"Take your time to think about it. If you need our help, find someone you trust to talk to me. Eat some snacks that are more common in my father's place. These are all carefully made by the chefs."

Feng Qi saw that Ulquiorra had brought the snacks on a plate, slipped out of Orochimaru's arms, and sat beside him waiting to be fed.

As for the Hogyoku on Rukia, it was just a reminder to Rukia that it was really not an important item for them.

Whether it was made in Hueco Mundo, Soul Society, or even the Hogyoku made by the violent energy in Hell, their family had no shortage of them.

"Thank you... I may need to send a message to my brother. I need to discuss this with my family..."

After thanking her, Rukia talked about her thoughts.

She knew too little information now, and she couldn't continue asking, so she could only wait until the next day off to go back to my brother to ask what the Hogyoku was.

"Thank you..."

Toushirou looked at the snack platter in front of him, thanked him, and then quietly took it and ate it.

He remembered Feng Qi saying that Orochimaru was somewhat interested in his Zanpakutō, Hyorinmaru.

And because he had always lacked control, he could not fully release his Zanpakutō, and he could never grow up...

Not growing up was something that always bothered him.

More than three years ago, Feng Qi complained about him, saying that he didn't dare to confess to someone he liked...

He also wanted to confess, and wanted to tell the other person that he liked her, and wanted to be together forever, but he had a body in the form of a child...

"Uncle Orochimaru, my Zanpakutō..."

After struggling for a while, when all the food on the snack plate was eaten, Toushirou looked up at Orochimaru and took out his Zanpakutō on his own initiative.

Although he didn't know if Orochimaru was as strong as Feng Qi said, Feng Qi alone was strong enough to threaten the entire Seireitei, and he didn't even have a complete Zanpakutō, so he didn't need to have any ideas.

"Captain Hitsugaya, you..."

Rukia watched Hitsugaya Toushirou take out his Zanpakutō, and her already confused thoughts could no longer be focused.

Why did he take out his Zanpakutō? We are here as guests, and we cannot fight!

"Hyorinmaru, the strongest ice-type Zanpakutō, is not suitable for display in the real world. Do you want to go with us to another place for a detailed test?"

Orochimaru just glanced at the Zanpakutō and continued to feed snacks to the lazy Fuuji.

He actually knew a lot of information about this Zanpakutō. Mayuri Kurotsuchi had the information and data of all the high-level Shinigami.

"My mission in the real world this time is to follow Fuuji..."

Toushirou also learned to make some changes in certain tasks.

No matter where he went, as long as he followed Fuuji, he was completing the task assigned by the captain.

So, they went together, right?

"Well, I'm going to watch, otherwise...some crazy experiment enthusiasts may tear you apart."

Feng Qi nodded, he would indeed watch.

After arriving at the laboratory, Orochimaru would show some mercy for the sake of his friend's identity.

But some people who have always been interested in Hyorinmaru and Toushirou, such as Sal Apollo and Kurotsuchi Mayuri, will definitely find all kinds of experiments to try!

"Why do I have a bad feeling? Are all scientific researchers like Captain Kurotsuchi Mayuri?"

Toushirou looked at Feng Qi's smiling eyes and suddenly felt a little scared.

"Don't worry, I'll watch."

Feng Qi just smiled and didn't say what the scientific researchers there were like.

After eating snacks, Grimmjow also went to school to pick up Ichigo Kurosaki after school. After they packed up, they went directly through the portal opened by Feng Qi.

Rukia didn't go. She needed to think quietly and contact Byakuya Kuchiki as soon as possible.


After passing through the portal, the few people who came out stood in a valley filled with birdsong and flowers, and a strong breath of life.

"This flower is really good. Before I returned to the present world, it was only as high as my calf. Now it can be used as an umbrella for Feng Qi."

Ichigo Kurosaki walked forward a few steps, stood next to a large emerald green flower, and reached out to pat the petals that were tougher than metal.

Although he also thought that Feng Qi's hobbies were peculiar, these flowers and plants were indeed very cute, at least there was no need to worry about them being damaged.

"Can you be a little more careful with your words, Feng Qi is just small, and you can't use flowers as an umbrella... Can you really use it as an umbrella?"

Looking at this orange-headed man who was not polite at all and actually laughed at Feng Qi's small size in front of him, Dong Shilang really wanted to pick him up and find a place to beat him up.

However, before he finished speaking, he sawFeng Qi crawled under the flower and lay down on the leaves to try.

It was just right, the leaves were the bed, the petals were the umbrella...

"Tsk... do you think everyone is the same as you? Sure enough, you care about nothing. Our little Feng Qi never worries about these things. He is the cutest!"

The white-haired and white-clothed 'Ichigo' suddenly appeared beside Feng Qi, stretched out his hands, and picked up the child who wanted to roll around on the big leaf.

Picking up the good child who was not going to beat him for the time being, he looked at the white-haired boy who was frozen because of his complaints again, and turned around in a good mood to run away.

He has not come out to play for the past few days since he returned to the real world with Ichigo. It's very boring!

"Don't make trouble. I have to check Dong Shilang in a while. I will play with you after I'm done."

Feng Qi adjusted his position, put his head on Zangetsu's arm, and let him follow.

Go through the teleportation array from here and go directly to the laboratory, without any contact with the breath of Hueco Mundo.

Even if some guys want to investigate Toushirou's change, they are just sending him food...

"Him? What a poor little guy!"

Zangetsu doesn't care if Toushirou glares or not, he just gives him a little sympathy now.


He should just be responsible for holding the baby honestly, and other things have nothing to do with him, absolutely nothing to do with him!

Even if there is any test, just let Ichigo go!

That's the real boss, he is a Zanpakutō sword spirit, don't participate, don't participate...

"Why do I feel that you all know what's in the laboratory..."

Toushirou looked at the smile in the arms of this non-human person, and his mood became more uneasy.

Fortunately, he was going to be tested, so he didn't plan to let him worry any more.

A new portal opened in front of him, Orochimaru walked in first, and Toushirou followed in with a tangled look.

After him were Zangetsu and Fuuki who was being held.

The others, whether it was Ichigo Kurosaki or Grimmjow, including Ulquiorra, all walked into a new teleportation direction that opened on the other side after the portal closed.

Whoever wants to go to the laboratory can go!

They went to the training ground first!

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