Start with an Archangel

Chapter 994 Battle against Will

Among the players, probably no one is as familiar with the Knights of the Unsullied Holy See in the City of Sighs as much as Daliang. Daliang also knows the characteristics of Will and the heroes around Will very well.

He introduced the specialties of each hero to Yi Jian Guanghan and the precautions for dealing with them...

The more he spoke, the more Yi Jian Guanghan was frightened.

These are all high-level officials of the Wugou Holy See in Sighing City. How did Daliang become so familiar with them?

Knowing how to get to the Soul-Eating Tomb, it can be explained that Da Liang has been here before. After all, this is definitely an adventure map located somewhere in the eternal night. Da Liang knows that... he may have accidentally discovered this place and conducted an expedition, which does not mean that he has met Will here.

But now that Da Liang is so familiar with Will and these heroes, it means... that he really participated in the Wizards Guild's arrest of Will.

Looking at the bosses who are all level 15 and similar to level 15, what kind of lineup is the wizard who captures Will? If Da Liang can participate, what role does he play in the Wizards Guild?

His identity is definitely not as simple as Duke Shangjiang...

Well... Duke Shangjiang is not simple enough.

After Daliang finished introducing the heroes to be dealt with, he said: "The opponent has eleven bosses. Although they are all level 15 heroes, after the dungeon is weakened, they are estimated to be level 14. As long as you are careful, you should be able to defeat them. There are ten of us. Just leave Will and Goethe to me, and divide the other bosses between you..."

With the fighting power that Da Liang had just shown, the team members had no objections to beating Will and Goethe.

Yi Jian Guanghan quickly assigned the other nine bosses according to the strengths of his teammates.

Then comes the magic blessing. After everyone is ready, Yi Jian Guanghan, as the initiator of the dungeon, takes a step forward, and the dungeon plot is triggered...

As the dungeon boss, Will had no reaction to Da Liang's presence. After the plot passed, Will pulled out the "Prophet Sword", spread out his rotten wings, and rushed towards the sword Guanghan.

At this time, Da Liang unfolded his fallen angel wings, took the Angel Alliance and hit Will over Guanghan's head with a sword, and then used the power of the rebound to give Goethe a holy blow...

A melee broke out instantly in the narrow tomb room, and the brilliance of skills and magic made the dark space colorful.

Da Liang single-handedly entangled Will and Goethe. Although the two level 15 heroes were weakened in terms of attributes, their combat skills were retained. As heroes who have experienced several plane wars, Will and Goethe are both much better at grasping fighter opportunities. However, Daliang, who holds the League of Angels, has attributes similar to those of a level 15 finished hero. Advanced earth magic and advanced fire magic make him stronger than Will and Goethe in the dungeon in terms of absolute power.

After suffering several small losses in skills, Daliang no longer competed with Weil and Goethe on the use of skills. Instead, he relied on his powerful attributes to "defeat ten skills with one force", and then used the small space to directly use his strength. Crush on top.

This time Daliang truly transformed into a warrior. After releasing multiple layers of defensive magic for himself, he put on a set of magic armor for himself.

Then unleash "Absolute Power" and "Attack Acceleration" on yourself to temporarily increase strength and agility.

Da Liang holds the light shield and the Angel Alliance, uses the combat skills of angels, controls the wings of fallen angels, resists Will's attack, and catches Goethe and beats him up.

Then the divine blow, the divine collision pushed Goethe into a corner.

Although Will continued to use combat skills behind him, Daliang used his light shield to suppress Goethe while adding blood to himself, and then unleashed various magic and combat skills on Goethe. In the competition of strength, Daliang, a priest, actually defeated a mutant terrifying knight hero, and Goethe was so suppressed that he was unable to break out.

Even though it was a weakened mutated terror knight, the teammates on the sidelines were stunned.

Can the spellcasting profession be played like this?

But that’s how Daliang plays...

The Fire Shield reflected Will's damage, and the Ice Armor offset some of the damage before freezing his movements. After the attack was hit by all kinds of resistance and weakness on Da Liang, it was within the range of the healing spell. Even with Goethe's counterattack, Da Liang's blood volume has remained at a stable fluctuation with the occasional treatment from his teammates.

Although Daliang's current water magic is still at an intermediate level, his high intelligence still makes his healing effect very powerful.

In this way, Da Liang restricted Goethe's scope of activities and exchanged blood for blood. The lich was restrained by other personnel and had little chance to treat Goethe. Will's fierce attack could not rescue Goethe, and he watched Goethe being hacked to death in the corner by Da Liang.


As the second boss of the dungeon, Goethe's death triggered a big explosion.

Da Liang didn't pay attention to what was exploding on the ground, and turned around to entangle Will.

The narrow space is suitable for Da Liang's rogue-like style of play. It does not require too many skills, it only requires constantly compressing the opponent's range of activities. If it were in an open area, he might not be able to defeat the weakened Goethe, but in the tomb of the copy, Will was also pushed into the corner by him.

After exerting "absolute power" on himself, Da Liang used his light shield to hold Will back. Then he used the Angel Alliance to stab Will randomly, during which time various magic bombarded Will.

A big hole was made in the wall behind Will, and then it gradually became deeper. Will was pressed in, making it even more impossible to escape.

When Daliang attacked Will, Will also used various combat skills to fight back against Daliang, with sword shadows shooting out...

It's really an attribute competition with no excitement at all. This kind of top-of-the-line exchange of blood, of course, whoever has higher attributes will take advantage.

And Da Liang is taking advantage of the fact that after the copy of Will was weakened, his attributes are not as good as his own.

The hole behind Will got deeper and deeper, and finally Da Liang followed him in, and the brilliance of skills and magic shone in the hole.

After Da Liang finished dealing with Goethe and took advantage of Will, the battle between Yijian Guanghan and his friends also entered the final stage.

Four dungeon raiders died, but four Holy See knights were also killed.

Five versus five, players and bosses are evenly matched.

As new players die and leave the instance, new bosses are killed, keeping the battle balanced. When Da Liang walked out of the cave after dealing with Will, there was a sword left in the tomb, Guanghan, and another mage player who cooperated with each other to fight the two Holy See knights.

Da Liang looked at the battle situation and did not help, but stood aside. Yijian Guanghan didn't ask Daliang for help. He had to win this battle with his own strength.

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