"Harribel, you've worked hard!"

Feng Qi stopped to signal the end when Harribel's physical strength was too much and she was finally too tired to keep up with his speed.

Looking at Harribel who was slashed by him, he used his Zanpakutō to heal all the wounds.

For him, this battle experience was really good, and according to the system data, he also completed daily tasks one by one while fighting, and got more than 5,000 points in total!

"Thank you."

Harribel felt the rapid healing of her wounds, and after thanking her, she was taken care of by her three subordinates and went back to rest.

Injuries can be healed, but the consciousness of continuous high-intensity fighting will still be tired, and when tired, you naturally need to rest.


Feng Qi appeared next to Ulquiorra the next moment, and his eyes swept over the other Ten Blades.

It's really a bit tiring to fight with swords, what should I train next?

"Seeing that none of you are interested, I will go play by myself. Ulquiorra, take a rest and come to my dad's place to find me tomorrow morning."

Feng Qi saw that none of the Ten Espadas were interested, so he didn't bully anyone here. He waved his hand and ran away.

He didn't even bring Ulquiorra with him. He just agreed on the time and place to find him next time.

"What a willful kid..."

Byregan looked at the child who quickly ran away and smiled sinisterly.

Hueco Mundo is not just Hueco Night Palace. There are many dangers that they don't know about in more undeveloped areas.

If that kid runs away and can't come back, I wonder if Aizen will be sad. It's really exciting!


An outsider, but he became the master of Hueco Mundo forcefully. Why does he have the right!

"Byregan, don't do unnecessary things!"

Koyate Stark looked at Byregan, whose smile was not right, and warned him and turned away with Lilinette.

He knew that Bylergan's ability was very special, but that young master...

Before leaving this time, Aizen had told him alone that when the Ten Espadas wanted to bully him, he should try to stop them, because it was not good to waste...

This made him basically realize the identity of this young master.

A noisy child would not obey Aizen's orders, and even did not care about the existence value of the Ten Espadas...


Bylergan snorted coldly, turned around and walked in another direction.

This is Hueco Mundo, he is the king of Hueco Mundo!

Aizen made it impossible for him to confront him head-on, and he had to become a member of the Hueco Night Palace, but this did not mean that he would surrender!

That willful and naughty child will die in some undeveloped place in Hueco Mundo, and even if Aizen wants to investigate later, he will not be able to find him here!


[Host, Bylergan is quietly on his way, he wants you to die in the chaotic area]

The system reminds Feng Qi that he has run so far, and if he runs for another minute, he will enter the spirit chaos area of ​​Hueco Mundo.

If he doesn't stop, the King of Hueco Mundo will not be able to catch up!

'It is true that we should give the other party some chances, otherwise, I have no reason to kill him. Aizen is also quite bored at times, and always likes to keep this rebellious heart. '

Feng Qi stood on the periphery of the chaotic area of ​​​​the spirit, holding his Zanpakutō in both hands, and walked forward step by step.

Feng Qi himself could not understand why Aizen kept trouble around him. It might be because there were many people who were good to him, and they would not be bored enough to want to cultivate opponents.

[Aizen has thought about cultivating you into an opponent]

The system gave Feng Qi a sentence, and then ignored him for the time being.

Some of Aizen's operations have actually appeared here in his host.

‘It’s impossible. He and I will never be rivals. As for the future, besides wanting to make a few Hogyoku for fun, I also want to go to the Soul King Palace to see that the five members of the Zero Division there should be able to refine stronger Hogyoku…’

Feng Qi continued to perform his difficult journey. His mind was already free and he began to think about how many types of Hogyoku he could make.

One Hogyoku can be cultivated in Rukongai and one in Hueco Mundo. These are the two Hogyoku in the original plot. He just needs to copy them.

The power of Fullbring is actually the fragments of the Soul King’s limbs, including the fragments of his internal organs. Anyway, it is those parts that were scattered in the human world that allowed the host to obtain this kind of power mode.

For this kind of thing, after thinking about the Soul King Palace, Feng Qi has lost much interest in Fullbring.

So there is another kind, which is the power of the Quincy.

Quincy, this depends on the situation and the time will be determined.If we can have more fun next time, we can also wait until Yhwach returns to collect them.

Death God, Hollow, Quincy, Soul King Palace...

If we collect enough energy, we can also do some fusion experiments and fuse them in different proportions...

'He's here, and he's here very quickly. I hope Aizen doesn't mind finding another Arrancar to fill the vacancy. '

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Feng Qi finally waited for Bylergan's spiritual pressure when he was so tired that he had difficulty lifting his feet.

"Poor young master, why are you so careless? That's the chaotic area that we dare not touch easily!"

Bylergan carried his big axe and stood on the periphery of this chaotic area after landing.

Seeing the young master who didn't need him to do anything, who was already exhausted, but still insisted on walking to the center of chaos, Bylergan smiled very happily.

His plan was to catch up, then lure this young master to the nearby area, and then throw him in.

"You're chasing me? Then you're really slow, but that's normal. If you were faster than me, you wouldn't be easily controlled by Uncle Aizen!"

Feng Qi stopped and looked back at Bylergan. His smiling eyes were full of disdain for the King of Hueco Mundo.

"Little brat, you're looking for death!"

Bylergan has always considered himself the King of Hueco Mundo. Even if he had to surrender to Aizen, when Aizen was not here, he still considered himself the King and believed that all the beings in Hueco Mundo were weaker than him!

Now that this little brat called him weak and mentioned that he was crushed by Aizen's strength, Bylergan became irritable.

"Come and hit me if you can. I've worked so hard to get here. I'm not trying to belittle you, but with your strength, you can't even climb over here!"

Feng Qi is actually quite experienced in making people angry and irritable, although he is a good boy most of the time...

Moreover, now he is not only talking to people in a mad way, he has also specially prepared a gorgeous dream for Bylergan!

When Feng Qi saw Bylergan carrying an axe and running forward quickly, he tapped his fingers on the blade, and his smile gradually turned into a simple and cute one...

Although a king of Hueco Mundo seems to have a part of his strength sealed, that part of the power is just unusable, and it actually continues to exist.

Now, let him use this king of Hueco Mundo as a basis to start taming this chaotic spiritual pressure storm and start preparing the energy for the first Collapse Jade!

Collapse Jade, he can't do it now because he lacks some detailed information to learn.

But the energy can be stored by him, and after learning that part of the knowledge, he can slowly try it.

For him, what is important is not the Collapse Jade, but the process of its formation!

"Kid, go to hell!"

Bailergang watched the weak kid walk out from inside, he grinned, and directly opened the return to the blade state in the violent area.

Decay, Skeleton Emperor!

With a sigh, Bylergang's form changed greatly. The Skeleton Emperor was surrounded by the power of decay and aging, and the chaotic spiritual pressure and spirit storm in front of him quickly dissipated around him...

Feeling that his power seemed to be recovering its former strength, Bylergang felt extremely comfortable!

When he walked in front of the kid, stretched out his hand and gently grasped it, the arrogant boy turned into a dry skeleton after his touch.

The dry bones turned into smoke and dust again, and Bylergang raised his head and laughed.

"Aizen, you're late... No, you're just in time. You can go to hell to accompany that kid!"

Byragon held his axe and laughed sharply at 'Aizen' who was rushing over.

He could finally take back everything that belonged to him, he could kill Aizen for revenge!

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