Start with Ageless Youthful Art Chapter 102


Chapter 102 Heart Monkey Dan

Early the next morning, the words of greetings from Taoist Qingyuan came from outside the house.

"Can Sanxuan Fellow Daoist rest well at night?"

Li Yan opened his eyes and moved his sleeves towards the door.

On the tip of the tongue, a word burst out, and the group of snakes hissing outside the house turned into blue clothes and fell back into the sleeves of the Taoist disciples.

"Brother Daoist is like this move, how dare you say half a bad word."

The young Daoist laughed and ridiculed.

The door of the single room was automatically without wind, and an old man with a crowned crane and a cloak walked in laughed.

"Looking at Fellow Daoist Essence, Qi, and Spirit Shawei Perfection, if you want to come back to the mountains this time, you will be able to cross the threshold of concentration in a short time. The old man here first congratulates Fellow Daoist. It's over!"

Before entering the room, Xu Xiuyuan was blinded by two divine lights, and when he came back to his senses, he saw Li Yanzheng looking towards himself with full of smiles.

Reacting, it was even more shocking.

The other party met him last time, but he was still a first-timer in bigu realm.

I haven't seen each other for five years, but I have already tempered my fleshy body to Perfection.

It's really scary!

"Brother Daoist is joking, after all, bigu is just a step-by-step, set three immortal souls and seven mortal souls, which is the first pass on the cultivation path, and the road below is still very long. ."

Li Yan was not complacent, waved his hand and said modestly.

Xu Xiuyuan strengthened his determination to tie himself and Li Yan together.

"Brother Dao came to visit so early, but he has already decided which descendant to recommend next?"

Without getting too much entangled on this topic, Li Yan went straight to the point to clarify the theme .

"Let the Fellow Daoist see a joke, there are really two boys with good innate talent and pure filial piety. They used to be favored by old men. Determined."

"I also hope that Fellow Daoist can help the old man."

Xu Xiuyuan had an embarrassed smile on his face, and his eyes looking towards Li Yan could not help but have some hope. .

Li Yan immediately heard his unspoken implication.

It turned out that I wanted to be accommodating, and asked if I could get another quota.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Yan suddenly had a number in his mind.

Naturally, I can’t help myself, but there are no less than ten mortal people who hold the token of the Sunda View. Many monks in the family, Old Ancestor, have passed away, and not all of these people have the ability to participate. genus.

At that time, find someone who is not affiliated with the genus, and ask Qingyuan Taoist to donate more money in exchange for the jade talisman.

Li Yan didn't expect this if he didn't believe the other party. He said so, but he hoped that he could open one eye, close one eye, and not expose it.

"As long as you love me, I will naturally have nothing to say."

The hint of the youth is already obvious.

"Hahaha, with the words of Fellow Daoist, the old man's heart will be at ease."

The old man seems to have taken a reassurance pill and looks confident .

At the same time, he took out a jade box from the storage bag and quietly pushed it in front of Li Yan.

"A little thought, I hope Fellow Daoist can take care of them in the future, those two incompetent children of old man."

As soon as I opened it, a strange fragrance immediately overflowed. .

In the jade box, a red glowing red medicine pill with a vague ape illusory shadow dormant on it appeared in front of Li Yan.

Seeing the sun, the ape illusory shadow actually grinned at Li Yan, showing a fierce look.

With the appearance of the monkey illusory shadow, the heart is vaguely beginning to stir.

"Is this thing..."

Li Yan's thoughts moved, and a certain guess suddenly appeared.

"That's right, the old man got this ape pill many years ago. It has the effect of twice the results for half the effort in subduing Fuya and opening up the mind. It's a pity that the old man decided at that time. Three immortal souls and seven mortal souls immediately became tasteless.”

“Today I present Buddha with borrowed flowers to Fellow Daoist, and I hope Fellow Daoist will not refuse.”

The old Taoist banged, and quickly closed the jade box, and the throbbing in Li Yan's heart gradually dissipated.

"This thing is really too precious..."

Li Yan didn't think that if he just opened one eye and closed one eye, it was worth such a precious treasure.

The other party obviously had other plans.

Old Daoist chuckled and just wanted to stuff the jade box into Li Yan.

"Old man is just two sons and daughters who have a good relationship. If we can trace the light of the fetus in the future, I hope Fellow Daoist will take care of one or two at the mountain gate. This treasure pill can also be regarded as prepaid by the old man. Thank you."

Only then did Xu Xiuyuan reveal his true purpose.

"trivial matter, with the relationship between you and me, there is nothing to be concerned about."

Li Yan pondered for a moment, then said with a smile.

In his hand, he quietly put the jade box into the storage bag.

Seeing this, Xu Xiuyuan only settled down with a single heart, and there was another layer of thought he didn't explain.

Business relationship is the most important thing.

Sutra, often!

Only by coming and going and communicating from time to time, friendship can last forever.

Now it seems that he is Suffered a small loss. With Li Yan's aptitude, he will definitely not be in the pool in the future. He made friends with this person early, and the Xu Family will suffer in the future. Will the other party not lend a helping hand?

"Fellow Daoist praised her children so much, and I'm a little curious, so why don't I meet up."

Li Yan is still very dedicated in this aspect of taking money to do things.

The other party took the initiative to raise this matter, Xu Xiuyuan had no reason to not allow it.

I immediately instructed Dao Child outside the house to call all his descendants to the main hall.

Then he personally led the way for Li Yan.

In the main hall of Qingyang Temple, in addition to the Xuanhen Puhua Zhenjun, there is also a Venerable named Chiluan Venerable, who is also the Ancestor Master of the Sundae Temple.

To enshrine this man in the main hall also showed Xu Xiuyuan's attitude that he did not dare to forget the sect.

As soon as I entered the main hall.

Looking at the six beautiful women with different expressions, Li Yan couldn't help but snort.

This Qingyuan Taoist is really old and strong, but he has only been down the mountain for more than ten years and has already given birth to four sons and five daughters.

Li Yan has to wonder who is in the cultivation world.

"Brother Dao is really enjoying the blessings of the people."

Li Yan gave Xu Xiuyuan an ambiguous look, but Lao Dao didn't feel ashamed at all, and lowered his voice to argue with the courage of one's convictions.

"The old man has worked hard for the sect for most of his life. Seeing that the road has ended, he can't enjoy it!"

After that, he turned around and looked towards his concubine and his wife. A child with doting eyes.

"Come here soon to meet Uncle Sanxuan Shi!"

Immediately, children's voices rang in Li Yan's ears.

Li Yan is no more than ten years old now, and he is called Uncle Shi by a group of children not much younger than himself, and suddenly has a sense of irony and absurdity.

Many of those children met Li Yan five years ago.

After dealing with each other, I looked towards Li Yan eagerly.

Since you're meeting a junior, you can't be empty-handed, right?

Li Yan looked towards Xu Xiuyuan, but found that Lao Dao was also taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Fortunately, after the last experience, Li Yan bought a lot of bauble in the market before going to Qingyang Temple this time.

Xu Xiuyuan gave Xu Xiuyuan an angry look, and distributed the greetings to the children, which relieved the embarrassment.

After the defense is over, and you can fish for a while, the first update will be presented, and the second update will be around two o'clock.

(end of this chapter)

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