Start with Ageless Youthful Art Chapter 103


Chapter 103 Douzhu

Xunfeng Guan is used to test aptitude, called Douzhu.

A thread of aura of five genera and five insects is intercepted.

As long as people who are in the genus of ginseng touch the beads, and their breaths collude with each other, there will be immediate results.

This thing is not very precious, but it requires several special restrictions when refining, and the success rate is quite low, so only sect is willing to do this thankless thing.

However, you get what you get for every penny. The aptitude measured by the bead is undoubtedly much more accurate than that of Taoist disciples using their own true energy. This is what Xiu Yuan hopes Li Yan to try again. reason.

Chen tried his best to be a son, and pity the hearts of parents all over the world.

It's nothing more than worrying about a child's aptitude for a while.

After having a friendly conversation with Taoist Qingyuan again, Li Yan took out an item from the storage bag, which was the questioning bead.

Chicken-sized stone beads give a grey, unremarkable look and feel throughout.

If it wasn't for Li Yan's seriousness, no one would have believed that the owned Daozhu had grown into such a shabby appearance.

"Jun'er, Yun'er, hurry up and let Shishu test your aptitude."

Xu Xiuyuan moved towards a group of children and waved, the two looked at The child, who was only six or seven years old, grinned with a leaky mouth, and threw full of smiles into the father's arms.

"Three sons Lingjun, five daughters Lingyun, I'm annoying Fellow Daoist!"

After rubbing the heads of the two young sons, Xu Xiuyuan gently pushed the woman toward him. Li Yan.

Monks rarely have the prejudice of male superiority.

In their eyes, innate talent without cultivation, what difference is there between male and female, after all, they are just ordinary people.

"It's okay."

Li Yan chuckled lightly, leaned down and handed the question beads to them.

"Who will test your aptitude first?"

The siblings looked at each other, but the taller looking boy stood up.

"I'm the elder brother, I'll come first."

After saying that, Xu Lingjun put his hand on the question bead.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Everyone held their breaths, daring not to make any movement, for fear of disturbing the test.

Finally, a warm white light rose from the surface of the stone bead, and the original gloomy and dull stubborn stone actually had a slightly warm jade texture.

As if he had taken a reassurance pill, Xu Xiuyuan's heart that he mentioned, immediately let go half of it.

"Gong joyfully said brother, Ling Lang really is a qualified person."

Taking the Daozhu from Xu Lingjun's hand, Li Yan reported to Xu Xiuyuan joyfully said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, easy to say, easy to say, Yuner, you can try it too soon."

Although his heart is vague, the smile on Xu Xiuyuan's face is hidden. not live.

I hugged my son hard, and urged Xu Lingyun, who was beside me.

The girl's soft and tender hands rested on the stone beads. This time the stone beads took a few breaths longer to light up than before, and the fluorescence emitted was much weaker than that of Xu Lingjun.

Anyway, he is also qualified. Li Yan clearly saw that a beautiful woman standing in the crowd sighed with relief, and couldn't help but smile on her face.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Xu Xiuyuan is not to mention how happy he is.

The sons of monks, though more likely than mortals to have aptitudes, are nothing but the experience of the cultivation world.

Xu Xiuyuan has lived for most of his life, but he has not rarely seen a cultivation Aristocratic Family that ended up being lonely due to the lack of qualified children.

Not to mention, among the people who came to the door with the ascended immortal jade talisman these days, only two were brought by monks, and some of them were not even aware of the fact that there were monks in the family. , came to the door with jade talisman to try one's luck.

Two of his nine children have qualifications, which is not a surprise to Xu Xiuyuan.

"Since everyone is here, why don't you let the other Young Masters test their qualifications one after another."

A sheep is also rushing, A flock of sheep is also chasing.

It's not bad either horizontally or vertically. Li Yan simply tried to be a good person to the end, and tested his aptitude for the other descendants of Taoist Qingyuan.

It's just that the result is the same as before.

Except for the first two, no one else can make the question bead light up.

Xu Xiuyuan also expected this result.

After holding the child's hand, Xu Xiuyuan asked the concubines to bring the child back.

"Let the Fellow Daoist see a joke."

After sending off all the family members, the Taoist Qingyuan blushed and bowed to Li Yan.

Xu Lingjun's biological mother is okay, she has a son and a daughter, and normally seems to be favored by the old man.

I heard that my son has an innate talent. Although he is a little delighted, he does not lose self-control.

Only Xu Lingyun's biological mother gave birth to only this one daughter. In the past, she was not less frigid irony and scorching satire from other sisters. Now she suddenly knows that Xu Lingyun is a qualified person, and she is proud and happy.

There are a lot of guns and sticks inside and out. If it wasn't for the presence of Xu Xiuyuan, The head of the family, several beautiful women would have to tear it apart.

"Haha, by comparison, that jade talisman is the one who should worry more about the daoist brother!"

Li Yan doesn't want to talk too much about the other party's family affairs, just A faint reminder of another, more important matter.

"It's natural, and the old man didn't hide it from Fellow Daoist."

Xu Xiuyuan glanced all around, and when he saw that there was no one around, he said with confidence.

“The father and son of the Bai Family, and the old man secretly tested their aptitudes. The father and son are all physical bodies and mortal flesh, so there is no possibility of cultivation.”

"Besides, the Bai Family's family has been in trouble for more than ten years, and the old man has contracted a gambling disease. He owed a lot of foreign debts for a few years. The old man paid off the gambling debt for him. There are thousands of taels of silver, and they can't help but be moved."

Xu Xiuyuan was obviously feeling the details of the guests, and looked quite confident.

"Then I wish the Daoist brother's wishes come true."

Since the other party is already prepared, Li Yan doesn't need to remind him any more.

"Let's not mention this, the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly is held every five years. Such good things don't happen every year, old man and take Fellow Daoist to a good place."

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiuyuan changed the topic, but it was mysterious and secretive who said to Li Yanyi with a smile.

"Oh, Brother Daoist, this caught my attention."

Li Yan was also very interested.

"Fellow Daoist knows how many loose cultivators there are in this world. Normally, there is a lack of cultivation resources, and there are no markets in Yong Kingdom. The only thing that can make them gather is the Great Immortal Ascension every five years. Assembly."

Seeing Li Yan puzzled, Xu Xiuyuan suddenly thought of being a teacher.

"Every time before and after the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly, many cultivators will gather in one place to communicate with each other. Over time, an unwritten rule has been born, which is responsible for co-organizing the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly. As a disciple, he is also qualified to run another temporary market in the city.”

“This year’s Great Immortal Ascension Assembly will be held in Qingyangguan, and the market will naturally be run by the old man, Fellow Daoist can If you want to see the excitement, you must know that loose cultivator has a lot of good things in his hands!"

After saying that, Xu Xiuyuan warmly invited Li Yan.

"The next thing is that the reference is no substitute for obedience."

Li Yan accepts this kind of hospitality happily, and has been in cultivation for several years. Never seen loose cultivator yet.

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(end of this chapter)

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