Start with an Archangel

Chapter 993 Da Liang shows off his power

The boss that Da Liang defeated.

Everyone was stunned on the spot.

Is this a knockout effect? It's not like that...all the equipment has exploded! But... just hacking a boss to death, isn't it too disrespectful of our feelings?

Yi Jian Guanghan was also stunned.

This is too awesome...

The brief silence was soon broken by the piercing siren. Reinforcements from the City of Sighs had entered the Soul-Eating Tomb and sounded the alarm after discovering that the tomb had been invaded.

Then, all the guards in the tomb left their wandering areas and rushed towards the intruder's position. The reinforcements from the City of Sighs also quickly entered the tomb and followed the traces of the battle to pursue the dungeon strategy team.

Daliang ignored the stunned crowd and looked at the tomb where he was now.

A room of about 80 square meters had three passages and three forked roads. One was the road they came from, and the other two led to two unknown tombs.

Longwei impact!

Da Liang roared down the undead monsters rushing towards him in a passage, and then enslaved three zombie monsters. Then he said to Yi Jian Guanghan: "The environment of the underground tomb is narrow. No matter how many monsters there are, there are only so many monsters that can attack us. As long as we can kill the boss that rushes over in time, ordinary mobs will not pose much of a threat to us.

I think we can still fight our way in.

The two of us stand in the front, I attack and you defend, while the others deal with the monsters behind. If you encounter a boss you can't deal with, call me at any time..."

After Yijian Guanghan saw Daliang's true strength, he quickly recovered from his surprise and sighed: "A character who is worthy of being passed down alone is in line with the strength of a benchmark player in the Chinese gaming area! Brothers... In order to take us through this dungeon, Mr. Liang took out everything from the bottom of the box.

Today we will also sacrifice our lives to accompany the gentleman and follow Mr. Liang to see what kind of person the leader of the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs is.


Attack forward. "

Yi Jian Guang Han mainly defends, so there is no need for mounts to increase mobility. He asked the armored war bear to go to the back of the team to help defend against the enemies behind him, while he put on a tower shield and then used the skill "Strong Wall".

The tower shield spread out a translucent defensive wall, and Sword Guanghan took a step to withstand the monster rushing out of the passage.

After Da Liang applied multiple layers of defense to Yi Jian Guanghan, he rushed past the edge of the defensive wall.

Longwei impact!


Bloodline inspired!

Then, slow down the magic, bursting flames, and continuous fireballs.

After a round of magic was released, apart from the remaining boss units, only Da Liang and a few enslaved undead remained in the entire passage.

After Yijian Guanghan saw Daliang's efficient clearing, he immediately rushed into the passage with his teammates, and the group of undead monsters behind them had already rushed over.

After all the team members rushed into the passage, Daliang had already taken the enslaved undead monsters to kill all the bosses blocking the way.

"Go, go, go forward. Let the enslaved monsters block the back. Everyone should keep moving at a fast pace. If a boss-level undead hero appears, please notify me immediately..."

After that, Da Liang summoned the light shield, turned around and knocked away an undead monster that flew up, cut it in half with a sword, and then sprayed a fire dragon forward...

Yi Jian Guanghan led his teammates forward past the enslaved monsters, setting up many magic traps along the way to slow down the pursuers.

Daliang was invincible from the front. Although the other team members looked a little weak in comparison, they were actually not a drag. With Daliang and Yijian Guanghan rushing forward to clear the way, the other eight team members can deal with the pursuers behind with all their strength.

The wall of fire burned throughout the entire passage, and the mines planted continued to explode.

Quicksand trap, thorn jungle...

Angry slashes, rain of arrows and assembled magic instruments beat down the undead pursuers and laid out corpses all the way.

As long as they can keep moving forward without being blocked, the entire team will not be in much danger. Even if there are multiple bosses behind him and there is a sword of light to withstand the attack from the front, Da Liang who comes back to help can quickly solve these troubles.

Daliang's speed of clearing monsters was really too fast. There were a tomb full of undead monsters, but after he roared a few times, there were only a few bosses and enslaved monsters left standing. The area was cleared so quickly that Yi Jian Guanghan, who was accustomed to killing step by step, was caught off guard.

too strong! Yijian Guanghan noticed that when Daliang took out the sword, his whole person seemed to have changed.

The overall combat effectiveness has at least doubled, and ordinary bosses would not be able to survive for a few seconds before being killed in front of him. There are also those magics with dragon-shaped light and shadow effects, which are simply overbearing and unreasonable when dealing with mobs. Once charged by the dragon shadow, one will be killed instantly; with another charge, one can control several; with another charge, one will be furious!

Yijian Guanghan thought he was at the top of the game with his own strength, but when he compared it with Daliang, he realized how different he was from the real top players.

People no longer need to waste time on mobs.

If you can meet such a big boss this time, you must seize the opportunity and learn from it...

The team just like this, withstood the pursuers behind them, slowly clearing out the tombs one by one. When the monsters encountered increased their combat power to another level, Daliang immediately reminded: "The monsters on the third floor of the tomb are coming up, everyone, be careful! Maybe we may encounter Will without going to the next floor. "

After Daliang finished reminding the team members, he turned around and looked forward, then cursed himself for being a crow's mouth.

After clearing a passage and arriving at a tomb, Da Liang saw Will standing inside the tomb with ten Holy See knights. There was not a single undead monster here. Moreover, when the team members followed Da Liang into the tomb, the undead monsters that were chasing them also stopped outside the tomb and did not dare to enter.

Yi Jian Guanghan walked up to Da Liang and asked in a low voice: "Which of these bosses is Will?"

Daliang asked back: "Do you think I know Will?"

Yijian Guanghan replied: "You were the one leading the way on the second floor. When we encountered a fork in the road, you made a very decisive choice. You led us to the next tomb without any hesitation. You must know that many tombs here are dead ends. , but the path you choose is smooth all the way...

If I guessed correctly, the second and third passages are nearby. "

In the pursuit and interception, the team must keep moving forward if they want to survive. Once trapped in a dead end, no matter how good Daliang is, he will be exhausted. Therefore, the path that Da Liang led the team took was the correct route to the Soul-Eating Tomb.

Yijian Guanghan's guess was not bad. Two tombs forward were the entrances to Erxiasan. This was why Will was able to block them here.

Da Liang did not deny it. Before the dungeon plot was triggered to trigger Will's attack, he pointed at the Holy See knights in the middle of the tomb and said: "This is Will, the leader of the Unsullied Holy See Knights in the City of Sighs, a 15th-level terrifying knight mutation." Hero, note: he can fly. Next to Will is Goethe, the deputy leader of the Knights of the Unsullied Holy See in the City of Sighs, a 15th-level terror knight mutant hero, second only to Will in strength. After Will was captured, he took over Will commands the Knights of the Unsullied Curia of the City of Sighs, and he can also fly.

That one is called Epton..."

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