A crowd of Guardians of Tianmen looked at the monk dumbfounded, but saw that the monk stepped out and entered the fissure of Tianmen. After walking into that piece of land for thousands of years, they have been stunned by Tianwu. The world cultivator is in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, which is regarded as the restricted zone of life.

Among these stunned Tianwu world natives, there is still a red-clothed boy who is out of place with a calm expression. It seems that he is not surprised that the monk behaves the same at this moment.

“I still say that you haven’t seen this game of chess clearly until now. It turned out to be only to attract and not send, and secretly settled. It is worthy of the existence of Heavenly Dao, which is extremely optimistic. This scheming city is afraid of it. It’s not inferior to that person in his early years, but what you have to do, and it’s not your turn to intervene. Want to plan You Ming and become a Saint? Huh!

Even you What if you have really achieved the status of Saint? When this world is completed, when you cry, I will take a look. When the time comes, how much energy do you have to compete with this seat! If it weren’t for you, it’s still useful. , I have already taken action to suppress and kill you. I really think I’m afraid of Yang Mei?”

There was a playful smile on the red-clothed young handsome face, secretly thinking about it. Follow-up plan.

The red-clothed boy is the youth incarnation of the Heavenspan Cult Lord. He is known as “Cang” and mixed into the Guardian of the Tianmen, dormant for many years, in order to plan the secrets bred by the Tianwu world, and even the Demon Court disappears, Tianmen The rise of Guardian is all his secret handwork, whose purpose is only to bring together the powerhouses of the Tianwu world, and through various means to borrow their power to find the secret for themselves.

It was only after years of nothing that he determined that the secret that could kill Hongjun had not yet been fully conceived and would only appear with a major event that could sensationalize the entire Tianwu world.

In other words, if the Tianwu world is not completed in one day, the secret will not be revealed one day!

Now that Lin Yuan has been selected as Pluto by the will of the world, he naturally assumed the task of complementing the Three Realms. If not, he would have killed Lin Yuan’s threat a long time ago.

As for everyone who is fighting against Hongjun?


In the dunya dynasty, loyal ministers and loyal ministers may not be friends, let alone a more cruel cultivation world?

Furthermore, looking at the history of the Great Desolate World, it is not difficult to see that Three Purities has its own characteristics. For example, Taishang always looks like a good person, harmonizing Heavenspan. Contradiction with Yuanshi, but he has more plot against in his heart than anyone else. Even Haotian’s Imperial Capital was undermined by the design of Taishang, let alone other existences that are enemies of Taishang?

Then Yuanshi, to be honest, Yuanshi can be said to be the least wicked among Three Purities, but his personality is carefree and he can’t rub the sand in his eyes. Otherwise, Section Cult and interpretation will not make trouble. It was so stiff, the Twelfth Golden Immortal of Explanation and Teaching would not fall apart, plus Yuan Shi had a very good face and couldn’t stand the stimulation of others, which created an image that looked like a villain.

Heavenspan doesn’t have much to say. As the only one in the entire Great Desolate World with Hongjun, his plot against is naturally not something that can be compared, but aside from this point, Heavenspan protects the Outer Sect Disciple to the utmost, even for the sake of his disciple, he does not hesitate to turn his face with the other two who are also Three Purities. Although it is just a big show for Hongjun, it is also to protect the Section Cult dísciple. It will be destroyed because of his escape, so the point of protecting shortcomings has never been performed by him.

The opportunity to kill Hongjun and liberate his two brothers is in front of him. How could he give up to Lin Yuan?

this can be considered a common problem of intelligent creatures.

Most of the problems are in others, and there is absolutely no problem with myself. Just like when some people play games, they always think that their teammates are too disheveled and pitted, and they don’t reflect on why they match. For teammates with such a dish, this example is just right for Heavenspan and Lin Yuan, because Heavenspan thinks that he will definitely win if he gets this treasure that can kill Hongjun. Conversely, if Lin Yuan gets this treasure , It is tantamount to having missed the perfect opportunity to kill Hongjun in vain!

“It’s just that this muddy water is too muddy.”

Heavenspan narrowed his eyes slightly, secretly said in one’s heart: “Lin Yuan and Hongyun Taoist are just On the surface opponents, there are still those who are also holding on to search for secrets. If the Three Realms are completed, it will be difficult for my deity to come. I am afraid it will be difficult!”

After all, there is Yangmei Old Ancestor sitting outside the Tianmen. This news can be hidden from others, but Heavenspan Cult Lord. If Yangmei Old Ancestor had not stayed outside the Tianmen at this moment, he would have already figured out a way to contact his deity. If you don’t need the help of the other two avatars, you don’t need to be afraid of how those hiding in the dark will plot against.

In fact, Yang Mei’s attitude is always a mystery. As one of the few people who have existed for a long time since the Great God Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart, Yang Mei If you are willing, it is simply not Hongjun’s turn to fit Heavenly Dao, and after that, Yang Mei and Hongjun have not had any conflicts, and even Hongjun is tolerant to Yang Mei, but Yang Mei suddenly seems to change. Like a person, I actually want to tamper with the timeline, reverse the past and the future, and knock Hongjun out of the Heavenly Dao posture. The two have fought for a long time. It seems that no one has taken advantage of it, but Yang Mei Indeed, he was forced to leave the Great Desolate World, and Hongjun also put an end to the Great Desolate World, once again resounding a name similar to Yang Mei’s great power.

Even if it is placed in the Great Desolate World, the battle strength belongs to the ceiling-level Peak boss. No one has ever understood what he is thinking and what he is doing. I am afraid that even Hongjun himself I don’t know why Yang Mei suddenly turned his face!

But one thing is for sure, don’t look at the ontology of Heavenspan that is now different from what it used to be, but against opponents like Yang Mei in Sea of ​​Bitterness, it can still be said to be dead or alive. .

The timing of Lin Yuan’s placement is indeed excellent.

Now even if he is exhausted by all means, don’t even think about contacting the deity under Yang Mei’s eyelids.

Furthermore, Lin Yuan obviously suppressed and killed the two fox monsters under Yang Mei’s command, but Yang Mei was not angry, but also broke off a section of willow branches on his body, and gave it to him as a gift Lin Yuan, it can be seen that Yang Mei’s attitude towards this black flood dragon is still based on goodwill. When necessary, Yang Mei will probably end up fighting for the secret in person!

“Hope there are still variables.”

Heavenspan Cult Lord sighed softly in his heart, shook the head, turned and sank into the crowd again.

Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, near Stoneclaw Jungle

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