Time passed quietly! In the blink of an eye, two hours were about to pass! At the heavy artillery position, countless soldiers were ready! Central Command! As the faint voice of Mr. Qin came out, "Order, all departments and armies, report their respective situations immediately!" "Yes!" All the officers saluted in unison! "Report, the artillery position of the 131st Regiment of the Luozhou Military Region is always ready. This time, a total of 158 A3, A5... missiles are loaded and are ready to be launched. Please give instructions!" "Report, the artillery of the 579th Regiment of the Luozhou Military Region..., please give instructions!" With waves of reports coming out! It can be seen that the nine major military regions are not stingy this time. They have taken out all their resources. The missiles of various types worth tens of millions are dazzling!

Just this kind of artillery shell reserve is already more than the national reserves of some medium-sized countries!

In addition to mechanics and missile troops, there are also air forces, including dozens of fully loaded bombers, which are also ready!

On the sand table not far from the conference room!

The proportionally reduced and truly restored sand table of Luoshen Lake is clearly visible!

From a mountain to a river,

From a grass to a tree,

A grain of sand and a stone, all are clearly visible!

Every detail can be clearly captured!

Mr. Qin's eyes swept across the whole scene and finally stopped at the center of the sand table!

That is where the inner and outer lakes of Luoshen Lake connect!

A deep canyon with steep cliffs on both sides!

The steep mountains are the natural defense line of the Luochuan Mountains!

Before that, countless Chinese mathematicians, statisticians, engineers, etc., in the past thirty hours.

I don't know how much effort was spent on countless surveys and calculations of Luoshen Lake!

The country's highest-level supercomputer is running at full capacity!

The exact location of each blasting point was calculated!

Basically, what type of shells will fall, how much damage will be caused, and the location of the falling debris are all accurate to the meter level!

This involves mathematics, physics and many other Blue Star scientific knowledge!

As the reports of each legion were completed, Qin Zhenguo nodded lightly, then waved his hand and said, "Let's start!"

As orders were issued to various military regions, they were then sent to various regiments, battalions, and companies!

All the soldiers looked solemn!

Calculating wind speed, air resistance, air pressure changes, all external influences were calculated to the extreme by them!

Time passed by every second!

"All data have been corrected!"

"Target position confirmed!"

"Everything is ready!"

Finally, with a roar, "Fire!!!"


As loud noises resounded through the sky, the entire sky was instantly covered by fiery red smoke!

The strong pungent smell filled the air, making people sick!


A deafening roar came, and shells fell from the sky!

Dense as rain, like locusts passing through, with destructive power, overwhelming the cliffs on both sides of Luoshen Lake!

The whole sky seemed to be trembling, as if it was about to be torn apart!

For a moment, the hearts of all the soldiers watching the battle seemed to beat more than twice as fast, and they were so nervous that they almost dared not breathe!

One shell after another kept hitting the cliff!

For a moment, the sky was dark, boulders fell, and gravel flew!

Countless shocking waves were set off in Luoshen Lake!

A huge column of water, like a long dragon, rushed up into the sky, rolling up the soil on the top of the cliff!

The entire bombing process lasted for dozens of minutes!

The deafening sound of artillery fire resounded throughout Luochuan!

Such a scene, even for veteran soldiers, had never seen it before!

In these dozens of minutes, all the people in Luochuan felt that they had lost their hearing!

Their eyes were wide open, as if they wanted to imprint all those huge shells in their minds!

They only saw endless flames and tireless artillery fire!

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

With waves of strong vibrations!

In less than an hour!

The entire mountain range near Luoshen Lake in Luochuan Mountains was cut off!

Countless rubble fell, completely cutting off the inner and outer lakes!

A large area of ​​turbidity swept across the lake!

The next moment, countless fish of all sizes on the entire lake suddenly jumped out of the water!

There was even a fish rain on the shores around Luoshen Lake!

At this moment, Wang Kongjun also stared


"Oh my god! Is this a pond explosion?"

Luo Doudou also muttered to himself, "Oh, this is not a pond explosion, this is clearly a lake explosion, this movement is too big! However, the fish resources of Luoshen Lake are too rich!"

In less than half an hour, the shore was almost covered with a layer of fish!

The small ones weighed a few taels, and the big ones weighed dozens of kilograms!

The entire lake surface was like boiling water, with dense bubbles coming out!

Wang Kongjun quickly took out his mobile phone to record a video!

Putting this on the Internet is tantamount to the best publicity. There are almost more fish in this lake than water!

In fact, after the meteorite landed, all fish were irradiated by special light!

Even for fish that have not yet mutated, their bones, scales, and cells have undergone certain changes!

What is manifested is that it has grown a circle out of thin air!

With the size of Luoshen Lake of 5,000 square kilometers and 6 million acres, even if the growth of each fish is negligible, there are tens of thousands of tons of fish out of thin air!

At this moment, a soldier trotted over, saluted and said with a smile, "Commander, we already have a professional photography team to record the whole process. In principle, this is a military secret, but if you want to use it, I will give you the video resources later!"

Wang Kongjun had to put away his phone in disgrace after hearing this, and nodded with a smile!

Needless to say, there is really no need to show off the junk in his hand worth less than 2,000 yuan!

The video shot by the military's professional photography team is so clear that even the fish scales can be clearly seen!

Afterwards, other soldiers on both sides of the strait also stopped their work and threw the fish that were still jumping on the shore back into the water!

As for those that did not jump, there were also logistics personnel who specially collected them. Needless to say, there must be an extra meal in the evening!

"Good! Very good!"

Old Qin looked at the scene in the video with a satisfied look on his face.

"Haha, this guy is going to be fast, isn't he? This time he's fast enough. He'll complete the dike interception work in half an hour. Next, let the corps work overtime overnight to complete the repair work of each project!"

Just then, a middle-aged general next to him laughed, "Tsk tsk tsk, old chief, it's fast, but the fish are a bit useless! Some are scared to death, some jump to the shore and fall to death, some hit the rocks and die, and some get stuck in the cracks. I guess there will be a lot of dead fish floating in Luoshen Lake tomorrow!"

"Haha, that guy is going to open a fishing ground. We killed so many fish this time. This guy won't blame us in his heart, right!"

Old Qin frowned, and then said lightly, "Yes, give orders to each military region to purchase all kinds of fresh fish across the country in the name of the military. If there are any dead fish, I will compensate him ten times!"

Everyone in the conference room laughed when they heard this!

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