotten?"

"The jungle of the world, the weak eat the strong, the fittest survive!"

"If you still don't recognize your own problems, I will give you a suggestion. Go directly to talk to your father and give up the right to the throne."

"This is a relief for you"

"A loser, a coward, is not worthy of our allegiance!"

"Have you done it yourself" Chen Qilin stood up and left after saying that Xu Qian sat on the sofa in a daze.

That night, Xu Qian suffered from insomnia and had many things in his mind. When the sun came out in the early morning, Xu Qian went to the window and opened the window, and a cold wind blew in.

Xu Qian shivered, his mind was also clear, and his face was very calm when he looked at the scenery outside.

It didn't take long for the sun to appear, and the sun shone on to make people feel warm. Xu Qian closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth.

Looking at the sunshine outside, Xu Qian slowly said, "The big waves wash away the sand, and the real gold is only there!"

Star Palace, when Xu Ping'an got up to exercise and returned to eat breakfast, Isabella and Song Xinyun stood up and left, leaving Miao Yiyi and Darina sitting in the dining room.

Miao Yiyi and Darina looked at Xu Ping'an and smiled. Xu Ping'an looked helpless, because Isabella and Song Xinyun both had big opinions on the punishment of Xu Wentao and Xu Qian.

It has been a long time since Xu Ping'an was ignored, and he bluntly said that Xu Ping'an is a cold-blooded animal.

Everything Xu Pingan did was to make Xu Wentao compete with Xu Qian. The fierce competition between the brothers, Isabella and Song Xinyun could not see through.

For this reason, I have had trouble with Xu Ping'an several times. Xu Ping'an is determined to proceed, and the two have nothing to do.

"Boss, Isabella and Song Xinyun will return to Earth as an interstellar spacecraft today. Go and persuade them," Darina reminded them.

"Let them go. I will come back later. If I don't come back, I will close Xu Qian and Xu Wentao's little black house."

"See if they can bear not coming back" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Miao Yiyi and Darina are really helpless, what can you do when you meet such a husband.

A few days passed slowly, Xing Gong and the two special envoys of the Government Administration went to the Magic City and Magic City of Qin City respectively, and talked with Xu Qian and Xu Wentao respectively.

In front of everyone in the city government, they conveyed Xu Ping'an and the government council's requirements for city management.

First, the city must develop and the population will exceed one million in five years

Second, the city must be profitable, and city government accounts must be profitable after five years

Third, the city’s main industries must begin to see scale within five years, and urban infrastructure must be basically completed.

How to do it is Xu Qian and Xu Wentao's business. If they can't do this, they must be punished.

What punishment did not say.

At the same time, Xu Qian and Xu Wentao were punished, and none of the other senior city government officials could escape, and they had to follow the punishment.

These three points seem simple, but they are very difficult to do. The rest of the staff all have uncomfortable expressions on their faces. Obviously, this is the beating of the Star Palace and the Government Administration on everyone in the two places.

There can be struggles, and urban development cannot stand still.

Both Xu Qian and Xu Wentao were both uncomfortable, and they had no choice but to accept.

The special envoy left immediately after the announcement and returned to the Protoss City headquarters.

More than a month passed slowly, and the subsidy policy formulated by Xu Qian from the Magic City was passed. Zhang Jianbin returned to his office and smiled after the meeting.

The bastard Xu Pingan won again.

The Xu Qian scholar Xu Wentao began to apologize and communicate with the management alone. After full consultation, this meeting directly obtained overwhelming support.

The various progress of the fantasy market began to accelerate suddenly, and after the high-level opinions were unified, the people below executed it more efficiently.

Infrastructure construction, the relocation of enterprises, and the operation of various departments are carried out in an orderly manner.

Qin City, Magic City, and the construction of the two cities began to enter the fast lane. The population of other cities began to move to the two cities. Many people sold their properties in other cities and moved to new cities.

The Protoss Empire has dealt a severe blow to the real estate industry. There is only a land tax for the first property under a person's name, and a property tax is imposed on the second property. The tax rate is as high as 3%.

Your house is worth three million and you have to pay thirty thousand in taxes every year.

The tax rate for the third house is 7%, the fourth house is 10%, and so on.

At the same time, all rented houses must adopt government-style contracts and must pay a portion of commercial tax each year.

If you rent out without filing in the commercial department, you will be fined 10% of the total value of your property the first time, 30% of the second time, and your property will be confiscated for the third time.

A family is calculated as four people. If your entire family members together only live in one house, the city government will give a 40% reduction in land tax.

There are other policies, and there are many restrictions on developers, and the real estate companies that TC come over basically collapse.

As many as more than 20 real estate companies were directly punished for bankruptcy, completely ending the good days of these people making troubles.

People who are not members of the Protoss Empire must pay a special fee when purchasing real estate in the Protoss Empire. After the procedures are completed, if your house's water, electricity, and gas costs are lower than the standards of the relevant departments within one year.

A vacancy tax is required, and the fee is fixed, three thousand five hundred stars a year.

In short, after this combination, the property prices of the Protoss Empire are very low. If you have money, you have to consume it. There is no need to put all the money on the property.

A small courtyard of more than two hundred square meters is only sold for hundreds of thousands of stars in the Protoss Empire.

Those who wanted to be second landlords paid a lot of money, and many of them filed for personal bankruptcy.

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