Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 95 I want to get back everything I lost!

Hiss, something is wrong.

Something is very wrong!

Liao Baiyu felt that the appearance of his sister now was a bit different from his original impression.

But I don’t know why.

It was as if some kind of spell had opened some gaps in the depths of memory in my mind, and many scenes like a revolving lantern flashed by following my sister's words.

The feeling of disobedience towards my sister being so "straight forward" is gradually disappearing.

Instead, there is a completely opposite


How should I put it, the thought of "this is how my sister should be" quietly arises.

Liao Baiyu always felt that this was not the first time he heard his sister say this.

He has heard it countless times.

Every night in the picture, the girl with the cute cat head and purple twin tails would cuddle up next to him, close to his ear, and whisper like a whisper between lovers:

"Bai Yu will always be the first in my heart."

Memories fade quickly as they come.

When Liao Baiyu wanted to grab something again, these memories were like grains of sand in his hands. Not only could they not stay, they all slipped away together and became blank again.

"Bai Yu?"

"Bai Yu?"

It was Lin Mengqi's voice from behind that pulled Liao Baiyu back to reality from the whirlpool of memory.

"Sorry Meng Qi, maybe I haven't had a good rest recently and I'm a little distracted."

Liao Baiyu rubbed his temples.

Secretly blaming myself, why am I distracted at this time? Could it be that I have been too active recently?

As for Lin Mengqi opposite, she smiled.

Later, he took this as an excuse and took the initiative to pull Liao Baiyu to the sofa. He asked his brother to sit down and leaned over to massage Bai Yu's shoulders.

Of course Lin Mengqi knew that those memories were not so easy to retrieve.

After all, this is the seal of a purple cloud-level magical girl.

Liao Baiyu's reaction so quickly was far beyond Lin Mengqi's expectations.

She didn't expect that Bai Yu could return to the close relationship he had with her all at once.

Her purpose has never changed.

She would never let Bai Yu come into contact with the extraordinary world of magical girls again.

So this time, it was not the magical girl Ziyun who went to establish a close relationship with Bai Yu, but her, Lin Mengqi.

A relationship that belongs to ordinary reality and between ordinary people.

That's it in a nutshell.

The second program begins!

She does this not for anything else, but to tell those wild magical girls now and those who may appear in the future.

She, Lin Mengqi, wants to get back everything she has lost!

As for just now.

It was Lin Mengqi who secretly gave herself a trick.

It’s been two weeks.

With a little inheritance, part of the relationship progress in one week is also very reasonable.

At least Bai Yu's impression and alienation of him should be straightened out.


Bai Yu may not have noticed it just now, but her name has changed, from "Sister Mengqi" to "Mengqi".

Don't underestimate such a small change.

The difference is huge.

One is the honorific title between siblings.

As for the other one, it's hard to say.

Anyway, the reaction of her personal maid next to her was enough to tell.


Hayasaka Suzu is actually a little surprised now.

The maid originally planned to continue to be a wingman and help Lin Mengqi from the side, hoping to capture the young master as soon as possible.


Who would have thought that the eldest lady is not an emotional idiot.

It's a super straight ball, and the attack is extremely fierce!

Immediately afterwards, at a speed that even she couldn't understand, she was now able to give the young master an intimate massage?


The eldest lady is definitely on.

Although Hayasaka Suzu couldn't understand it, she was greatly shocked.

She can only attribute the rapid progress of all this to the battle robe the eldest lady is wearing now, this secretary-like dress. To be honest, even as a woman, she is drooling just looking at it.

Liao Baiyu didn't go back to the apartment at night and stayed at his own house.

I also asked for leave from school the next day.

The activities of the Xingyue Group are also unfolding like fire under the management of Uncle Fu. This is a big event for the entire Thirteenth District. After all, the development of the Thirteenth District cannot be separated from the Xingyue Group. Regardless of the relationship, a series of publicity is already in place.

The venue on Kowloon Street has been laid out, and slogans similar to "Warmly celebrate the completion of the 100th building of the Xingyue Apartment Project!" have been posted everywhere.

The so-called Xingyue Apartment Plan, Xingyue Medical and Xingyue Railway Plan are all the same welfare projects.

The group financed the purchase of land from the government and built buildings.

These apartments are not for sale at all.

The original idea was to use it specifically for those victims of nightmare beast disasters.

But later.

As Xingyue Group has grown, more and more apartments have been built, from one building to ten, then to twenty, to fifty, and now to the hundredth apartment building today.

So many apartments no longer only face victims of nightmare beasts.

Beggars, refugees, bankrupts, homeless people.

"Anyone who has registered their identity in the files of the Xingyue Project, proves that they have real difficulties in living, and has no bad records such as illegal crimes, can apply for settlement. We will also send out specialists as soon as possible to do our best. , to help everyone who is in trouble."

"So far, the cumulative occupancy record of the Xingyue Apartment Project has reached 70,341 people, helping more than 10,000 people. We all know that life is difficult, so we are committed to fighting side by side with you in the trough. We believe that every Every individual’s future is full of infinite possibilities.”

In front of many media and cameras, the host on the stage was impassioned. Many outstanding employees of the Xingyue Apartment Project were commended on stage, and many beneficiaries were interviewed later.

Liao Xiaota is also one of the participating employees in this event.

As a salesperson in the marketing department, she is not only responsible for the logistics and procurement of this event, but also is an outstanding employee who can be commended on stage.

Whenever the host recited one of their achievements, Liao Xiaota was always proud to hold up her chest. This is her real-life efforts as a magical girl, not only behind the scenes, but also doing her best every day. Do your best to serve society and lend a helping hand to those in need.

This event was very long. After Liao Xiaota got off the stage, he took the time to walk around the back of the venue to go to the restroom.

Because Kowloon Street has just been built, many facilities are not yet complete.

For example, the restrooms and parking lots are right next to each other, so they fit together.

This is nothing.


After Liao Xiaota walked out for five or six meters, he suddenly stopped and hurriedly stepped back.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes were fixed on an ordinary-looking black car in the parking lot. Looking at the special car logo that was not of any brand, Liao Xiaota was stunned, and then quickly took out her mobile phone.

I opened Moments and after browsing through it, I finally found it, a friend said yesterday.

In fact, they can't be considered friends, they are just ordinary friends who were added at some point.


[Family members, it seems that the poverty alleviation project is not in place yet (laughing)]

This is the title of this talk.

There is also a picture of a black car below.

At that time, Liao Xiaota felt that the car looked familiar, but he didn't pay much attention to it, mainly because the title and many subsequent replies were too disgusting.

But now, after Liao Xiaota took a closer look, the expression on her face was filled with surprise.

These two cars are not.

Exactly the same!

More importantly, she remembered where she had seen this car last time and why it looked familiar.

So, don’t tell me!

Liao Xiaota: "!!!"

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