Start with Ageless Youthful Art Chapter 101


Chapter 101 One Man Gets the Way

Li Yan would not accept such a big gift, so he hurriedly changed the topic with a gag.

"I am also very curious. How does Daoist know that he will come uninvited today."

Seeing that there are still a few days before the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly will be held, How did Taoist Qingyuan guess in advance that he would come to visit today, but it was sunset and dusk.

Otherwise, how could he come to the door with his front foot, and his back foot knocked on the door.

Unexpectedly, this sentence is scratching the itch.

Xu Xiuyuan stroked his beard somewhat contentedly, pointing to the peach amulet on the lintel.

"The old man can perceive the visit of Fellow Daoist, thanks to this peach amulet."

"Since he knew that the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly was held in Weiguan, the old man guessed that it should be It was Fellow Daoist who contributed to it, and I have been busy buying and decorating these days, and I have never traveled far.”

“This room was also specially prepared by the old man for Fellow Daoist, unless it is When Fellow Daoist arrives in person, even the grandson of Prince is not allowed to enter. There is a sensory sign behind the peach talisman on the lintel."

"In this way, as soon as Fellow Daoist appears, the old man can know."

Li Yan took a look at the peach talisman, and it really did.

Old Daoist has been immersed in Talisman for many years, but it is just the most basic sensory talisman that can play so many tricks, which is amazing.

Through the chatter, the two gradually returned to the past familiar relationship.

On that day, saying goodbye to his mother and brother, Li Yan once wrote a letter to Xu Xiuyuan, hoping that he could help take care of one or two within the scope of his ability.

Seeing to be able to get in touch with Kusanzi, Xu Xiuyuan is a hard worker.

Not only did Disciple go to the Li Family Village and bring Li Erniu's family to live in Shuofangcheng, but he also found a decent livelihood for him in the yamen, not to mention the education of his second son, these years. Even servants were hired.

Li Family Erlang, who used to be so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat, is now out and about. Anyone who sees that official skin must respectfully call him Master Li.

Mother Li's blindness was treated by the Taoist talisman of Qingyuan, and she was finally able to see a few rays of light.

It is true that one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

"It's really speaking of which, this little yamen is almost worthless. Wouldn't Fellow Daoist visit it?"

"Your eldest nephew is a reading seed, It's a pity that there is no affiliation, otherwise the uncle and nephew would have taken care of him at the mountain gate."

Xu Xiuyuan said suddenly without regret.

Li Yan glanced at him, but seemed calm.

These words seem to be saying that the elder son of my second brother is a reading seed, but it is actually implying that this child has no affiliation, but the drunkard's meaning is to focus on the recommended place in his hand .

Li Yan was not annoyed by the selfish calculations made by the Taoists in Qingyuan.

The quota for this recommendation was already set by Xu Xiuyuan, but that didn't prevent him from wanting to play tricks on the old man.

"Blessings are immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Poor Daoist is dedicated to the Tao, and now he has paid for the cause and effect, so he will not disturb their lives."

Li Yan recited silently and shook his head. Shaking his head, he rejected Xu Xiuyuan's good intentions.

The two chatted and chatted for a while.

Xu Xiuyuan repeatedly hesitated several times, trying to mention something, but one after another was diverted by Li Yan.

Seeing that the Old Daoist Priest who is over fifty years old is scratching his head anxiously.

"Brother Daoist has also spent a lot of time in cultivation in the mountains. You should know that there is a recommended spot next." Mention the business of the trip.

"Fellow Daoist mean?"

Xu Xiuyuan leaned forward slightly, his butt was about to leave the seat.

After waiting for so long, isn't he waiting for this sentence!

"The kindness of the Daoist brother in the past is unforgettable. The candidates recommended this time should naturally be selected from the sons of the Daoist brother."

Li Yan only slightly closed. The head is regarded as acknowledging the other party's guess.

"It's getting late today, why don't the old man gather his descendants and wait until the Fellow Daoist conserve strength and store up energy tomorrow, and then look at the innate talent of the old man for the old man?"

Xu Xiuyuan couldn't sit still for a while, lightly coughed to hide his fiery expression, and took the initiative to propose to Li Yan.

"A guest will comply with the wishes of the host, so why not."

Anyway, the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly is still three days away, and during this period, he will stay in Green Sheep View.

What is the difference when the other party makes a decision.

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk!"

Xu Xiuyuan happily walked out of the house, looking at the posture, tonight might be another sleepless night for the descendants of the Xu Family.

After sending off the Taoist priests of Qingyuan, Li Yan finally got a moment to rest.

The young man was about to sit down, but his ear orifices suddenly heard a few movements, his mind moved, and the blue robes flew out from the sleeves of his large sleeves, drifting straight towards the door.

Then he muttered a few words and put a snake scale on his arm.


I saw that the Tsing Yi belt turned into a black scale snake.

The poisonous snake had green fire floating on its triangular head, spitting out a black snake letter, and guarding Li Yan with its fangs.

Like octopus claws, they fluttered in all directions and swam away.

“After a long day of poor cultivation, I was quite tired from boats and cars. Today, we will not entertain you. This house is three feet away. If someone insists on breaking in, don’t call it Poor Daoist. "

The clear voice made the grandfather and grandson who were about to knock on the door from outside the house, their expressions froze for a while, neither entering nor exiting.


I saw that the boy wanted to complain, but suddenly he seemed to have discovered something, his face changed greatly, and he pulled the old man's sleeves in horror. sound.

"There are snakes, my grandfather has..."

The stench of black snakes assaults the senses, the fangs dripping venom, corroding the slate, making people have no doubts about the formidable venom power .

However, before he could finish speaking, the mysterious snake flew over. Just when the grandfather and grandson felt that my life was over, and when I closed my eyes and prepared to die, a gentle force suddenly wrapped around me. on them.

Then there was only a burst of soar into the clouds and mount the mists. When the grandfather and grandson opened their eyes in fear, they found that there was a poisonous snake wrapped around their bodies, which was clearly a belt of exquisite craftsmanship. .

At this moment, they are standing impartially three feet away from the room.

The belt fell from the two of them, turned into a snake with one tail, and re-guarded around the single room, as if everything was just their illusion.

There are immortals in this world!

"Xian, it's Xian Chang!"

The old man interrupted his grandson's excited exclamation, and glanced at the single room protected by the snake, fiercely restrained. Staying in a state of excitement, he gave a deep bow to Li Yan's position.

"There are so many harassments today, the worldly people don't know how to behave, please forgive me!"

After saying this, he respectfully dragged his grandson back to his room. .

The Great Immortal Ascension Assembly, who was still suspicious at first, has long been convinced in the old man's heart. In any case, he will send his precious grandson into the fairy gate.

Maybe for many, tonight will be a sleepless night.

There is a high probability that there will be only one update tonight. I have to get up early for the online defense at 9:00 tomorrow morning, and I will rest early later. After the defense is finished tomorrow morning, the update will begin! Ask for a collection, ask for a monthly pass!

(end of this chapter)

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