Start the era of black technology

Chapter 960 We can't bear such a large expense [second more]

During this period of time, the consumption of Prosperity City has shown a hot upward trend, and the business of major restaurants is very good.

Especially those high-end restaurants, the business is booming.

It is a joyous event in life, and it is worth celebrating. It is necessary to call friends and friends to have a drink and celebrate.

Besides, after this canonization, you can receive allowances every month, all of which are not bad.

The prosperous situation of Protoss City is also happening in other cities of the Protoss Empire, and those who have the titles of Viscount and Baron also begin to celebrate.

Although the title is not high, these people don't care, they are still young and have a lot of time to struggle.

The title is selected once every two years. As long as your contribution to the country reaches a certain level, you can be promoted. At that time, you can go to the Star Palace to accept the emperor's canonization and promotion.

Time soon arrived in October. On this day, October 10th, many parts of the Protoss Empire were holding honorary ceremonies. Many people were awarded medals. It is impossible for all of them to go to the Star Palace. They can only be held separately.

However, three thousand people were invited to the Star Palace, and Xu Ping'an personally gave them medals.

Thirty-nine people such as Miao Yong and Nilun were awarded the Imperial Medal by Xu Pingan. The achievements of these people are worthy of this honor.

Moreover, Nilun and Miao Yong both have marquises.

Up to 40,000 people in the military have received medals, more than 10,000 scientific researchers have received medals, and many of the former Tianqi Group management have received medals.

There are many people who have titles and medals on their bodies. These people are the cornerstones of the Protoss Empire. As long as these people are loyal to Xu Ping'an, the Protoss Empire will remain stable.

At the end of the day, Xu Ping'an is really tired. It is impossible to do the same action thousands of times without being tired. However, he must persist now.

In the future, there will not be a large number of awards, basically maintaining the frequency of three years.

There are strict restrictions on the number of titles and medals, and things are faintly expensive. Xu Ping'an knows this very well.

After the natural death of the person who received the medal, the medal will be taken back by the state. At the same time, a lump-sum subsidy will be issued. Various regulations have clear regulations.

It can be said that the actual benefits of obtaining knighthood and medals in the Protoss Empire are better than those of any country on earth.

Not to mention, after the two activities of enshrining knights and conferring honours, the earth media reported the matter, and a new peak of immigration appeared.

Liu Bin is strictly censored, and people without professional skills, scientific research skills, and abilities will be rejected. Women have a lot of advantages, especially unmarried ladies.

There are many men in the Protoss Empire, and it is necessary to increase unmarried women.

At the same time, Yarman of the State Council promulgated a new supplementary regulation to the Immigration Act, which made families planning to let pregnant women born in the Protoss Empire begin to feel uncomfortable.

Six years, after the birth of the Protoss Empire, they must live for six years to have the citizenship of the Prosperity Empire. This rule makes them all start to feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, during the six years after the birth of the child, whether one of the parents has Protoss Empire nationality, or the parents do not have Protoss Empire nationality, they will not be able to enjoy any benefits.

Only after you persist for six years, the children can enjoy the benefits of the empire.

There are other laws and regulations that further tighten the policy for Earth personnel to work in the Protoss Empire. Employment must be given priority to those who have the citizenship of the Protoss Empire.

Survival of the fittest is the basis for Alman's policy.

Immigrating to the Protoss Empire is a little better now. With the passage of time, the requirements for technical personnel will become higher and higher, and the paths for ordinary vocational skilled personnel to immigrate will become narrower and narrower.

Xu Ping'an and Yarman have negotiated the domestic population. In the future, the population of the entire Protoss Empire will remain between 500 million and 550 million.

Once the Protoss Empire opens up a new planet outside the solar system, it will directly immigrate to 200 million in the past, and the population of Mars will be controlled at about 300 million without increasing.

In different regions of Mars, the environmental protection policies here are very strict. All kinds of consumer products are mainly made of materials that can be quickly degraded, and plastics do not exist at all.

The use of plastics is completely banned throughout the country, and all other materials are used instead, as are many chemical materials.

Now, people on Earth have to admit that the environmental purity of Mars is better than that of Earth.

The oxygen content in the air is controlled between 20% and 21% and can be adjusted at any time. In addition, the temperature difference between day and night of Mars is now shrinking, and the living environment of Mars in the future is definitely stronger than that of the earth.

Time passed slowly, and Pluto, a small base was almost completed.

The entire base has three floors on the ground and five floors underground. There are 400 staff members, which are rotated every year.

A large amount of food and water resources are stored here, which can meet the supply of three exploration spacecraft at one time. On this day, an exploration spacecraft that had been away from the Protoss Empire for five years slowly landed at the supply station.

A day later, the spacecraft took off again to fly directly to the Protoss Empire, in a very rush.

So far, the Protoss Empire has sent a total of three exploration spacecraft, this is the first interstellar spacecraft to return.

