Soon, everyone started to discuss!

"Haha, everyone, please be patient!" At this time, the beautiful sales manager came over and looked at everyone with confidence:

"Since everyone is interested, let me explain to you. All our fishing gear can be tested on site. We have a hydraulic tension test device. If it is within 10,000 pounds, it will be replaced for free if it is broken!"


"Wow! Is it true? On-site test?"

"Oh my god, it seems that Mr. Wang is very confident in his fishing gear!"

Suddenly there was a burst of excitement. On-site test, other fishing gear malls don't have this service!

Moreover, the test time is also very short. It doesn't take much time, only about half a minute.

The fishing rod is inserted into the device, the tip of the rod is connected to the metal wire, and the other end of the metal wire is a hydraulic device!

As the pressure continues to increase, the data soon reaches 10,000 pounds. At this moment, the fishing rod has been bent to an extremely exaggerated degree!

"Okay, everyone, take a look!" The sales manager said proudly!

Everyone immediately surrounded it!

"Oh my god, it's really a 10,000-pound pulling force!"

"Awesome, awesome, with this thing, you can easily deal with giants under 2,000 pounds, and the rod will not break at all!"

"Hehe! You still want to deal with 2,000 pounds? Such a large pulling force, the fishing rod can withstand it, I'm afraid you can't."

"That's right, even a cow can't pull it, it must be a lot of strength!"


Just at this time, a cry of surprise came from a distance!

"Oh my god, brothers, come and see the awesomeness! This is really awesome!"

It turned out that someone discovered the magical products such as Dali Spinach Canned, Shenbao Drink, and Black Jade Intermittent Paste!

Everyone gathered around, their eyes widened and their mouths opened into an O shape!

What the hell is this!

At this time, the staff had already explained with a smile, "Haha, as you can see, this is a pure Chinese medicine tonic drink developed by our President Wang at a huge cost of scientific research funds!"

"As for the effect, it is in the instructions, and all the products have been sent to the National Quality Inspection Center to ensure that they are green, safe and pollution-free. Even long-term consumption can enhance everyone's physical fitness!"

"Oh, by the way, the quality inspection report has not come out yet. Although our President Wang has experienced it personally, if you are worried, you can buy it in a few days!"


At this moment, everyone looked at each other!

No, green and pollution-free is nothing, they usually eat a lot of junk food!

It's mainly the effect, this guy is a bit unscientific!

After eating the powerful spinach, it will take effect in ten minutes, and the muscles of the whole body will swell and increase rapidly. Within three hours, it can burst ten times the strength!

This thing is something they have never heard of or seen before!

And the Kidney Treasure Drink!

After consuming it, it takes effect immediately. Within twelve hours, you will have unlimited energy, vigorous and vigorous, and can have 360 ​​orgasms a night without any pressure!

If this is not bragging, this thing is really amazing, it is absolutely priceless!

And this Black Jade Intermittent Ointment!

Apply it to external injuries, no matter what kind of wound, it will stop bleeding immediately, and it will recover as before after three hours.

In addition to external injuries, there are also bruises and sprains, which are also effective in seconds!

Damn, these things sound like they are amazing!


These things should not appear in the fishing grounds at all. Using this thing for fishing is purely a waste of resources, like using an anti-aircraft gun to kill a mosquito!

Any one of these things is enough to create a business myth!

And Mr. Wang has three such things, and they are already finished products!

It is conceivable that Mr. Wang is still researching and has not yet taken out, how awesome they must be!

Soon, everyone asked about the price, which they were most concerned about!

If nothing unexpected happens, the price is very high. The price of the giant rod ranges from 150,000 to 500,000 yuan depending on the length!

Fishing line, fish hook, fish float, fish bait, etc.!

The price is more than thousands of yuan!

Let's put it this way, if you want to buy a whole set of fishing gear here, it will cost millions!

It's really expensive!

The effect is also awesome!

There are no other hand feel, just the terrifying pressure bearing capacity has already beaten all the products on the market!

And those three special foods!

The price is considered cheap!

Dali spinach, 1,000 yuan per can, Shenbao drink 5,000 yuan a bottle, and black jade intermittent paste is as high as tens of thousands of yuan.

Small box!

However, everyone hesitated for only a few seconds before they began to enthusiastically select their favorite products!

The strong spinach and Shenbao drinks were so popular!

Especially Wu Ya and other fishing masters, they envied those strong men the most, who could catch a hundred-jin fish directly!

Now that they have the opportunity to experience it, who the hell cares about three-no products and side effects!

Besides, they have known Mr. Wang for so long, and they have a little understanding of his character. If there is any danger, Mr. Wang would never take it out!

This thing must have been tested in many live experiments!

Well, Wang Kongjun said that this thing has not been tested, and he has only tried it once. However, his physique does not have the reference value of ordinary people!

Therefore, the first batch of anglers also became guinea pigs invisibly!

But it’s okay, it’s a system product, so there should be no problem!

Soon, all the special products were sold out!

Soon, the scene at the Giant Fishing Ground suddenly changed!

After drinking the Shenbao drink, the effect was immediate, and everyone felt full of energy!

With red eyes and extremely excited expressions, the fatigue of walking the giant for most of the morning disappeared!

"Oh my god, this thing is awesome, I feel comfortable all over!"

"After drinking this thing, it's just like taking a magic pill. This promotion is really good!"

"Hehe, try the effects of other things quickly. I feel that this will be a technological product that will shock an era. We are lucky to be the first to enjoy it!"

"Is this a real Chinese medicine formula? How can it be so magical?"


Soon everyone ate the canned spinach, and after eating, everyone licked their lips with satisfaction!

This thing tastes really good!

Ten minutes later, everyone felt hot and unbearable all over!

Their muscle tissues swelled up visibly!

Their clothes and pants were all bulging. They moved a few times casually, and the clothes on their bodies exploded!

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