Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, near Stoneclaw Jungle.

Li Zhongsheng was riding a horse mixed with demonic beast bloodline, his right hand gripped the hilt of his waist, his eyes gloomy and almost dripping water.

This time Lin Yuan entered the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. It can be said that all the power that can be drawn in the northern border was drawn out. Such behavior is tantamount to making a big bet. He bet that the secret mastermind suffers. After the heavy damage, everything in the North Territory can be stabilized, even those Aristocratic Family will not make any noise at this time.

Of course, if the Aristocratic Family in the Northern Territory is a rebellion, the Northern Territory can be suppressed casually afterwards. After all, at this time in the Northern Territory, if the Aristocratic Family starts to become stronger, it is equivalent to becoming Bright. Gown Guard and Chamber of Commerce in the north are fat in the eyes, so they not only don’t want to make progress, but they regard weakness as glory.

If these frightened guys rebelled without external force, that would be truly unforeseeable!

However, almost half of the power in the northern border has been mobilized. There is no problem crossing the demonic beast forest. After all, the low-level demonic beasts and wild beasts cannot threaten this huge team at all, even if there are a few hungry. At this moment, he tried to pillage the low-level wild beast, which has also become a piece of barbecue on the campfire in the camp.

In fact, so far, the situation is pretty good.

But I don’t know why, Li Zhongsheng always has a feeling ill at ease.

It seems that in those jungles that he can’t see, there are countless stomach rumbling with hunger predators who have prepared traps, just waiting for them to send them to the door by themselves.

Is it because I think too much?

Li Zhongsheng shook the head dumbfounded.

After all, Breaking Horizon Mountain Range has not resisted the official power of the Northern Territory for a day or two. The Chamber of Commerce in the Northern Territory can pass through normally, but as long as it is a person who has a relationship with a certain Yamen in the Northern Territory. Once you enter the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, you will end up disappearing without a trace.

The question is, is the opponent really capable of eating such a huge army?

If the other party has this ability, why bother in Breaking Horizon Mountain Range?

If you directly attack the Northern Territory, even the Northern Territory may not be able to handle it!

Li Zhongsheng tried to comfort himself in this way.

But the anxiety in my heart still lingers.

Li Zhongsheng took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to call in his own soldiers, said solemnly: “Although they are almost reaching the territory of the Dragon King, they still cannot relax their vigilance. Although the army is not exhausted from the long journey, But the baggage line is pulled very long. Once the baggage line has a problem, our entire army will be destroyed. Therefore, it is rumored that the army will camp here and send people to the back to urge the military supply department team. We will be there again tomorrow morning. Continue on the road.”


The soldiers responded.

Li Zhongsheng raised his eyes slightly, said solemnly: “There is one more thing, I would always feel some feel ill at ease. When the army camps, he will release all the scout teams out, every 5 minutes of time, he came back and told me that I was about to grasp all the information nearby in real time.”


The soldier slightly startled, and said with a weird expression:” The scout team has been sent out? According to the plan of the rehearsal, as long as the army starts to slow down, all the scouts will leave the army and investigate the situation nearby, so that the rear can judge where they should go next, isn’t it?”


Li Zhongsheng’s expression changed.

There was indeed such a thing during the rehearsal, but he was so anxious at the moment that he almost forgot about it.

He finally knows why he always feels feel ill at ease!

It has been almost an hour since the army slowed down. A scout reporting the situation did not return to the camp to report, and this is not the point. The point is Lin Yuan clearly. Equipped with a contact system, thoughts move can communicate. Even if something unexpected happens, those scouts should contact them by now.

But…very quiet!

As if their army, there is simply no scout!

This also means that all the scout teams that have separated from the main force have something wrong, and the opponent’s attack is very fast. The scouts can’t even do the most basic warnings, just go straight’ Disappeared, like the spy that was sent to Breaking Horizon Mountain Range before.

If there are really enemies, how strong is it to wipe out all the scout teams in an instant?

Each scout team is composed of twelve members. One of them is not collected at night, two Bright Gown Guard, three Monster Emperor club members, or the original wandering Martial Artist and demon. Vanquisher, anyway, is a cultivator who discusses life near Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, and the rest are elite soldiers trained by the Zhenbei Army. Such a team is impossible to deal with various emergencies, and how can it be even if it does not talk about the cultivation base. If the warning can’t be done, it just “disappears”?

After calling several times in the communication system, Li Zhongsheng took a bit of difficulty and swallowed his saliva, and once again ordered the whole army through the command system to say: “Everyone should stop advancing. So far, we have sent out There is no news from the scout team. This is undoubtedly that the enemy had planned to attack us in an ambush. Therefore, we are now in the encirclement of the enemy. We immediately set up camp to prepare for the fortifications. Everyone will cheer up and do it. I’m ready to fight at any time!”

If only one or two scout teams lost contact, Li Zhongsheng could also say that these people were out of luck and met a senior who didn’t know why they wandered outside Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. demonic beast, but all the scouts are inexplicably lost contact, so it means that the other party has known that the northern army is going to enter the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, and has arranged an ambush on the place where it must pass, just waiting for them to get in. Up.

So now, battles may break out at any time!

Although speaking directly will affect morale, if he chooses not to say it, but is suddenly attacked, it is not just a simple matter of low morale. The entire army will collapse. It is not impossible. After all, not all generals have the ability to command ultra-large-scale Legion operations, even if there is a communication system. After all, there are limits to human brain computing, and there is no certain innate talent. A battle of this scale It’s not just one person who can play it!

The soldiers pondered for a moment, whispered: “Li Shuai, in fact, I think our top priority now is not to camp, but to find out who is surrounding us, is it a demonic beast or a human? If the opponent has the strength to fight us head-on, why didn’t we launch a surprise attack before we reacted?”

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