In the blink of an eye, it was almost evening!

Wang Kongjun urged Luo Doudou to collect the rod and prepare to go to dinner. Other fishermen also collected their equipment and prepared to leave one after another!

While eating, Wang Kongjun's mobile phone rang. Seeing that the number was from Jingzhou, Wang Kongjun quickly picked it up!

As soon as the call was connected, it was indeed the big boss of Huaxia Sports Headquarters!

However, compared with the high-handed attitude yesterday, today's tone seemed particularly flattering!

"Hello! Minister! What's the matter?"

Wang Kongjun answered the phone and responded with a smile!

He was a little uneasy in his heart. He was really afraid that the headquarters would cut off his plan, and then there would be a lot of trouble!

"Haha, little brother Wang, we are old acquaintances now, no need to be so polite!"

A hearty laugh came from the phone.

Wang Kongjun was delighted, it seemed that the deal was done: "Haha, then I will shamelessly call you brother, I wonder why you called..."

Before Wang Kongjun finished speaking, the middle-aged man on the phone had already laughed and said, "It's nothing serious. I talked to you about that matter yesterday, and we have already discussed the result. In order to promote the development of fishing and enrich the leisure and entertainment life of the people, the Sports Headquarters has specially approved and agreed that the Qinglong Fishing Association will be in charge of all domestic fishing affairs, that is, the certification of fishing professional levels will be authorized by the National Sports Headquarters!"

"Of course, we have also investigated the little brother behind 's energy, I believe you can properly handle all matters related to level certification, so there is no need for a deposit or anything like that. "

"Also, the Sports Headquarters will also give corresponding support policies, such as opening the application channel for national-level competitions. Hehe, those who reach the fishing master level in your association will enjoy the same benefits and treatment as national-level athletes!"

"Well! The state will issue a relevant news announcement tomorrow, and the rumors on the Internet will be self-defeating by then!"

Hearing the minister's words, Wang Kongjun was immediately excited and excited. This is so great!

He can already foresee how crazy the fishermen will be with the release of the national announcement!

Unexpectedly, after just one night, the attitude of the Sports Headquarters has directly reversed!

As long as you become a fishing master, you can enjoy the treatment of a national athlete!

In short, there is a national subsidy every month, and in life, you can also enjoy various priorities, including children's education, or apply for the national public service system, etc.!

There is no doubt that this simple sentence directly raises the gold content of the fishing master to several levels!

Finally, it is the declaration of national-level events. Currently, fishing events are not recognized by the country, and even few can get official support from local state governments!

Most of them are organized by some fishing associations or fishing ground owners, and are more entertainment-oriented private events!

And national-level events, without a doubt, will have an influence that is unimaginable!

Just like other sports, the gold content of the ranking will be very high!

If you win the championship, you will be the national champion in the domestic fishing industry!

The improvement of personal fame is absolutely unimaginable!

Even to the point of being popular among the whole people!

Because national-level events will inevitably receive real-time reports from the official media of the country!

Let’s put it this way, fishing used to be just a personal hobby, but now fishing is like those athletes’ usual training. You can participate in national-level competitions and bring honor to your family!

And with China’s international status, China’s national-level events will inevitably attract the attention of other countries, and there will even be many foreign participants!

As long as it is held a few times, as the influence of fishing competitions gradually expands, other countries will also participate in it!

Just like the Olympics, or the basketball NBA, or the football World Cup, it will become an international event of great weight!

And the domestic fishing industry will also usher in a leap-forward development!


Wang Kongjun was very excited and said a lot of words of thanks on the phone!

Thank you to the country, thank you to the government, thank you to the leaders of the Sports Headquarters!

Well, almost all the eighteen generations of ancestors of the big boss of the Sports Headquarters have been thanked!

The big boss on the other side was so scared that he hung up the phone in a panic!

Wang Kongjun may not know how awesome his background is, but others can't really treat him as a little Karami!


A big shot at the national level, if you say that with your status and position, you can't find out who is behind Wang Kongjun, then you are also a fool and don't deserve to sit in this position!

But you know his background and relationship, but you still put on airs in front of him, which means you don't give face to the person behind him!

Damn, looking at the world, who dares not to give face to that madman!

Well, the grass on the grave of those who don't give face is fucking several feet high!

Especially when a certain military big shot almost died yesterday!

Tsk tsk tsk! They were scared enough!

Among all the national departments, there is no doubt that the military is the most arrogant, because power comes from the barrel of a gun!

The most arrogant ones dare not say a word. They are a group of people who have real power but no strength, so they should keep a low profile!

Anyway, it's not a big deal!

There are so many projects at the Sports Headquarters now, and it doesn't matter if there is one more fishing guy!

Money belongs to the country, but life is your own!

Spend the country's money, sell a favor to the other party, go out to build your own relationship, expand your network, why not do it!

After hanging up the phone, Wang Kongjun couldn't help but jump up excitedly: "Yeah! National-level competition, haha, my fishing ground is going to take off!"

He couldn't imagine how crazy the fishermen would be if all this was really implemented. I'm afraid it would be several times crazier than it is now!

Luo Doudou, who was eating steak elegantly at the moment, also looked over with curiosity!

This guy just answered a phone call, how could he be happier than when he confirmed the relationship with me at the beginning!

"Hey, hey, hey, I said you are now a big boss worth tens of billions, can you be a little more sophisticated and steady, what are you so happy about!" Luo Doudou rolled his eyes at him.

She was just eating, but Wang Kongjun jumped up like a monkey.

Wang Kongjun didn't keep it a secret, and immediately told Luo Doudou the decision of the sports headquarters!

Luo Doudou heard this, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes!

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