Start the era of black technology

Chapter 958 The Star Spirit Empire will make up for a huge shortcoming [third more]

This time the United States has received assistance from other countries. The United States is grateful and must be rewarded. It is very sincere in speaking and showing sincerity.

The most direct manifestation is that a batch of cultural relics belonging to various countries in the National Museum of the United States were sent out. TC, Greece, Egypt, etc., many countries received calls from the United States.

The U.S. wants to return these cultural relics to other countries unconditionally, and asks all countries to send personnel to the U.S. to discuss the list of the first batch of returned cultural relics.

Not to mention, this practice of the United States really confuses many countries, and makes many countries have a change in the senses of the United States. They sent personnel to negotiate with the United States in the past.

The earth was peaceful, and Xu Ping'an, who was far away on Mars, frowned when he saw the report.

What is the U.S. playing and why?

Xu Ping'an still understands the truth that things are monsters when they are abnormal.

Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit. Some of their natures cannot be changed. The United States will definitely not change its nature, and will definitely not give up the goal of returning to a superpower.

"Fanxing, tell Gavin, let Gavin investigate the United States and see what the United States is doing, top secret level" Xu Pingan said to the air.

"Good boss" the electronic voice agreed and went silent.

"Do you need me to scan it?" Xingling's voice remembered in Xu Ping's mind.

"No, I don't want to experience this extremely depressed feeling for the third time. Nothing is more important than your safety," Xu Ping An said very simply.

The Protoss was silent with satisfaction, and Xu Ping'an was very satisfied with the speed of growth.

On this day, Yarman came to the Star Palace to find Xu Ping An, and there was only one thing, the food issue.

Although there are food imports from the earth now, this is not a long-term solution. Once the food on the earth cannot be transported to Mars, what will the people on Mars do?

Yarman and Chen Fansheng came to discuss with Xu Ping An about increasing grain planting, which involved cutting down a batch of iron trees.

The iron trees planted on Mars are not ordinary iron trees. This iron tree absorbs the iron element from the surface of Mars very strongly and has been growing for these years.

When the leaves are aged and fall, a thick layer of decay is formed, which greatly increases the nutrients on the forest surface.

According to the survey and research report of the Ministry of Science and Technology, if these iron trees are cut down, the ground surface is trimmed, and one year of targeted cultivation, food crops can be grown.

A new generation of food crops that can withstand the temperature difference between day and night have been bred, and food can be grown in some areas near the equator.

"What is the difference in temperature between day and night now" Xu Pingan asked.

"The highest temperature during the day is 24 degrees, and the lowest temperature at night is 52 degrees. The temperature difference is further narrowing."

"We analyze that next year will be further reduced. With the increasing population on Mars, the surface temperature of Mars will rise rapidly," Chen Fansheng said seriously.

"How many people were born in the empire last year" Xu Pingan asked, turning his head to look at Yarman.

"The total population of the empire is currently 13 million. Last year, the number of births in the empire was 210,000. This continues to increase. It is expected that the number of new-born populations this year will exceed 230,000." Yarman looked calm. Said.

"Population growth is still slow," Xu Pingan said with emotion.

"This is no way. Young people care about their own enjoyment. Most people who are willing to have children are people with poor financial conditions."

"These have many children, and they will receive huge subsidies from the government, which will help them improve their lives."

"The other is those who intend to give birth to a child in the Protoss Empire. After the child is born, they will automatically acquire the citizenship of the Protoss Empire. There are many people in this category."

"After giving birth to the child and obtaining nationality, I will take the child back to Earth. I plan to amend this rule."

"Revised to be that the child can only obtain the citizenship of the Protoss Empire after five years of living in the Protoss Empire..." Yarman said of his plan.

After the revision, these people will consume a lot of food and drink on Mars. Anyway, those who do this are all upstarts. These people don't make any money for nothing.

The reason these people do this is because of the tightening of Mars’ immigration policy, your professional skills cannot reach a certain level, your assets cannot reach a certain level, and the Chinese language cannot reach a certain level.

Don't expect to immigrate to Mars.

After all, the Protoss Empire is notoriously less stressful in life, and it is very attractive to many earths.

Especially in Africa, a large number of people apply every year. As a result, only a few people can get a visa. Liu Bin is very strict in this regard.

If it weren't for fear of public opinion doing things, I'm afraid the Protoss Empire would not approve it if it was an African American.

This is because there are too few people of African descent who are honest and willing to work. Most of them are lazy or unwilling to go to the government to engage in side business.

At the beginning, a group of people of African descent who joined the Protoss Empire set up organizations to protect their rights and made many demands. Xu Pingan ignored them and directly deprived them of their nationality and shipped them back to Earth.

