The two elders are determined to join the Qinglong Group!

Although the size of the Qinglong Group is much larger than that of the Qinglong Fishing Ground, its responsibilities remain unchanged. It still has to serve the Qinglong Fishing Ground. From the beginning, this has been an additional industry of the fishing ground!

Therefore, Wang Kongjun, the president of the Qinglong Group, was forced to join the group without any interest!

What Wang Kongjun is worried about now is who will take the leading position when these two come?

One is not a biological mother, but better than a biological mother, and the other is such a supportive father-in-law!

Damn, it's a headache!

It seems that I can only learn from the Great Emperor and the Hurdle Brother and start the double decision-making rules!

I just wonder if Uncle Luo wears a helmet when fishing?

The two stayed at Qinglong Group for a while!

It was noon in a blink of an eye!

I asked Nie Yuan to go to the group cafeteria for a bite!

Of course, the food standard of Qinglong Group is also very high, not inferior to the restaurants of five-star hotels I have eaten before!

And the food here is not only delicious, but also of better quality!

Various meats, as well as various high-end drinks and fresh fruits!

It is also in the form of a buffet!

The welfare of Qinglong Group is simply reflected in the details of all aspects. No wonder this group of people work overtime all night every day, and they are still smiling. The look in their eyes when looking at Wang Kongjun is just like looking at the Allah they believe in!

Wang Kongjun was numb all over by their looks. After eating, he took Luo Doudou and left!

After leaving Qinglong Group, the two went to the fishing association for a walk. Although the fishing ground was not open today, there were still many fishermen gathered here!

Well! In addition to the opening day, the Qinglong Fishing Association has fishing tackle lottery benefits every day. In addition, there are many discounted fishing tackle products, including even the highest-end two-star fishing tackle!

For goods worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, even a 10% discount is more than 10,000 yuan!

Of course, more people are consulting about professional level certification!

Although the Qinglong Fishing Association and Qinglong Fishing Field have launched the Qinglong Fishing APP!

The APP includes member management, fishing field information, fishing ticket purchase, fish catch query, level application certification, and even many detailed fishing strategies from many fishing masters!

But there are more than young people among the fishermen!

Most of them are over 40 years old, even in their 50s and 60s!

There are many older fishermen who can't play these!

So they will also consult the association about related matters!

Therefore, most of the fishermen gathered in the association at this moment are older fishermen!

They are much more stable!

Seeing Wang Kongjun coming, he just smiled and nodded, which was considered a greeting!

With their experience, they can see clearly that the governor of the special zone is someone else, and it is probably one of the means of this little guy!

As for the military blockade this time, I am afraid that the real purpose is not what the announcement said!

If it is really because of the meteorite incident, it should be various experts and scholars, and it is impossible for so many troops to come and carry so many heavy weapons!

And judging from the reaction of Mr. Wang, this matter may not affect the operation of the fishing ground, otherwise this kid will not have time to stroll around!

Just when Wang Kongjun was rarely accompanying Luo Doudou to go shopping!

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of soldiers have been assembled around Luoshen Lake!

At the same time, large trucks pulling construction templates lined up in a long queue and continued to enter the area around Luoshen Lake!

In one day, the military across the country took action and swept the country in the name of the military!

Tens of millions of fishing platforms were processed overnight by steel frame factories in various places. They are all steel frames, three meters long, and the front position occupies four square meters!

It can be installed directly on the shore, or connected to a floating bridge to become a fishing platform that extends three meters above the water!

In addition to the fishing platform, countless steel building materials were delivered!

This action directly caused a shortage of steel across the country!

In the following months, the price of steel across the country has continued to rise!

Tsk tsk tsk, I have to say that this is the market effect brought about by powerful capital, and even manipulated the development of the market to a certain extent!

In normal business behavior, this is definitely not allowed by the country!

However, it was the military that took action this time, so naturally no one made trouble!

Well! Many of these things are simply

It was not provided by a civilian factory!

Including the huge fish net that Wang Kongjun requested!

Including the pillars, they were all provided by the Chinese military!

The entire fish net is made of aviation arresting cables!

The huge pillars are fifty meters high and five meters in diameter. They are all made of high-strength alloys and weigh hundreds of tons. The cost of one is as high as millions!

The most important thing is that ordinary factories have no manufacturing and transportation capabilities for this thing!

It has to be said that the military has spent a lot of money this time. With the strength of this fish net, it is probably difficult for a million-jin giant to break through!

Although there are absolutely no such terrifying creatures on Blue Star at present, the military has no doubt that Luoshen Lake will definitely become the most dangerous forbidden area on Blue Star in the future!

No one knows what the alien forces behind Wang Kongjun will do!

Of course, according to Wang Kongjun’s current construction plan, those terrifying creatures must be placed in the inner lake!

But the military also needs to plan ahead and make preparations in advance!

In case any horrible creature breaks through the inner lake dam, this fish interception net can also play a certain defensive role!

Otherwise, the lives of nearly 10 million fishermen outside Luoshen Lake will be in danger!

It has to be said that this young man is not as steady as these big guys. All aspects are taken into consideration, including the worst result and there is a response plan!

And the floating bridge, the floating bridge provided by the military is an emergency facility used when encountering a large disaster!

Each floating bridge component weighs hundreds of pounds, all of which are new special materials, which can withstand more than ten tons of tanks, armored vehicles and other large mechanical vehicles to pass unimpeded!

The floating bridge built with this thing can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai, which is different from the shoddy construction of Qinglongtan today.

Sometimes when a big fish is caught, the floating bridge shakes!

Of course, this construction plan naturally includes Qinglongtan!

Except for the aquarium of the Samsung Giant Fishing Ground, the place of the Broken Rod Sword Tomb, and the Casting Rod Workshop, which have not been moved!

All other facilities have been demolished and rebuilt!

Including Wang Kongjun's reception hall and the white jade tower he was proud of!

And the asphalt road leading into Qinglongtan!

Tsk tsk tsk, it can be seen that the guy was very poor at that time and only paved five centimeters!

As heavy trucks passed by, the whole road was crushed to pieces!

Fortunately, the foundation was strong enough!

Otherwise, the car would have sunk!

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