Start with Ageless Youthful Art Chapter 104


Chapter 104 Painting

Li Yan originally thought that the place where the other party took him should be the kind of remote place with seven crutches The alley of Hachiko.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Qingyuan just asked him to change his clothes without saying where he was going, so he wandered around the city of Shuofang.

Seeing that he intends to sell off, Li Yan is not annoyed, and enjoys this rare half-day leisure.

As the head of a government, this place is not as grand and magnificent as the Yanjing where he lived in the previous life, but it is sheltered by the Qingyang Temple, and it can be considered a prosperous place for humanity.

Because it was a good year and just after the autumn harvest season, every household had paid taxes and still had two spare cash on hand.

I can't resist the trouble of my own children, but I also deliberately go to the street to pull two pieces of cloth to soak in the auspiciousness of this good year. Many people come from the countryside to buy in the city, which makes this Prefecture City is more lively than before.

The sun sets in the west at the right time, the thick hemp is full of flowers, and the ladies are Piantian.

The city is densely populated, and the accumulated anger turns into billowing fine smoke, which shows the atmosphere of the prosperous period of the dynasty.

His honey, my arsenic.

In such an environment, Li Yan only felt that his breath was full of turbid air. In such an environment for a long time, although the realm would not fall, it would be difficult for him to make further progress. The reason why a cultivator does not want to live long in the world.

Halfway through the Jing'an River, the sky is dim and has not disappeared, but here is the beginning of the lanterns, the lanterns are decorated, and the boats are parading, playing the flute and playing the piano, the voice of many enchanting females is endless. .

There is a light breeze on the river bank, but how can it beat the red-hot coals in the boat? Occasionally, a young woman sticks out the head of a stinger from the half-closed window rail, lightly dressed in tulle, but I don't feel it. chill.

Wrapped around one hundred thousand kangaroos, rode down to Yangzhou on a crane.

Although this is not Yangzhou, the enthusiasm of the saucy people is not inferior.

In just a short while, he has seen more than a group of literati and scholars traveling together in small groups.

It's true that the world is getting worse, and people's hearts are not ancient!

Occasionally, there are still a few places where there is movement. It is estimated that it must be a drunk guest's battle for love, which is normal in this kind of place.

"Brother Dao, the square market you're talking about isn't in this kind of place, right?"

Qingyuan Taoist nodded proudly.

He is hidden in the city, who would have thought that the monk's square market would be placed by him on a blinded painting boat by the Jing'an River.

With Xu Xiuyuan's affirmation, Li Yan also noticed something unusual at this time.

Subconsciously running Zhen Qi, a touch of azure surfaced in the eyes.

In the middle of the originally calm and empty river, a boat with a shallow draft gradually emerged.

Seeing the azure light in Li Yan's eyes, Daoist Qingyuan knew that the other party had already seen through his own deception.

I immediately took out two masks from my arms and handed one of them to Li Yan.

"Fellow Daoist placed Fangshi in the middle of the river, so he wouldn't be afraid that a flower boat with short eyes would collide with him and reveal his traces?"

Li Yan took the mask and said: He didn't put it on immediately, but took the opportunity to raise his doubts.

"This is easy to say. The old man just needs to keep Disciple by the side of the boat, and once someone approaches, he will cast a spell to make the boatman's unnoticeable influence change direction."

Li Yan immediately understood.

"Shen Xuan Fellow Daoist, fish and dragons mixed in together on the painting boat, please wear a mask, so as not to be stared at by caring people, it will cause trouble for nothing."

See Li While Yan was still playing with the mask in his hand, Xu Xiuyuan couldn't help but reminded kindly.

Li Yan naturally accepted the old-fashioned advice of Lao Dao, and immediately put the mask on his face.

Then the two of them looked at each other and flew towards the middle of the river.

As the two approached, Xu Xiuyuan raised his hand and played a talisman. The thick fog in front of the two suddenly rolled up, and then it seemed like a curtain was drawn, and a magnificent painting boat appeared in front of the young man.

In front of the gate of the palace pavilion built with carved railings and jade, there are some people in fancy clothes coming in and out.

"Fellow Daoist, please!"

Xu Xiuyuan smiled and made a please gesture to Li Yan, and when he saw the other party landed on the boat, he lowered to stand on Li Yan. beside .

There are servant girls on the painting boat from time to time holding trays back and forth. When they see Xu Xiuyuan and the two wearing masks, they startled each other and leaned over to give them a blessing.

"Fellow Daoist know why this is?"

Xu Xiuyuan pointed to the mask on his face and asked Li Yan with a smile.

Li Yan raised his eyes and looked towards the surrounding cultivators, only to see that the masks on their faces were made of bronze and others were made of silver.

He vaguely remembered that the mask that the other party handed him was woven with soft gold threads.

"Could it be that this mask also has a distinction between superiors and inferiors?"

Li Yan had a vague guess in his heart.

"Of course."

Xu Xiuyuan smiled proudly.

"At this Jing'an small meeting, the old man sent a total of thirty-six letters of invitation. In addition to you and me, there were two Fellow Daoists wearing gilt masks, and the other thirty-two were all gilded masks. It is made of silver."

"If it is a loose cultivator that can grope on the boat by itself, unless the generation of the cultivation base profound, you can only get a copper mask of the lowest level."

"The loose cultivator with the bronze mask can only stay on the lowest floor, and there are two more floors above, but only the silver mask can enter. With this mask alone, Fellow Daoist can't play anywhere on the boat."

Pushing open the boat door of the pavilion in the middle, as Xu Xiuyuan said, most of them are loose cultivators wearing copper masks.

Li Yan used Qi Observation Technique to inquire secretly, most of them are just a little cultivation base, and the highest is just a loose cultivator with a 3rd-layer refining Qi.

The cultivator who used to be aloof and remote is now like a shrewd peddler, setting up a small stall along the all around the pavilion.

In front of these booths, from time to time, one or two cultivators will squeeze in front of them, take a look or two, or ask a few questions in a low voice, just watching their behavior, most of them fail to reach a consensus.

With Xu Xiuyuan coming out of the Great Accomplishment's cultivation base, suppressing these people is as easy as the palm of your hand!

"Then I'll thank the daoist brother for his kindness first!"

Li Yan made a bow, and he was also the first in this kind of market where loose cultivators barter. Looking back, I was rather curious.

Xu Xiu saw that the other party seemed to want to hang out on the ground floor, so he took the invitation to go upstairs and took it back. He simply patiently accompany him on the first floor.

"If you have something to do with Daoist brother, you might as well go upstairs first and come up later."

Li Yan knew that from the perspective of the other party, he probably did not despise this low-level thing. It's all for your own sake to stay.

"Fellow Daoist, what is this saying, how can the host leave the guest and go to his own business alone."

"Besides, how long does it take for an old man to be in such a scene? I haven't seen it yet, maybe I can pick up some dusty treasures!"

Seeing Xu Xiuyuan's insistence, Li Yan simply stopped persuading them. up.

The second update is completed, the third update should be in the early morning, and the lights will not be turned off tonight! Ask for subscription, ask for monthly ticket~

(end of this chapter)

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