Start the era of black technology

Chapter 959 Titles [Thanks [Tianhai Xiangyun] [Don’t him] [Guo Dongzheng] for rewards, three changes

Earth, on the Island of Edreus, two huge spaceships for capturing asteroids have been completed, and today is the time for them to fly to the Protoss Empire full of supplies.

Two cargo spacecraft were also completed on Pusfeili Island, and they flew to the sky and Europe respectively, and delivered them to two interplanetary cargo companies.

The Tianqi Machinery Group had three bases for the construction of interstellar spacecraft in the Celestial Dynasty. After negotiation between the Protoss Empire and the Celestial Dynasty, one was cancelled and only two were left.

They are the headquarters of Dunhuang Tianqi Machinery Group and the Baotou branch. Today, there are also three interplanetary ships delivered, one to the relevant department and one to the interplanetary transportation company.

Now there are two interstellar transportation companies in the celestial dynasty, one is led by Liu Dongdong and the other is led by nine brothers.

After the delivery of these two interstellar cargo ships, the two companies together have nine cargo ships.

The companies and individuals invested by the Celestial Empire in the Protoss Empire basically use the spacecraft of the two shipping companies of the Celestial Empire to purchase materials on Earth.

There is no need to worry about orders at all.

People in the Protoss Empire do not need to put all their funds on real estate, which greatly stimulates consumption and pursues high-quality life and high-quality products.

The Apocalypse standard under the Apocalypse Group has directly become the official certification standard of the Protoss Empire. All products sold must be certified, otherwise, they cannot be sold in the Protoss Empire.

On the earth, many countries can see shops that repair electrical appliances or items, but when you go to the Protoss Empire, you won’t see these at all.

If there is a problem, just replace it with a new one. Anyway, the price is cheap, and it is better to replace it with a new one.

A few days later, the Celestial Kingdom took off directly from two interstellar cargo spacecraft and flew directly to Titan. The materials on the two interstellar spacecraft were all from the Titan Research Institute.

At present, a total of five countries have established bases on Titan. The Celestial Dynasty is the fastest growing one, thanks to the outer space station.

The Protoss Empire did not participate in the development and utilization of Saturn's satellites, and only provided supplies, and countries began to compete with each other with obvious means.

Only two days after the two interplanetary cargo ships of the Celestial Dynasty left the earth, the European Space Agency launched two satellites, and the destination of the two satellites is also Titan.

The ground base has established a satellite control center, and when the satellite flies over, it can be controlled and explored.

Eagle Nation did not build a base on Titan, but built a small base on Titan, and in a few days it will also launch a rocket to send a satellite into the sky.

However, it is the Protoss Empire that launches satellites for Eagle Nation. Launching directly on Mars can save a lot of time.

Only Eagle Nation played this way, and other countries launched their own satellites, saving satellite data from being controlled by the Protoss Empire, but Eagle Nation did not worry about this.

Because the senior officials of the Eagle Nation understand that the satellite technology of the Protoss Empire is far ahead of the satellite technology of all countries on the earth, and it is even more advanced in terms of practicality.

In the United States, not too far from the military base on the edge of the volcano, two people in disguise are observing the base with telescopes.

This is the personnel dispatched by Gavin. After a few months, through various clues, I found that this is the most mysterious place of the Mi Defense Force.

Many scientific researchers have never reappeared after entering this military base. Through understanding, these people have no other contact except for a video call with their home once a month.

The technical department has conducted an analysis and cannot perform any intervention through this video IP location. The function of this point is very single, with only the video call function and no other functions.

On the Internet, there is only one link for video calls, and no other links.

All the food in the military base must be sent to the surrounding military bases for inspection, very carefully, it is impossible to get in.

A few hours later, the two quietly began to retreat and retreat, and at the same time, they cleaned up the traces they had observed here.

Because there are helicopters patrolling around the base every day, four times a day, and the two need to hide underground for a while in a place not far away before they can continue to evacuate.

It is impossible to evacuate from the patrol area without two days.


Protoss Empire, Protoss City, Airport

Rows of wood were being shipped, and the iron wood cut by Tianqi Agricultural Group was bought by four companies from the Tian Dynasty.

The ironwood produced by the Protoss Empire is very hard and heavy, with a very high iron content, and the texture inside is very beautiful after sawing.

After being transported back to the earth for anti-oxidation treatment, it is the top furniture material and tea table material.

The material is faintly expensive, this kind of wood is only available in the Protoss Empire, and it is not produced in other places. Moreover, it is difficult to cut down. Plant a batch and cut a batch.

Each batch of wood must be six years old before it can be felled. At first it was five years. After calculation, it was found that six years of iron tree growth was the best stage to absorb iron. It was changed to six years.

As time went by, more people came to the Protoss City, and these people came to receive the title, and the four categories of titles such as the king, the duke, the marquis, and the earl were first given to the star palace.

Viscount and baron, you only need to go to the city hall, hang the portrait of Xu Pingan and take the oath before you can accept the knighthood certification granted by the dispatched personnel of the Star Palace.

After knighting this year, when knighting is done two years later, you can go to the Star Palace to knight knighthood.

Two-year batches, each batch of 500 people, can be newcomers, or they can be promoted after they have made outstanding contributions.

People below the Duke can make contributions to promote your title, and many items can be promoted as long as you meet these items.

It is late August now, and the day of the Nine Nobles Ceremony in September is approaching. Many media want to get approval for the live broadcast, but Xu Ping's vetoed it.

There is no live broadcast of the ensignment ceremony, and only relevant departments can record it as precious historical materials.

The media has exposed the knight service. This service can only be worn during grand events. At the same time, imitation is prohibited.

