Start with Ageless Youthful Art Chapter 105


Chapter 105 Swagger

The sky is getting dark, but the boat is still brightly lit.

Bronze lamps hang from the beams and columns, and the fist-sized fluorite emits soft rays of light, reflecting the interior of the ship as bright as day.

As soon as the two entered the boat, everyone quickly noticed the difference.

If nothing else, the two eye-catching gilt masks alone are enough to stand out from the crowd of loose cultivators.

Xu Xiuyuan, as the host of the Jing'an small meeting, just ask a little to know.

There is no difference between wearing it and not wearing it.

However, this person is backed by Xunfeng View, and there are several masters in the door alone. Besides, this person also has a clan brother of the 9th layer of Qi Refinement, who would not want to stroke his tiger beard. .

It's just that Li Yan, who looks like a wealthy Young Master, makes everyone murmur.

But since they are covering their faces, it means that everyone does not want to reveal their identities.

Therefore, although they were quite curious, no one took the initiative to inquire about Li Yan's identity.

It was also the first time that Li Yan saw so many loose cultivators. He didn't leave immediately, but stayed in the vicinity and observed these to-and-fro monks.

Just this look made the young man frowned.

Some of them were wrapped up and down, but their big belly held up their clothes high, as if they were carrying their bodies, and their bodies were a little bloated.

Some of them had extremely tattered clothes, and the exposed skin was even more rigid and purple, and occasionally two corpse spots could be seen.

There are also knots in the muscles, and the naked arms are covered with witchcraft. They seem to be strong, but they are actually strong in appearance but weak in reality. Without knowing it.

Where is this loose cultivator, it's a room full of demons and ghosts!

Li Yan closed his eyes, pretending to be tired and rubbed the temple, and when he opened it again, a touch of azure came to his eyes.

After observing for a while, Li Yan's expression suddenly changed.

He found that most of the monks who set up stalls or wandered about in the boat building were not yet reaching their thirties, and few older loose cultivators could be seen.

As for an old man like Xu Xiuyuan who is over fifty years old, there is not even a single one.

Li Yan looked thoughtful, but didn't say much, just stepped forward and walked towards the nearest booth.

And the stall owner got a little excited when he saw Li Yan.

The gilded mask is young, especially dressed in the clothes of a wealthy Young Master, so it is almost impossible to write more stupid money on the face.

If it weren't for the concern of the Qingyang watcher behind him, the stall owner would have to slaughter this fat sheep.

"What does this Fellow Daoist want to buy? This Qingfeng sword talisman is from the Sunda view, as long as you input mana into it, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, and it will only be sold to you. Fifty talismans, if you miss this village, you won't have this shop!"

The stall owner picked up a sword talisman from the stall in front of him, entered Zhenqi, and there was a faint azure light circulating.

Put down the sword talisman, took out another small jade bottle, skillfully poured out a medicine pill of dragon eye size, and held it in the palm of your hand.

"There is also this bottle of Wugu Dan, you can eat one grain for seven days, and it has a miraculous effect on refining Qi and inedia. I see that Fellow Daoist is quite eye-catching, so I will only charge you five talismans. ."

"If Fellow Daoist doesn't have enough money on him, it's not impossible to exchange things for things..."

Before the stall owner's words were finished, he saw Dai The young man in the gilded mask made a heartbeat, reached out and picked up the Azure Edge Sword from the booth, flicks with the finger, and suddenly a buzzing sound came from the sword.

"Your Excellency said that this sword came from the Xunfeng View, what proof can you have?"

Seeing the young man in front of him moved, the stall owner couldn't help but be overjoyed, so he would chase after the victory. .

"Frankly, the ancestors of the subordinates are the masters of the Sunda View, but unfortunately, since the Old Ancestor died during meditation, the family has fallen into disrepair. Selling ancestral relics..."

Just before he could finish speaking, Li Yan interrupted his nonsense with a faint smile.

"It's a good sword, but Fellow Daoist engraved an azure light spell, and dared to sell it as a sword talisman of Sunda View, but think it's easy to cheat?"

Li Yan smiled and held up a sword flower, and put the sword back on the booth.

It's okay to fool others with tricks like this.

Qingyuan Taoist is also coldly snorted.

“In front of the old man, pretending to be the Disciple of Xunfengguan, Your Excellency is really bold, Jing’an Xiaohui does not welcome such a swashbuckling scum!”

said After waving his sleeves, a gust of wind blew through, and immediately he and the people brought the things from the booth and rolled out of the painting boat.

The stall owners all around were indifferent when they saw this, and even some who were taking pleasure in other people's misfortune couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The loose cultivator is also a no-brainer. He didn't do his homework before coming here. Who knows that the Taoist Qingyuan who runs Fangshi this time was a master student of Sunda Style.

In front of this person, wearing the name of Xunfengguan, swindling and cheating, it is really an old birthday star who eats arsenic - tired of living!

This little episode did not affect the business of this layer of market.

Li Yan passed by a few more, maybe he was a warning, but he didn't encounter any black-hearted vendors selling dog meat, but what good things can a group of loose cultivators come up with? .

After walking around for a long time, Li Yan still found nothing.

However, he found that most loose cultivators support trading with talisman money in addition to bartering.

This is a new vocabulary for Li Yan, who rarely goes down the mountain.

"Fellow Daoist wants to ask what is the talisman money?"

After hearing the news from Li Yan, Taoist Qingyuan was stunned for a moment, and thought that this Fellow Daoist normally seems to be cultivating in the mountains. Immediately understood.

"The talisman money is originally something made by the loose cultivator. It is collected from orchids and refined with real qi, and then it becomes a talisman money."

"Absorb it. It can also speed up cultivation, so it has always been sought after by loose cultivators, and gradually it has become a currency in general circulation among loose cultivators."

Xu Xiuyuan took out a talisman from his sleeve and handed it over to the loose cultivator. into Li Yan's hands.

Li Yan took the talisman money, and as the other party said, he felt an obscure and mottled real qi.

Is it really suitable for cultivation?

Li Yan remembered those grotesque loose cultivators, and faintly had the answer in his heart.

"Loose cultivators don't have the guidance of famous teachers, how do they know that relying on other people's true qi cultivation will only pollute their own true qi, completely cut off their future, and greatly speed up the process of their own Taoism. "

"This is also the reason why there has never been a talisman in the sect."

"Cultivation, it's better to take one step at a time and be down-to-earth!"

Xu Xiuyuan looked towards the loose cultivator of to-and-fro in the market, lowered his voice and sighed to Li Yan.

Although I have also lost my way, as long as I don't break the taboo, I still have a lifespan of nearly two Jiazi.

These loose cultivators are not so lucky.

Why is there not even a loose cultivator who has lived more than a year at the Jing'an small meeting today?

In addition to cultivating alone, without knowing it, the taboo was broken by wine, sex, wealth, and greed, but also because of greed for merit and cultivation with the help of talisman money, but being accelerated by the mottled real qi Daoization.

Cultivation, how difficult it is!

Facts have proved that staying up late is not advisable. Not only did I feel sleepy last night, but I also slept until this afternoon, and there will be another update around twelve o'clock later, so stay tuned!

(end of this chapter)

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