After experiencing this incident, the African descent of the Protoss Empire is now much more honest, but there are still many people applying for immigration to the Protoss Empire on Earth.

Xu Pingan heard from William in Eagle Country that he was a headache for African immigrants. These people are very capable of making a living without producing or creating social value.

A real example was given to Xu Ping An. An African-American immigrant couple had two children, gave birth to three more in five years, did not have a job, but kept applying for various benefits from the community.

A house of about 300 square meters is provided by the community, and the electrical appliances in the room are provided by the community. You can get more than 1,000 eagle pounds a month in relief.

The husband and wife did not go to work at all.

Children go to school for free, there are school buses to and from school, and occasionally go to do odd jobs, and just keep hanging around like this, which makes the government very troublesome.

In order to prevent this situation from appearing in the Protoss Empire, Xu Ping'an increased his control over African Americans to avoid such social worms.

"It can be enforced, don't five years, directly stipulate six years. After birth, if you haven't lived in the empire for six years, you will not be allowed to use the imperial nationality, but you can't enjoy the various benefits of the empire." Xu Ping'an directly set the tone.

"Fanshen, the livestock industry has little problem with outdoor breeding" Xu Pingan asked.

"This is not a big problem. Outdoor farming has already started, but the pastures are all imported from the earth, so it is difficult for us to expand it temporarily," Chen Fansheng told the truth.

Xu Ping’an nodded and thought about “Well, let’s do it, the ironwood that is more than five years old can be felled, and how much it has to be felled and how much must be newly planted”

"If the scale of planting is not completed, no felling is allowed. Let's expand step by step. After five years, our available planting land will increase a lot."

"At present, it can only be so. I suggest building super granaries in various cities to store all kinds of food. We must prepare in advance to deal with emergencies," Yarman said directly.

"Yes, you can arrange it," Xu Ping'an agreed directly.

There is no food instability, and this is absolutely not careless.

"One more thing, James submitted me a plan to build a supply base on Pluto, and I rejected it."

"Because this year's knighthood and honours, the empire's finances will increase a lot, I plan to suppress all aspects of expenses," Yarman said directly.

So many people are awarded titles and medals, and they have to receive subsidies every month. Starting in October, financial pressure will directly rise.

It is very expensive to build a supply station on Pluto. Yarman plans to carry out this plan for two years. James is not happy and has a fight with Yarman.

"Well, let me make arrangements. Apocalypse Group will provide an interest-free loan of 5 billion stars to the Imperial Finance, and the Imperial Finance will repay it in batches."

"After knights and honours, these people will do charity. At present, our charity is divided into two parts, one is the environmental charity fund, and the other is the orphanage charity fund"

"You are in control of the charitable donations for people with a knighthood. If the government invests less in this area, it can also save a lot of money."

"The Pluto Supply Station cannot wait. It must proceed as planned. Getting out of the solar system is our goal."

"You may not know that the deterioration of the earth's environment is faster than you can imagine. In the future, more people will leave the earth to live on other planets."

"Earth countries have increased their activities on the satellites of Saturn, and this is also true"

"After the establishment of the Pluto Supply Station, countries will increase their investment in space. Sending spacecraft out of the solar system to explore outer space is a top priority."

"We must prepare in advance."

"As far as I know, Europe has been secretly contacting several major countries to discuss a proposal to allow African countries to exchange food and minerals for materials and reduce aid to African countries."

"So good land is not produced, it is completely wasted, and the food produced in Africa is used to alleviate the earth's food tension."

"Now we are negotiating with other countries. Once there is a result, I am afraid there will be some confusion," Xu Ping'an said directly, giving Alman a wake-up call.

"I will explain to Liu Bin and ask him to strictly review immigration and increase efforts. We can't receive any impact." Yarman understood Xu Ping'an.

At noon, the two had lunch here at Xu Pingan. They talked and laughed very relaxedly. After years of relationship, there are still many common topics after work.

A few days later, Apocalypse Group contacted the Ministry of Finance, and 5 billion stars were transferred to the account of the Ministry of Finance. Immediately afterwards, the Pluto supply station plan of the Imperial Space Department began to be implemented.

Two days later, the three interstellar spacecraft were loaded with supplies to Pluto, and began to build a Pluto base to prepare for the Protoss Empire to leave the solar system.

After more than a month, a new batch of iron trees were planted, and an iron woodland not far from Xingling City began to be felled. Many people did not understand why a good forest should be felled.

It was not until Tianqi Agricultural Group announced that after the trees were cut, soil would be cultivated to grow food, and many people did not understand what was going on.

If the planting can be successful, the Protoss Empire will make up for a huge shortcoming.

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