Just when all Nantian Technology employees were in shock.


Jiangcheng Morning News.

This is the largest and most powerful newspaper in Jiangcheng.

Beautiful reporter Li Mengyao came to the editor-in-chief's office.

"Editor-in-chief, I want to apply to interview Nantian Technology."

After listening, the editor-in-chief smiled sarcastically.

"Mengyao, it's been two years since you came to the newspaper office, right? Why can't you change the nosy problem? "

"Editor-in-chief, I believe that Nantian Technology will not be what is scolded on the Internet."

The editor-in-chief glanced up at Li Mengyao: "Did the task given to you a few days ago about the auction of the Victory Mansion be completed?" "

"Finished editor-in-chief, has sent your email."

"Well, if you want to waste time on Nantian Technology, feel free to do so, provided that the task I have assigned to you is done well."

"Okay, thank you, editor-in-chief."

Li Mengyao agreed very happily.

The popularity of Nantian Technology on the Internet is getting higher and higher, and Li Mengyao has also paid a lot of attention.

As the hottest topic on the whole network at present, opening the hot search on the mobile phone is all the words of Nantian Technology.

It's hard not to pay attention!

It's just that the comments of netizens are good and bad, and there are everything to say.

Netizens who praise Nantian Technology and scold Nantian Technology are the same as the two sects fighting.

The scene was particularly intense.

Li Mengyao didn't know what the truth was, but she became deeply interested in the boss of Nantian Technology.

If a company owner is really willing to spend millions to treat an employee's mother, I have to say that this is definitely the greatest boss of our time.

What does the company exist for? Isn't it just to make money?

In reality, let alone spending millions to treat employees' parents, how many bosses can there be who are willing to donate kindly?

I'm afraid you can count it on one hand, right?

Therefore, Li Mengyao wanted to see what kind of immortal the boss of Nantian Technology was, and he was so arrogant.

"Xiao Yue, take the guy and come with me."

"Here comes Sister Yao!"

A few minutes later, an SUV with 'Jiangcheng Morning News' printed on the body set off towards Nantian Technology.

Li Mengyao sat in the co-pilot, and Xiao Yue drove in the main driver.

Xiao Yue came to Jiangcheng Morning News for the third year, and he joined Li Mengyao in the same year.

From the day she joined, she became Li Mengyao's little fangirl.

Li Mengyao is very beautiful and belongs to a temperamental beauty.

Tall, handsome and beautiful, with the face of a comic heroine, she is deeply pursued and loved by countless men.

Especially those two legs are stunners in the world.

How many men can't take a step when they see it!

According to incomplete statistics, Li Mengyao has been pursued by a total of more than 900 men since she joined the company.

Break through a thousand soon!

At her peak, men who pursued her could block ten streets!

It's just that what people can't imagine is that such a perfect goddess is still single until now!

What's even more exaggerated is that Li Mengyao has never talked about a boyfriend since she was a child!

Still 100% original!

"Sister Yao, where are we going?"

"Nantian Technology."


Xiao Yue's face twitched: "Sister Yao, it is said on the Internet that Nantian Technology is a scam company, what are we going to do?" "

"Of course I went to the interview."

"Interview? Is this necessary, Sister Yao? "

Xiao Yue also brushed a lot of posts from Nantian Technology.

She belongs to the side of the villain, and in Xiao Yue's heart, she has long labeled Nantian Technology: a scam company!

The boss spent millions to treat the employee's mother, really for the sake of eyeballs.

"Xiao Yue, do you know Nantian Technology?"

"I don't know much, but I also read a lot of posts about Nantian Technology on the Internet."

"If you don't understand, you can't draw conclusions so early, we are journalists, what is the duty of journalists?"

"Fair and just." Xiao Yue replied.

This phrase has always been Li Mengyao's motto.

From the first day of work, Li Mengyao put these four words on the table.

"Sister Yao, shouldn't you believe that the Nantian Technology incident is real?" Xiao Yue looked at Li Mengyao in surprise.

"What if it's true?"

Xiao Yue suddenly laughed: "Sister Yao, what are you kidding?" How could it be true? Company boss spends millions to treat employees' mothers? Is it too much money to burn in a panic? I definitely don't believe it's true. "

Li Mengyao was silent.

Unheard of indeed.

After working in the Jiangcheng Morning News for so many years, I have heard that employees are squeezed and wages are owed to migrant workers.

It's the first time I've heard of a boss paying employees to treat their parents.

Li Mengyao has previously exposed a lot of news that unscrupulous companies owe employees.

Many of them are well-known local enterprises in Jiangcheng, and even well-known large companies in the country.

In contrast, as a newly established new company, Nantian Technology is indeed difficult to think in a good direction.

Especially in recent times, the topic of food safety on the Internet has become more and more popular.

Many unscrupulous businesses have been exposed.

What Hextech technology, what all kinds of ruthless work, made many netizens panic.

This has made countless netizens have a great dislike for the company's boss.

As long as the word boss is mentioned, netizens subconsciously feel that they have no conscience and are morally corrupt.

Nantian Technology broke such news at such a sensitive time.

Li Mengyao was both apprehensive and expectant.

In the car, Jiangcheng radio host Wei Wei and Jun Ge were also discussing this topic.

"Sister Wei, what do you think about this matter?"

"Me? Of course, I hope that this is true, after all, human life is at stake, and I also hope that the mother of this employee of Nantian Technology can get rid of the disease as soon as possible and recover her body. "


Listening to the radio, Xiao Yue drove the car to the gate of Nantian Technology.

The time at this time is three o'clock in the afternoon.

From afar, I saw many employees talking and laughing and walking out.

The happy face is like a blossom.


This scene, Xiao Yue was directly stunned when he saw it.

"Sister Yao, what is the situation?"

Li Mengyao is also a little unclear.

It stands to reason that it should be working hours now, why are all the employees of Nantian Technology still out?

"Turn on the device and ask me over."

Li Mengyao opened the car door and walked towards the Nantian Technology employees.

Xiao Yue quickly took the video equipment, opened the live broadcast room of Jiangcheng Morning News, and followed closely.

Li Mengyao walked with two long legs, and her two little feet walked quickly, as if she was afraid of missing something.

At the same time, the live broadcast room picture of Jiangcheng Morning News also fell on Li Mengyao's body.

Since Li Mengyao is also a much-watched female Internet celebrity in Jiangcheng, there are many people who pay attention to her.

In addition, Jiangcheng Morning News is the most influential local official media account.

Not long after the broadcast, tens of millions of viewers poured in.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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