"Hello, Mr. Ishida. I'm Feng Qi, six years old this year."

Feng Qi returned to Karakura Town and spent a relaxing weekend. On Monday morning, Ishida Ryugen came to pick him up and took him to the Ishida family.

Looking at the old man standing in front of him, Feng Qi thought about the records in the plot. He was killed by the captain of the 12th Division, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and even his soul was taken for experiments...

An old man who looks very kind, so miserable!

"Hello, Feng Qi, this is my grandson Uryu, the same age as you."

Ishida Sogen had heard about this from his son three years ago, so he didn't show much surprise when he saw the child who didn't grow up.

But as an old man, he might make the child feel restrained, so he pushed his grandson out directly.

Uryu is a good child, not noisy, studying hard, and very careful...

"Hello, I'm Ishida Uryu."

Ishida Uryu came over and stood in front of Feng Qi to say hello.

He had heard from his grandfather before that this child had high aptitude, and if possible, he hoped to let the child stay and study together.

"Feng Qi, let Yu Long take you around here, stay for lunch at noon, and we will talk about learning in the afternoon."

Ishida Sogen felt pretty good. This child and Yu Long could play together. They were both quiet most of the time and thoughtful...

After handing the guest to his grandson to take care of, Ishida Sogen walked slowly to the study and checked some of the information he had sorted out before.

As long as they are pure-blooded Quincy, they are their own people, who need to be protected and cultivated...

"Yu Long, can you sing?"

Feng Qi followed Ishida Yu Long to stroll around their house, and he suddenly asked a question while walking.

"Ah? No, not really..."

Ishida Yu Long was a little embarrassed, as if he had not been exposed to this aspect.

"Then what do you like?"

Looking at the child who was entangled by the question, Feng Qi pretended not to see it and continued to walk and talk.

After they walked around the Ishida family, they roughly understood what hobbies Ishida Uryu had now.

He likes to design some small decorations and sew dolls...

Such a homely hobby is really, very cute!

"There is still some time before lunch, Uryu, do you want to listen to me play the flute?"

Feng Qi sat under a tree, looking at Ishida Uryu who had calmed down next to him, and had already thought about what to exchange with the Ishida family.

Ishida Uryu is the heir of this generation of their family, and it should be enough to stimulate stronger potential for this heir.

And he can guarantee that Ishida Uryu will not cause other damage due to the stimulation of this potential.


Lying on the grass of his subordinates, Ishida Uryu tilted his head and looked at Feng Qi, and responded calmly.

Although he looked calm on the surface, he was actually very curious and wanted to see how this child without any musical instrument played the flute...

"I hope you like it."

Feng Qi spread his hands in front of him, and the spirit condensed into a crystal clear flute in his palms.

Looking at Ishida Uryu with wide eyes, Feng Qi put the flute to his lips, and the soothing and elegant flute sound slowly spread.

There was not much deep meaning in the flute sound, but the spirits around them were all gathering towards Ishida Uryu.

A few minutes later, when Ishida Sogen and Ishida Ryugen arrived quickly, they only saw Feng Qi playing the flute leisurely and a spirit light cocoon on the ground.

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