Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 96 It turns out that Cousin Bai Yu is also willing to be Tata's collaborator!

The girl is now as excited as the little fan who bumped into her idol on the street.

Just barely circled around this little black car.

This made a security guard near the parking lot wonder about Liao Xiaota. He shook his head and looked like, "This is just a broken car, what's there to be excited about?"


This little black car looks very low-key and restrained from the outside. Coupled with the logo that has never been seen before, anyone who looks at it at first glance will think that it is a low-end, unknown small brand.

It’s no wonder that the socialite in front of me classified this car as a beggar’s friend, and posted a funny message about “needing poverty alleviation”.

Liao Xiaota was able to recognize this car thanks to her status as a member of the Liao family.

Because Liao's family business is very large and involves all walks of life.

So basically, the members of the clan all take a piece of the big pie, for example, this family is engaged in energy, this family is engaged in catering, and that family is engaged in tourism.

Liao Xiaota's family, as a very small branch, did not receive any big industry. His father only managed a few processing factories, which usually produced various parts and the like.

But one day my father came home very excited and said that he had taken a big order. My mother was also very happy to ask, and it turned out that the design sketch that my father took out at that time was this car.

She, who was still a little loli at that time, also leaned over and didn't see anything like her mother.

It was their father who introduced them to them eloquently, saying that although the car looked ordinary, the interior and various configurations were top-notch. Even the structure and materials of the car were completely different and could adapt to various extremely harsh environments. Things like waterproofing, fireproofing, and bulletproofing are all top-notch for this car, and it’s also equipped with a weapon system.

Anyway, they didn't quite understand what their father said. The only thing they could understand was that the cost of the car was an exaggerated astronomical figure, and it was not sold to the outside world. It was completely customized, even because The special nature of this car requires that ordinary machine tools cannot be used, and a special production line must be set up for it.

The order my father received was not to build this car. None of his family was qualified to do so. It was just to build a small part that was a component part of it.

Even so, my father was still so excited, not just because of how much money he made, but even though the profit from that order seemed to be extremely generous.

What excites my father the most is because - this is the master’s task

Liao Xiaota was relatively young at the time and didn't quite understand it.

I have to let her compare it to her at the time.

Her father's appearance was probably similar to that in a fantasy anime she liked to watch at that time, when an outer disciple got the care and attention of the "head of the sect" by chance, he was overjoyed and flattered.

Later, as he grew older, Liao Xiaota began to understand a little more. It turned out that it was a sense of pilgrimage, a passion for his master's family that was common to all the descendants of the Liao family.

If you understand, you understand. If you don’t understand, you really don’t understand.


Just because the owner is rich and powerful?

She, Liao Xiaota, would never become like her parents!

What she can respect and admire is always just like the protagonists in childhood cartoons and novels, who use their own powerful power to bring beauty and happiness to the world. They are heroes who can "cleanse the world and protect a corner of the world." Only then!


The Xingyue Group appeared.

Later, she, Liao Xiaota, also fell.

Although she would never admit her father's "blood theory", Cousin Bai Yu is really that kind, that rare kind, kind, just, compassionate, not greedy for wealth, full of passion, There is even a sense of mission to protect the city!

This is even more obvious in the Liao family, which is full of profit-seeking.

She is Liao Xiaota's absolute, super super invincible idol.

Of course, Liao Xiaota must declare it in parentheses first.

Although she has never met Cousin Bai Yu in person, she can already imagine the above image of Cousin Bai Yu from Xingyue Group.

as well as.

The previous parenthetical statement will soon become a thing of the past!

She, Liao Xiaota.

today! At once! want! See! arrive! Idol! La!

The two big shots from the main family basically travel around the world every day. On the contrary, City X, which is the base camp of the Liao family, has become a place where they rarely stay.

In other words, this owner's car cannot possibly be from his parents' generation, so there are only two people left in the owner's family!

Combined with the fact that today is still the activity of Xingyue Group.

The fact that this car appears here can only mean that the founder of their Xingyue Group, cousin Bai Yu, is also here!

where! ?


Cousin Bai Yu was present, but there was a high probability that he would not be able to attend in public. There was no way, given his identity, Cousin Bai Yu had always been very low-key in the entire family.

Now what?

I know I can't find my idol here.

Now Liao Xiaota could not wait to call her companion and use her grass-type magic power to help her find the person.

After thinking about it, Liao Xiaota decided to find Cousin Bai Yu in a way that suited her "earth element" attribute.

That's it in a nutshell.

Squat to death!

