The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.

Of course, that's what he said, but Mei Xiaoge's words were full of joking!

Wang Kongjun laughed and said, "Brother Mei, don't make fun of me. With our relationship, I dare not show off in front of you!"

"Hey, Brother Mei, I'm also confused now. I woke up from a nap and became a governor inexplicably. I called you just to ask you what's going on!" Wang Kongjun said.

Mei Xiaoge sighed, "Hey, don't ask me. I just received the notice. I'm even more confused than you. Think about what you have done recently, or you have someone above you, well, the kind that knows everything!"

Okay! If Mei Xiaoge didn't know, then it's estimated that everyone in the Special Zone is like a confused fruit under a confused tree, one more confused than the other!

However, let's not talk about it, the senior officials of several other counties are also very happy while confused!

Damn, they are jealous of the recent development of Canglong County!

A small Qinglongtan has attracted millions of people, and it has to create tens of billions of economic benefits every day!

This is almost equivalent to their economic benefits for a whole year!

Damn, watching their neighbors eat meat with big mouthfuls, they can only drink some soup residue while guarding such a big Luoshen Lake, they have long been envious and their eyes are green!

I just hate that Mr. Wang didn't come to their side to develop!

Therefore, the top leaders of several counties have already submitted applications for the development of Luoshen Lake, and are waiting for the application approval documents to come to Mr. Wang to attract investment!

They never expected that this pie would come so big and hit so hard!

Hehe, Mr. Wang has become the administrative governor, so their status is the same as that of Canglong County. In this case, they will not only drink soup, but also eat meat, and they will eat more than Canglong County now, and they will eat a lot!

After all, how big is Qinglongtan? It is not even a tip of Luoshen Lake!

If it is developed, let alone the popularity of Qinglongtan now, as long as there is one tenth of it, several counties will take off completely and become rich!

So, the happiest people now are them. The heads of several counties drove to Canglong County early in the morning. If they were not blocked and could not get in, they should have appeared in front of Wang Kongjun now!

No matter from which aspect, this is their thigh, if not now, when!

Wang Kongjun chatted with Mei Xiaoge casually for a few words, then hung up the phone, and then found the number left by the little brother two days ago and called it!

The call was quickly connected, and Wang Lujun's smiling voice came, "Hello, brother, hahaha, are you surprised, are you surprised, are you happy!!! Look at me!"

Well, as soon as Wang Kongjun heard this, he knew that it was definitely this little brother who did it!

Damn, ordinary people don't have this kind of brain circuit, only people who have 99 pounds of rebellious bones out of 100 pounds of bones can have this kind of brain circuit!

He said angrily, "I won't watch it. Tell me what the hell is going on. I just want the right to develop and operate. What the hell have you done to me? Are you forcing me to rebel?"

Wang Lujun was also angrily said, "Oh, shit! Brother, speak with conscience. Didn't you tell me that you want Luoshen Lake? Here, it's given to you. The other counties and surrounding land are all free. Just tell me if you can develop and operate the land now!"

"Hey, brother, the pattern, the pattern needs to be opened. Now it's in one step. You have the greatest power in your hands. If you have the power, you can do whatever you want in the future!"

"Okay, okay, I know you are curious, but don't be curious for now. I can only tell you that what you have brought out is awesome. It is a big loss to exchange such a small place in China. If it is abroad, it is no problem to exchange it for a small country!"

"Oh, by the way, I was going to call you to tell you that regarding the medicine, the country provides raw materials, and one hundred materials are exchanged for one medicine. You can accept this price, right? If not, we can talk about it!"

Wang Kongjun, "..."

I think I am planning to provide a batch to the country for free!

Damn, you are a wool-pulling man, how can you be a soldier? I am more like a soldier than you. You are just a ruthless capitalist!

Without waiting for Wang Kongjun to reply, Wang Lujun continued, "Also, although you provided detailed teaching secrets, the military is worried that they are too stupid to learn, so they hope

I hope you can give me some personal guidance. Well, I mean, I will open a Guwu cram school just for the military. Of course, I won't let you suffer any loss! "

"Well! It's not free. For every person the military sends over, they will give you a registration fee of 100,000. Whether you can learn it or not, you will earn this 100,000. For every person you learn, the military will give you another 1 million! Hehe, brother, what do you think! "

Wang Kongjun was so shocked that he was numb. Damn! Is it so easy to make money from the country?

Not to mention the medicine, one hundred for one, every time Wang Kongjun sold one, he made ninety-nine times the profit, and he made a fortune!

And there is this cram school? Wang Kongjun is embarrassed to make this money!

His fishing ground has a brain pulse transmitter!

For the military elites selected by the military, with the help of the brain pulser, it is too easy to learn. Damn, one person earns 1.1 million, and 10,000 people are 11 billion!

This money is too easy to make!

Of course. For the military, they also I feel like I've made a lot of money. One million and one hundred thousand for an A-level superpower. Damn, the price of an A-level superpower on the dark web is more than this!

I can only say that both parties are very satisfied with this deal!

Wang Kongjun is speechless at this moment!

Damn, he doesn't know whether to praise this brother or scold him!

If you praise him, he is too outrageous and directly puts himself on the cusp of the storm!

If you scold him, everything he does is for his own interests!

Damn, he is such a frustrated elder brother!

He is completely controlled by his younger brother!

"Uh! Xiao Lu, thank you so much!"

Wang Kongjun's complaints can only be turned into this sentence!

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