The old mansion of the Luo family is under full martial law at this moment!

In addition to the dozens of elite soldiers from Jingzhou!

There are also thousands of special operations forces sent by the Luozhou Military Region to enforce martial law!

There is no way, this visitor is too important for China!

To put it in one sentence, there is absolutely no room for any mistakes!

So in addition to the guards on the surface, secretly, the Luozhou military and Luochuan security have entered the first level of combat readiness!

Well! The most obvious thing is that there are many more patrol vehicles on the street!

Let’s put it this way, if someone makes trouble today, it can be regarded as bad luck for eight lifetimes!

If I leave a bad impression on that person, I'm afraid that the whole Luozhou will be in a storm!

In the old house of the Luo family!

Two old men sat opposite each other, with a Go endgame in front of them!

Mr. Luo smiled, but the other old man in military uniform frowned, and the black piece in his hand did not fall!

After a while, the old man threw the black piece in his hand into the chess box!

He sighed, "I still can't beat you, your calculation method is still as good as before! I'm afraid you have calculated the result a hundred steps ago!"

The smile on Mr. Luo's face bloomed completely, "Haha, Lao Qin, you don't have to belittle yourself, your calculation power is already the ceiling for ordinary people!"

Although Mr. Luo said words of praise, the expression on his face did not hide the pride in his eyes at all!

Old Qin looked at him and his face suddenly turned cold. He said unhappily, "You old fox! You are almost a spirit!"

Grandpa Luo smiled and shook his head, and said nothing more!

A touch of reminiscence appeared in his eyes!

In the National Defense War, China has produced countless shining generals!

And the most dazzling among them are Grandpa Luo and the one in front of him!

That's right, Grandpa Luo is also a superpower, and an extremely rare comprehensive superpower!

That is, both the brain and the physique have undergone changes!

Although both items are only super-limited, the overall strength is not weaker than that of infinite superpowers!

In short, those who play with their brains can't fight him, and those who can fight are not as smart as him!

Grandpa Luo seems to be humble and low-key, but whether it is the superpower world or the world of ordinary people, he is definitely one of the top ones!

It's just that after the National Defense War, Grandpa Luo chose to retire and did not hold any position!

Even so, Mr. Luo's influence has not diminished at all!

The establishment of China's official super power is inseparable from Mr. Luo's many plans and layouts, otherwise, those ancient martial arts families would not have heard of it!

The most important thing is that Wang Yingjun was incorporated by the country, and now he sits in Jingzhou honestly, and even almost the entire Wang family is integrated into China's official power, which is inseparable from this guy's many plans and layouts!

For example, the massacre that shook the entire super power world for half a century, although the executor was Wang Yingjun, the big pusher behind it was Mr. Luo!

So, when Wang Yingjun knew that Wang Kongjun and Luo Doudou were mixed together, he also had a headache for several days!

Damn, there are so many women in the world, you just chose a natural nemesis for your father in the vast sea of ​​​​people, Wang Yingjun was speechless!

There is no way, the development direction of the Wang family is completely crooked, Wang Lujun only knows how to kill, kill, kill, and Wang Haiyun has a brain, but it's a pity that she used it in the wrong direction, and only knows how to play!

Oh, now there is another Wang Kongjun. It seems that he is only strong in muscles but not in brains!

Well, there is no way. As the top fighting force in the universe, Kryptonians don’t need brains. They just grab whatever they want and fight hard when they fight!

If you win, you eat other people’s food. If you lose, you eat your own food. Why do you need to think too much!

This brain has been degraded after not being used for a long time!

So the Kryptonian gene brings Wang Kongjun a terrifying physical improvement and many mysterious and terrifying means, but there is no intelligence bonus!

Because, Kryptonians really don’t need to use their brains!

After all, this guy’s destructive power can destroy the starry sky. Who dares to plot against him!

But, there are exceptions. This guy married Luo Doudou, and that girl is like a sheep walking into the tiger’s mouth!

There is no need for Grandpa Luo to plot, he delivered it to the door!

Wang Yingjun knows with his ass that it won’t be long before the Wang family will be completely tied to the country.


Of course, Wang Yingjun didn't react, which means it didn't have much impact. It's just that when he wants to beat his own people in the future, he will feel a little embarrassed because of the relationship with Wang Kongjun!

However, when he wants to do it, he can let Wang Lujun come. That guy is notoriously reckless and shameless!

At worst, he can beat him up and let Kongjun beat him up, and everything will be perfectly solved! Everyone can get by!

In short, I'm afraid many people won't be able to sleep tonight because of Wang Kongjun's meeting with Mr. Luo!

At this moment, Wang Yingjun in Jingzhou is still wearing a pajamas, crossing his legs, and sinking into the sofa with a decadent look!

But, from the cigarette butts on the ground, it can be seen that this guy is not as indifferent as he seems!

He even has the urge to rush to Luozhou in person!

There is no way. If there is anyone in this world that Wang Yingjun is afraid of, Mr. Luo must be one of them!

He has a plan, a wise plan, a cunning old man, and a treacherous and cunning face!

The strength of Mr. Luo is that all his plans are natural, like the spring breeze and the drizzle!

That is an open conspiracy, no one can jump out of his game, and no one knows what he is planning until the last moment!

In the end, Wang Yingjun did not act rashly, because he knew very well that his little thoughts had long been seen by Mr. Luo!

There is only one way to deal with such a person, regardless of the reason, regardless of cause and effect, and kill the opponent with thunder, so as to jump out of this game!

Uh, this is obviously impossible!

Mr. Luo has a favor to the Wang family, and now he has the relationship with Wang Kongjun, so Wang Yingjun decided to continue to play badly! Whatever happens!


At this moment, the old man in military uniform obviously has no desire to play another game!

Then he took out the Heaven and Earth Self-cultivation Secret from his pocket and placed it on the table, smiling faintly, "Old Luo, what do you think about this!"

A trace of surprise flashed across Old Man Luo's eyes, and then he glanced at it a few times and sneered, "Oh, it's fake, that kid is just trying to make it look real!"

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