Time slowly passed. When the spacecraft was about to reach Mars, an interstellar warship approached. After the two parties contacted and communicated, the interstellar warship escorted the exploration spacecraft to land at the airport.

Everyone disembarked and rested overnight. Early the next morning, the commander and deputy commander of the exploration spacecraft drove straight to the Star Palace with some information.

A part of the Apocalypse Space Group was directly converted to the Ministry of Space, James also became the Minister of the Space Department, and this part of the assets was acquired by the Protoss Empire.

Of course, the purchase amount is repaid in installments, and it is still interest-free.

As the Minister of Finance, Niels has clearly divided the fiscal revenues of the Apocalypse Group and the Empire, and completely separated public from public and private.

At the same time, each year can enjoy 5% of the government's net income as a subsidy. This money is used as royal expenses and is also beginning to be divided.

Everything is moving in the normal direction.

In the small conference room of the Star Palace, Xu Ping'an, Yarman, James, Qiao Yicheng, Chen Fansheng, a few people are all there, listening to the report of the Explorer commander Helain.

The exploratory team led by Helain carried out a comprehensive exploration of a planet called honey. The name of this planet was obtained by a scientific researcher because this person loves to eat honey.

After a long period of exploration, nine mineral veins have been discovered on this planet, all of which are big rich minerals. In human terms, these mineral veins are all rare mineral veins.

At the same time, an open-air rare earth mine was also discovered on the planet. The reserves are unpredictable and too big. The hundreds of thousands of square kilometers are all rare earth resources.

Moreover, the rare earth layer is very thick, and the exploration limit of Herlain’s exploration spacecraft is 700 meters underground. As a result, according to the analysis of soil taken from 700 meters underground, it has not yet reached the end, and there is still a rare earth mine below.

The richness of species is higher than that of any country on earth.

Alongside, Yarman, Chen Fansheng, James, and Qiao Yicheng had bright eyes.

For the country, money is not a big deal, resources are the pursuit of the country.

However, following Helain’s report, several people began to frown. The Honey Planet has no atmosphere, low temperature and no water resources.

If you want to send personnel to conduct full-scale mining in the past, you need a lot of material support.

If the transformation of the magnetic field and the artificial atmosphere are carried out on the honey planet, the cost is huge, and it will be useless after the mining field is collected in the future, and it will be a waste.

Yalman and the others looked at each other, and then looked at Xu Ping'an, and found that Xu Ping'an was a thinking expression. Yalman waved to Herman, Herman nodded and slowly left. meeting room.

After a while, Xu Ping'an came back to his senses. He looked at everyone and said, "Let's talk about it, what should I do about this matter".

"I suggest to modify the magnetic field and atmosphere of the honey planet" James said directly.

Xu Pingan looked at James and said, "Tell me your reason."

"Your Majesty, the speed of our exploration spacecraft is 800 Mach. At the speed of exploration spacecraft, it takes five months to travel from Pluto to the honey planet, and it takes almost a year to go back and forth once."

"If we transform the honey planet into one of our supply depots, it will provide great convenience for the exploration spacecraft to explore other planets."

"At the same time, I communicated with Minister Qiao Yicheng. The Ministry of Science and Technology can increase the speed of the Explorer spacecraft to Mach 1,000 in two years. After the increase, there is no possibility of increase in the next ten years or so."

"Our technology accumulation is not enough, we must accumulate, this time can not be determined"

"Therefore, we very much need to build a supply station outside the solar system. Only in this way, our exploration will not stop."

James explained his reasons again.

When Xu Pingan thought about it, Yarman said, "I oppose this plan. The imperial finances are very tight. It is impossible to carry out such a big plan for the time being. It is recommended to postpone it for three years."

Both James and Qiao Yicheng's faces were black. Seeing Yarman with helplessness, Xu Ping'an smiled and said nothing.

"Prime Minister, you have to know that there are a lot of resources on the Honey Planet, and these resources can bring great benefits," James said directly while looking at Yarman.

"Yes, Prime Minister, those rare metals are very important to the advancement of science and technology. They are the basis for our Protoss Empire to maintain the lead. No matter how difficult it is, we must proceed." Qiao Yicheng also expressed his opinion.

"Two, we have just been knighted and honoured this year, the imperial finances have to spend a lot of money every month, I can be sure of the high level, everyone"

"The net profit of the imperial government this year will not exceed 20 billion stars. Environmental renovation, education, road construction, airport construction, etc., all need to spend money."

"Also, we need to repay our foreign debts every year. The first bonds issued by the government will mature next year. The principal and interest must be paid to recover these bonds."

"If we promote the construction of the Honey Planet, many projects in the entire Protoss Empire must be stopped next year. Our economy will not be able to support such a large expenditure."

"Without three to four years of development, we cannot afford such a large expenditure"

"Furthermore, the honey planet will not run. The countries on the earth will not have the ability to get out of the solar system within the next ten years. We can play for several years in mining."

"When the economy eases, I absolutely approve your plan and will not create any obstacles," Yarman said in a serious tone as he looked at the two.

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