Start the era of black technology

Chapter 961 The Star Spirit Empire is about to enter the high-level management exchange stage [third

James and Qiao Yicheng didn't say a word anymore, knowing that what Alman said was true, and also knowing the status of the finances handed to them, now it can only be seen what Xu Pingan meant.

"Yalman, according to the information returned by the Ministry of Intelligence, TC, Japan, and the European Union, these three economies have completed the design of a new generation of interstellar spacecraft, and all aspects have been greatly improved."

"It can be seen that they have not given up, but are catching up, and the gap with our Protoss Empire is narrowing."

"Among them, Japan's self-built new generation of interstellar spacecraft has made great progress, and the speed of our cargo spacecraft is not much different."

"We really can't care about this."

"Adjust the tax. Our personal income tax is levied at 10,000 stars and directly adjusted to 5,000 stars."

"The amount of levy in the range of five thousand stars to ten thousand stars is a little bit smaller. It would be better if the income of 10,000 stars or more is increased slightly. After all, our tax collection ratio is much lower than that of other countries on the earth."

"Those companies have made so much money, it should be bleeding."

"A clear notice is issued that after this adjustment, the ten cities of the Protoss Empire will not be adjusted until they are completed and put into operation."

"Now that the anti-aging gene medicine has been put into production, although it has only been in operation for more than a month, there are not many profits and taxes that can be created."

"There are many factories under construction this year, and they will be put into production next year. I believe that more profits and taxes will be created next year."

"Furthermore, the bonds we found are small, and many countries on the planet hope that we can issue more so that we can share the dividends of our Protoss Empire"

"Then issue another bond. The transformation of Mars and the construction of the Protoss Empire cannot be stopped. Similarly, we cannot stop exploring outside the solar system." Xu Ping'an clearly expressed his opinion.

Yarman thought for a while, looked up at Xu Ping'an and said, "Your Majesty, is it possible to reduce the investment in scientific research, at least not to increase next year, just keep it stable."

Xu Ping'an laughed and understood Yarman’s difficulties. The scientific research funding of the Ministry of Science and Technology maintained an annual growth rate of 3%, despite the small growth rate. However, the annual expenditure of the Ministry of Science and Technology was as high as 20 billion stars. A small number.

Many technology companies in the Protoss Empire have funding subsidies from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

"Yes, the scientific research funding of the Ministry of Science and Technology remains unchanged"

"At the same time, the funding of all departments will remain unchanged at the current figure and no increase is allowed."

"The water flows for a long time. We will be adjusting in a few years. There is no need to do everything in one go," Xu Ping'an said directly, giving Alman a lot of face.

Hearing Xu Pingan's words, Yarman nodded with satisfaction. Next year's life will be much better. You must know that many projects will run next year, and taxes in all aspects will increase further.

In the case of constant expenditure, net income will definitely increase a lot.

"One more thing," Yarman said with a hesitant expression on his face.

Xu Ping An felt very strange looking at Alman's expression, and nodded for Alman to speak directly.

"Your Majesty, my health is dying, and I hope to retire in two years" Yarman said directly, and Xu Ping'an immediately began to rub his head.

"I'll think about this. I'll give you an answer early next year," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Yarman nodded.

Qiao Yicheng and James looked at each other and felt helpless. Although Biaarman was younger, they were not younger.

The Protoss Empire is about to enter the stage of exchange of high-level management personnel, the older generation will retreat, and the new generation will be on top.

Several people discussed other matters, and the meeting ended.

After the meeting, I took a break for lunch.

Xu Pingan carried a bottle of wine alone and went to the small garden he built specially on the top floor of the floor. This small garden is not big and very quiet.

This is where Xu Ping'an is when he is upset, or when he thinks about something.

After sitting down and pouring a cup of fruit wine, he started to communicate with the Protoss in his head, and started the Protoss Empire personnel inspection plan to prepare for the next personnel adjustment.

It didn't take long for Miao Yiyi to come over. Xu Ping'an patted the seat next to him when he saw it. Miao Yiyi walked over and sat down.

"Why did you come here to find me?" Xu Pingan asked.

"I just finished working on the company's affairs, and Darina was resting after coming back. I was bored by myself," Miao Yiyi said calmly.

"How about your film, won't it be the same as the last time," Xu Ping said with a smile, and Miao Yiyi gave Xu Ping a blank glance.

Miao Yiyi's film and television company paid a lot for a film, invested more than three million stars, and the box office was only a pitiful 130,000.

No one can be blamed for this miserable situation. It is Miao Yiyi's responsibility. He was fooled by someone and shot a literary film that most people can't understand.

"This time is different. This time my film is a complete commercial film. The plot has also been polished by two major directors. The investment is up to 20 million stars."