Liao Xiaota turned on her phone and asked for leave from her boss. She also sent a text message to her colleagues that they didn't have to wait for her. She was in a hurry to go home. After that, she didn't care about anything else and went to the owner's house. There is a nest next to the black car, and I won’t leave here!

The road to simplicity.

Anyway, Cousin Bai Yu will definitely have to go back in the end, and he has to come to the car to go back. So if she squats here to death, won't she definitely be able to see her cousin?


And at the same time on the other side.

As the boss behind Xingyue, Liao Baiyu was sitting in his office. After the celebrations at the front desk had come to an end and the media were almost ready to leave, he was ready to get down to his private "business".

Liao Baiyu planned to call some outstanding employees over individually in the form of a second internal commendation to meet his boss behind the scenes, and chat one-on-one to talk about life ideals and what areas the group still needs to improve. , are there any difficulties at work, etc.

When the time comes, including Liao Xiaota, it will be the first time for me to have face-to-face contact with this magical girl in reality.

Liao Baiyu knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

I didn’t plan to say that it was unrealistic to get the other person the first time. After all, Xu Jiajia’s stupidity was just an exception. A blue stone-level magical girl like Tata also had organization and discipline. , I am definitely more or less prepared and vigilant.

Liao Baiyu didn't intend to be greedy, so he tested Tata this time, so that he could learn more about his eighteenth-tier cousin's character, thoughts, and so on.

I plan to boil the frog in warm water later, but Liao Xiaota can't escape here anyway.


After waiting for a few minutes, Liao Baiyu looked at the message sent by his subordinates. In the employee list, behind Liao Xiaota's name, there was a big "exited midway" and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"What's wrong, Bai Yu?" Lin Mengqi, who was wearing glasses and pretending to be a secretary, saw her brother staring at the list solemnly, and couldn't help but become concerned.

After waving his hand calmly and telling his sister not to worry about him, Liao Baiyu was very serious and frowning inside.

what happened?



Or maybe the other party has noticed something is wrong! ?

Has your identity been exposed?

No no no.

It shouldn't be that serious yet.

Otherwise, judging from the arrogant and evil arrogance that he had trained the two magical girls before, if he had noticed it at this time, Tata should have called the purple cloud-level "True Red" over to surround him.

Is that just a coincidence?

Did Tata really happen to have something to do and she left just when he was about to call her over?

Can it really be such a coincidence?

Liao Baiyu was a little unconvinced, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of any other reason.


Should I say that she is worthy of being Blue Stone’s magical girl senior?

It's really tricky.

Although the key figure Tata ran away, Liao Baiyu did not change anything on the surface. He continued to follow the original plan and went to chat with outstanding employees one by one, treating it as a normal business activity.

If you do unnecessary actions at this time, it will easily arouse others' suspicion.

In a blink of an eye, an afternoon passed.

The sun was about to set, and the dusk light of sunset poured into the house. Liao Baiyu finally finished all his affairs. Seeing that it was almost time, at his sister's suggestion, he was ready to drive home.

As for Liao Xiaota's matter, we can only think about it in the long term.

When the two of them were walking to the parking lot, Liao Baiyu noticed from a long distance away that there seemed to be a figure squatting next to his car.

tramp? beggar?

No, you should look for a luxury car again, right?

His car doesn't look like it belongs to a wealthy family.

Liao Baiyu was surprised. When he got closer, he realized that this was still a girl, and she was actually wearing a Xingyue Group employee uniform!



Shouldn't it be.

Liao Baiyu quickened his pace and reached the girl completely.

The other party was pitifully leaning against the wheel of the car, huddled up due to the cold and burying her head between her arms. Although her face could not be seen, the work badge on her uniform still indicated the girl's identity.

[Marketing Department-Third Logistics Division-Deputy Manager-Liao Xiaota]

At this moment, Liao Xiaota seems to have been waiting here for a long time.

Waiting and waiting, everyone has fallen asleep.

Liao Baiyu could even hear some mumblings from Liao Xiaota, which were like murmuring in sleep.

"Cousin. Cousin Bai Yu"

This seems to be the girl's deep obsession, and it is also the spiritual pillar for her to "hold her ground" at this moment.

If that's all it is, it's actually not bad.


Liao Xiaota, who was in a daze, squeaked again, turned over, changed to a more comfortable position, and continued to lean on the car tire. He must have been sleeping soundly, and his dreaming was getting better.

The girl suddenly became silly and happy again, mumbling vaguely in her sleep: "Really?"

"Cousin Bai Yu. It turns out that he is also willing to be Tata's collaborator."

"I'm so happy. Tata is so happy."

"Tata is not dreaming."

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