Unlike a certain country on the earth, the costumes used to watch the gates are very similar to police costumes, and they cannot be distinguished unless you look closely.

The title is noble, as is the unique clothing, and all kinds of imitation are prohibited.

Once a heavy penalty is found, a fine of one million stars starts.

On this day, many people were picked up by special vehicles to go to the Star Palace, and the fifteen star warship captains of the Protoss Empire also came, and all of them had excited expressions on their faces.

Everyone was led to a room to change clothes, put on a special knight service, and lined up to the Star Palace Auditorium.

This is a large auditorium that can accommodate three thousand people, enough for everyone to sit down.

In the center of the auditorium is a very comfortable symbol, which was designed by Protoss. In the high-dimensional universe, this symbol symbolizes good luck, happiness, and peace.

It was the first time that it appeared in front of everyone. After the founding ceremony of the Protoss Empire, this symbol will be used as the national emblem of the Protoss Empire and will last forever.

Below the national emblem is a portrait of Xu Pingan. Originally, Xu Pingan didn't intend to hang his own portrait, but it was opposed by everyone. This must be present, as a portrait of a king of a country.

Moreover, whether it is a high-level person born in Eastern society or a high-level person born in Western society, all have this attitude, Xu Ping'an can only agree.

As time passed slowly, Xu Pingan appeared in a uniform. Only Xu Pingan himself, because the position of the queen is currently vacant, only after the founding ceremony can the queen be enrolled.

Seeing Xu Ping'an appearing, everyone stood up, clenched their right hand and placed their fist on the left chest and bowed in salute. After Xu Ping'an was in the lead, Lei Heyuan yelled, "Complete ceremony."

When everyone heard this sentence, they put down their right hand and sat down. Next, Xu Ping'an gave a speech. After the speech was completed, the ceremony began.

The ceremony was very simple. Xu Qian, Xu Wentao, and Xu Kun first came to Xu Ping'an. The staff stood in front of them with a tray on which there was a Protoss Empire Constitution.

The three of them placed their left hands on the Constitution, their right hands clenched their fists on their left chests, and began to read the oath loudly, swearing that they would be loyal to the Protoss Empire and the Protoss Empire for their entire lives.

After taking the oath, Xu Ping'an handed the three king's scepters to the three of them.

Before the title was conferred, someone suggested to Xu Ping an to adopt the set of rituals for the Eagle Kingdom titled title. The people who were conferred would kneel on one leg, but Xu Ping'an directly rejected it.

People in the Protoss Empire cannot kneel. There are only two occasions where they can kneel on one knee. One is the ceremonial ceremony after the establishment of the empire, and the other is the monument to the martyrs.

On these two occasions, including Xu Pingan, one-leg kneeling ceremony is required, and one-legged kneeling ceremony is not allowed on any other occasions.

If anyone performed this kind of etiquette to others on Earth, they would directly deprive the Protoss Empire of nationality.

People with weak legs are not fit to be citizens of the Protoss Empire.

Many people know that Xu Ping'an's reply has greatly improved the spirit of the Star Spirit Empire.

Ceremony continues

Then came the person who won the title of Duke. The little girl Xu Yingnan took the lead, and she was very obedient.

After standing, he also placed his left hand on the constitution and his right hand on his left chest, announcing the oath loudly, and then Xu Ping'an walked down to grant these people the duke's scepter.

Next, the people who wore the Marquis's service came to the stage one by one. Because there were too many people, hundreds of people could not stand, they could only come on stage one after the other. After sworn allegiance, they were awarded the scepter by Xu Ping'an.

One after another came to power, one after another went down, and soon the Marquis was completed.

There were more than two thousand earls and began to take the stage one by one. Xu Ping'an personally handed out earls to everyone.

The oaths taken by everyone are drawn up by the Protoss. In Protoss' words, this evolved from the way of oaths from the heavens. The first sentence at the beginning is about the testimony of the universe.

Although this method will not have any effect, it can be used as a kind of respect for the will of the universe, regardless of whether it has an effect or not, it is correct that you do not respect the will of the universe.

Moreover, the scepters in the hands of these people are not made of ordinary materials. The lowest baron scepter contains twelve kinds of metals, and the value is two hundred stars.

The Viscount’s scepter has twenty-four metals and is worth up to seven hundred stars.

The earl’s scepter has 36 kinds of metals, worth up to three thousand stars, and so on.

Moreover, the weight of these scepters is not heavy, the weight is uniform, three catties weight, which can also be seen in the material science technology of the Protoss Empire.

Being able to fuse these metals together is really not something ordinary countries can do.

All the ceremonies were not considered until it was a little faster than twelve o'clock noon, and then the big banquet began, and everyone ate in the Star Palace.

When Star Palace was originally designed, this aspect was taken into consideration. It is divided into two layers: the inner and outer layers. The outer layer is used to hold various activities, the auditorium, the large restaurant, meeting rooms of various specifications, etc., with complete functions.

The inner layer is the resting place for Xu Pingan and others.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, these talents who won the title one after another left the Star Palace wearing their title service.

Most of the people have not left the Protoss City, and will receive a medal next month. The medal and the title do not overlap, but they can complement each other.

For example, if both the title and the medal have allowances, then the highest item will be implemented. If your title subsidy is high, it will be implemented according to the title subsidy.

In the Medal Welfare Benefits, there are no points for the immediate family members in the exam. If there is no title, then you can also enjoy this benefit after you get the Medal.

Not superimposing but complementing each other is tantamount to virtually increasing the welfare of the nobleman.

At this point, everyone raised their hands and feet to support, incomparable support, and called Xu Ping'an wise.

This can only be done in the early stage. After the country is completely stabilized, fine-tune it slowly. This is also Xu Ping's helpless move.

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