"It will never fail," Miao Yiyi said confidently.

"Don't be careless, there are hundreds of large and small film and television companies in the Protoss Empire, and a large number of films are released every month. It is not that simple if you want to stand out." Xu Ping An kindly reminded.

"If this work fails again, I will hire a professional manager to be in charge of the film and television company, and I will withdraw. Like Sister Song, I will no longer participate in the management of the joint company," Miao Yiyi said categorically.

Xu Pingan smiled and did not speak, but took a sip directly from the glass.

"Next month, the Ministry of Sports intends to launch a football league. How about I set up a football club," Miao Yiyi asked from the side.

Xu Ping An understood that the purpose of chatting with him was for the football club.

"Think about it, don't be fooled, it costs money to play football club"

"One more thing, the country now has only five cities, each city has only two large football stadiums, and there are up to ten football clubs.

"Don't participate anymore" Xu Pingan directly refused to let Miao Yiyi participate in this matter.

"You can play, why can't I play" Miao Yiyi frowned and said.

"Do you have that money to play? How much money can you withdraw to partner with someone? I am worried that your investment will be eaten up reasonably and legally."

"The country has to follow the rules, which is different from before. Then I can only fill you in this bottomless pit"

"If you really want to carry out this project, I can tell you that once the club loses money, I will not care, you can only sell your personal property to fill it," Xu Ping An said directly.

The pool of football club is very deep. It is not something you can play if you have money. Unless you are too rich, you will definitely not be able to play. Losing money is necessary.

"Okay, I just don't participate," Miao Yiyi said helplessly.

After talking to Xu Pingan, Miao Yiyi left directly, and Xu Pingan shook his head helplessly.

Except for Darina, after the change, Isabella, Song Xinyun, and Miao Yiyi, the three of them all changed a lot after the establishment of the Protoss Empire.

This change is not what Xu Ping'an wants to see, so he can only try to restrain it.

Isabella and Song Xinyun still have scruples because of Xu Qian and Xu Wentao, while Miao Yiyi doesn't have so many scruples. Anyway, her son doesn't plan to inherit the throne, and she wants to enjoy life.

At the very least, a large consortium should be left for his son. Last year, Miao Yiyi planned to borrow one billion sing dollars from Tianqi Investment Bank after Xu Ping'an learned about it.

Directly ordered that the royal family members are prohibited from lending more than 10 million stars. If you illegally loan, the royal family members have the right not to make repayments.

The possibility of loans to people around you is directly blocked. If the bank wants not to lose money, it should not approve excess loans. If you take a loan, it is reasonable and legal not to pay you back.

Xu Ping’an’s character is to do it. With this statement, the bank knows how to do it, and directly cut off Miao Yiyi’s thoughts.

Over the years, looking at peace, state affairs, housework, and business affairs, so many things are overwhelming, making Xu Ping'an very irritable.

Xu Ping'an knew very well that in recent years there was absolutely no sign of relief, and he could only continue to suffer.

Time passed slowly, and soon the end of the year was coming. In January, a high-level government meeting was held and Yarman made a work report.

Last year, the fiscal revenue of the Protoss Empire increased by more than 30 billion stars, and the population increased by a little more than 25, which exceeded the expectations of various departments.

Exports have increased by more than 20 million coins, which is considered to further reduce the trade deficit with the earth.

The number of patent approvals has also increased by more than two thousand. Among them, the number of invention patents is 4,618, which has set a new high again.

There has been considerable growth in all other aspects, especially the magic city and Qin city that Xu Qian and Xu Wentao are responsible for, and they are making rapid progress.

In the first half of this year, the municipal office buildings and the first batch of residential quarters can be delivered, and in the second half of the year, the city's commercial districts, several city parks, and up to ten residential quarters will be delivered.

It is expected that the development of the two cities will be even more rapid this year.

After summarizing the development of last year, we began to discuss this year's development plan, but this time the discussion time is short. After all, many regulations have already been implemented, and it is enough to implement them according to the regulations. There is no need to discuss so much.

No more new cities will be built this year, because the cost of building a new city is huge. In addition, the financial pressure this year is not small, and we must ease down, and we will start the construction of the eighth city next year.

Five days later, when the meeting was over, everyone returned to their units and began to prepare for the payment of welfare bonuses. After a while, they would have a holiday to celebrate the Spring Festival.

The Star Palace also began to lively. Xu Qian and Xu Wentao arranged for the city and returned. Xu Qian took his girlfriend, but Xu Wentao was alone.

This makes Isabella very dissatisfied.

Xu Pingan smiled and did not speak, because Xu Pingan knew that Xu Wentao was in a relationship with Lin Yide's daughter Lin Xiaowen. The two kept secrets very strictly, and Lin Yide did not know about it.

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