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""Look inside the microscope yourself." Zhou Yuan said.

Morimoto Guang came over suspiciously.

At the previous magnification, the suture problem was not so big, and it seemed to be done properly.

However, once it was magnified, even if there was only a 0.05mm difference between each stitch, it would look messy.

In the middle of the field of vision, there was a narrow area, which was 0.1mm wider than other places. This was what Zhou Yuan said, the suture gap was too large... Morimoto

Guang was stunned for a moment.

If Zhou Yuan did not remind him, after the replantation of the broken limb, the patient's replanted limb could be restored, but... it would likely cause a series of complications!

This is not conducive to the later recovery of trauma and function.

"This was my negligence, I'm sorry."

Morimoto Hikaru could only remove the thread and sew it up again.

This time, Morimoto Hikaru slowed down his movements and was extremely careful, and finally he didn't make any mistakes.

This was just a cutting severance, which was considered simple in the replantation of a severed limb, and it was not comparable to a compression severance.���The rest of the operation went smoothly.

Morimoto repaired the tendons, anastomosed the nerves, cleaned the cavities, etc. Nine hours later, the operation was finally completed.

"The operation is completed."Morimoto Hikaru said.

Wu Guohui was a little surprised.

The previous limb replantation he and Director Wang had done was relatively simple, and required fewer things to be anastomosed and reconnected, so it only took more than seven hours.

However, Morimoto Hikaru's operation might take him at least nine hours... He is a deputy director, and Morimoto Hikaru is only about thirty years old!

R's leading limb replantation technology in Z country is not in vain. A thirty-year-old surgeon has the strength of a forty-five-year-old doctor here, or even a little more...

Wu Guohui was a little depressed and looked at Zhou Yuan.

Only Zhou Yuan, this handsome guy, can break the rules.……

"Finished?" Zhou Yuan yawned,"It's been too long, hasn't it?"

Morimoto Hikaru and Wu Guohui were both stunned.

"Too long? Can you be faster than me?"Morimoto Hikaru was stunned for a moment.

"I think so. Your other operations are actually OK, but the bone scaffold reconstruction, blood vessel reconstruction, nerve repair, muscle and tendon repair are a bit slow.……"

Morimoto Hikaru's face was dark:"Didn't you read out all the steps of the limb replantation surgery?"

Zhou Yuan:"Sorry, I didn't pay attention."

To be honest, in front of Zhou Yuan's master-level limb replantation, Morimoto Hikaru's many operations were delicate, but not fast enough.


Morimoto Hikaru said with an ugly face:"My father is the dean, and I have also learned limb replantation from Mr. Kanhara Akira... How can I be worse than you? The limb replantation of country Z has always been inferior to that of our country. You can't be faster than me!"

"I want to compete with you!"

Zhou Yuan smiled.

Doesn't he know the rules of martial arts? Whoever tries first is usually a rookie?

Zhou Yuan stared at the rookie Morimoto and said,"The patients have completed the operation, so let's compete? Let's not compete."

"My master, Kanhara Akira, has always had the God's Hand and is a very important figure in the field of limb replantation surgery. His disciple is actually looked down upon by you. We must compete!"

Zhou Yuan's face turned grim:"The God's Hand or the Right Hand?"

Morimoto Hikaru:"Both hands?""

"If you want to compete, go ahead. But there are no patients now. Let’s talk about it when there are patients. Besides… I will only compete in the more difficult compression fracture."

Zhou Yuan also has a job in the emergency department, so ordinary limb replantation can be left to Wu Guohui and Director Wang.

Morimoto Hikaru was stunned:"Compression fracture… Haven’t you only performed three operations? You want to challenge compression fracture?"

Zhou Yuan nodded, took off his surgical gown, and left the operating room.

It was already eleven o’clock in the evening when the operation was completed.

Wu Guohui caught up and stopped Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan’s face was a little dark, staring at Wu Guohui.

He said he would come to support the scene, but he ended up making himself do the operation.……

"Zhou Yuan, a few days ago we received a patient with a missing finger."Wu Guohui talked about what happened that day.

Zhou Yuan was stunned:"Did you tell him my idea?"

Wu Guohui sighed:"I did, but it was the same as we expected."

Zhou Yuan nodded solemnly.

There is no other way. He has already lost his fingers, and he has to amputate his toes to become a guinea pig. If he fails, he will be without fingers and toes.

Few people have the courage to try it.

"Director Wu, next time you encounter this, please notify me and I will persuade you!"

Zhou Yuan thought for a while, then said:"Director, do you have mice here?"

Wu Guohui was stunned:"Are you going to do an experiment?"

Zhou Yuan nodded.

He has verified that this idea is entirely possible to succeed.

Although there are physiological differences between the toes and fingers of the human body, they are essentially the same. As long as the fit is good, the muscles are connected, and the nerves are repaired properly, the chance of survival is very high.

And what Zhou Yuan lacks the least is technology!

The patient didn't believe it, Zhou Yuan could only put out the mice to prove it!

Wu Guohui pondered for a while, and said:"The hospital should have it, don't worry, I will send it to you tomorrow."

After Zhou Yuan thanked him, he left the hand surgery department and returned directly to the dormitory.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yuan came to the emergency department.

"Junior Brother Zhou Yuan, Director He said he wants to see you. The honest resident doctor Liu Kai saw Zhou Yuan and said

"Teacher, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Circumcision? Or hemorrhoids?

Liu Kai said,"I heard from Director He that it seems to be something like mental illness, some research materials, and he said it is very important to you, so you should go to him as soon as possible."

Zhou Yuan's eyes lit up.

It was Lin Mingde!

Zhou Yuan's doctoral thesis was going to be about mental things, so this material was naturally very precious to him!

After thanking him, Zhou Yuan was about to go to He Jianyi, but Liu Kai stopped him again:"Director He is doing surgery and is not in the office."

Zhou Yuan stopped."Then I'll go to the clinic first."

Today is the weekend, and there are many people in the hospital, and the emergency department is also full.

One moment a person fell and broke his pelvis, and the next moment a person came to get a tetanus shot because his finger was scratched by a nail. Zhou Yuan hardly had a break.

Chuchu waited outside the clinic, staring at the busy Zhou Yuan, bored.

Finally, it was almost noon, and Zhou Yuan's patients gradually decreased.

Zhang Ling appeared at this time,"It's not good, Doctor Zhou! It's not good!"

Zhou Yuan was about to take a break, and stood up helplessly:"I'm fine, what's wrong?"

""Zhuizi ran away, the diabetic patient ran away!"

Zhou Yuan frowned.

Jiang Xiaoqi's patient, Zhuizi, ran away?

"Why are you looking for me if you don't want to go to see Director Jiang?"

Although he said so, Zhou Yuan still walked towards Zhuizi's bed.

Zhang Ling would not say that he wanted to say a few more words to Zhou Yuan, and explained:"Zhuizi left an envelope on the bed, which was written to Director Jiang and you!"_

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