The construction site was built in 1917, and the construction was completed in 1918.

And the white jade tower is not made entirely of white jade. Only the outer layer of bricks and stones are expensive white jade, and the inside is all ordinary marble!

The door is not big enough, only large vehicles can pass through in one direction!

The vehicles transporting materials are stuck on the road!

You know, the military is on a mission this time. The time is tight and the task is heavy. All facilities that hinder the speed of construction will be demolished!

I don’t know how many toll booths, height limit poles, road signs, etc. have been demolished along the way!

When the national war machine is running, all departments must cooperate unconditionally!

Including the main transportation channels are fully blocked!

Of course, this white jade tower can’t be stopped. After a round of heavy artillery, it is all reduced to ruins!

Following closely behind were excavators, bulldozers, road rollers and other large construction machinery, which quickly cleared the road!

The endless transport vehicles rushed past like a river and poured into Qinglongtan!

In the middle of Qinglong Gorge, there is still a section of cliffs that have not been cleared at the location of the four-star fishing ground!

Drilling machines, rock wall breakers, etc. all got out of the way, and hundreds of Katyusha multi-barrel rapid-fire artillery vehicles lined up!

With the commander's order!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Thousands of rockets whizzed away!

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The flames shot up into the sky, the dust flew, and the power generated by the explosion of the rockets directly punched a big hole in the cliffs!

Countless soldiers followed closely behind!

Construction machinery quickly entered the site, cleared the rubble, erected steel frame templates, and poured concrete!

In just three hours, they completed the work that took other engineering teams half a month. It can be said to be very awesome!

Countless soldiers were working hard on the edge of Luoshen Lake!

Laying floating bridges and setting up fishing platforms!

One kilometer away from the lake, countless five-meter-high sturdy steel frame fences have been erected!

These fences were welded in advance in the steel factory and transported here!

Tens of thousands of large excavators have quickly dug out the foundation, and countless soldiers cooperated with cranes to assemble and weld steel frame fences. Countless concrete tankers followed closely and poured the entire steel frame base!

Everything looks fast and in order!

And the quality is extremely high!

This steel frame fence is enough to withstand tens or hundreds of tons of impact force. Even the strongest species known on land in the world, the African wild elephant, can never break through this level of fence!

Three hours later, the entire Luoshen Lake was brand new!

The silver-white alloy steel frame fence surrounds the entire outer lake area of ​​Luoshen Lake!

Only dozens of passages were left, and the entire lake surface had already undergone earth-shaking changes!

If someone looked down from above!

You would find that the entire outer lake of Luoshen Lake was covered with a layer of spider web-like things from the outside to the inside!

These spider webs are heavy military floating bridges that are tens of meters wide, connected to each other and extending in all directions!

On all floating bridges, steel fishing platforms are installed every five meters. Although they are densely packed, they look orderly and not messy at all!

These floating bridges are like giant dragons, stretching around Luoshen Lake, dividing Luoshen Lake into countless large and small areas!

Needless to say, this is definitely a shocking scene that fishermen have never seen!

Even Blue Star has never seen such a large, standardized super-giant fishing ground!

In the unremitting and intense work of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, with the logistical support of the whole country!

In just three hours, a new world miracle appeared in front of everyone!

This is the most terrifying infrastructure speed in China!

Farther out from the outer lake!

Dozens of armed transport planes cooperated to place huge steel pillars in designated locations in Luoshen Lake!

With hundreds of times their own weight, under the action of the gravity of the blue planet, they sank more than ten meters and reached the hard rock layer at the bottom of the lake!

There were military submarines at the bottom of the lake, and they connected the pillars with extremely thick aircraft carrier arresting cables, stretching them around!

In this way, every fifty meters, there was a metal pillar standing in Luoshen Lake, extending more than ten meters above the water surface!

Between the pillars, the aircraft carrier arresting cables were extremely densely cross-connected, forming a huge steel net. On the entire steel cable net, countless soldiers climbed on it and installed locks one by one at the intersection of the steel cables!

The entire steel cable net was connected as a whole, and each net hole was no more than thirty centimeters. It can be said that more than a hundred kilograms

The giant creature on the top will never be able to break through this fishing net!

Each corps worked in sections, and several major military regions formed a tacit military competition on this matter!

Although the task was given to be completed within three hours!

But in fact!

"What! Luozhou Military Region Command ordered to complete it within two hours. Damn, the old thief of the Luo family even has a record of such a thing?"

"Pass the order, Qingzhou Military Region guarantees the second place and strives for the first place. It must be completed in two hours at least, and strive to complete it within one hour!"

"Brothers! If you don't fight now, when will you fight? This is a military order, and it is also a way out for you. When have you ever envied those powerful superpowers? Now, this opportunity is in front of you!"

"Remember, you are not doing ordinary infrastructure, but competing for the opportunity to become a superpower first! One step ahead, then all steps ahead. When you are an ordinary person, you are looked down upon by those superpowers. You don't want to become a superpower and then become the lowest level of garbage!"

"Then fight for me! Fight me to death!"

"Kill those grandsons and let them know how powerful our Yunzhou men are!"



A group of soldiers are full of momentum! This person fell down from exhaustion, and countless people came up from behind!

They are the most elite legion in China. They have reached the limit of ordinary people and reached the pinnacle of military service!

On the contrary, becoming stronger is still an incomparable temptation for them!

What limits them is just that they are all mortals!

The military competition they are proud of, the whole army competition, is just like a child's game in the eyes of superpowers, childish and ridiculous!

This is unacceptable to this group of proud soldiers!

They had no choice before!

Hard work is sometimes worthless in front of talent!

Their training is a hundred times more difficult than that of superpowers, but they can never narrow the gap in strength between the two sides!

However, they are not reconciled!

They are eager to change!

This time is the opportunity for change!

One by one, the soldiers gritted their teeth and straightened their backs, with a look of determination and persistence on their faces!


China has assembled 500,000 soldiers this time, but now they are just the reserve of the superpower legion!

They don't know yet that Wang Kongjun has a super-standard alien technology gadget called the brain band pulser!

As long as they are within the fishing area, they can receive the cosmic breathing method!

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